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  • 2017 ASEAN Consensus on the Protection and Promotion of the Rights of Migrant Workers
Summary Information
Full Title

2017 ASEAN Consensus on the Protection and Promotion of the Rights of Migrant Workers

Short Title / Abbreviations

ASEAN Consensus on the Rights of Migrant Workers

CIL Subject Classification
Date of Adoption 14/11/2017
Place of Adoption Manila, Philippines, 31st ASEAN Summit
Issued/Adopted by Heads of State/Government of ASEAN
Entry Into Force Status Not Applicable
ASEAN States
Brunei Darussalam Signature 14/11/2017
Cambodia Signature 14/11/2017
Indonesia Signature 14/11/2017
Lao PDR Signature 14/11/2017
Malaysia Signature 14/11/2017
Myanmar Signature 14/11/2017
Philippines Signature 14/11/2017
Singapore Signature 14/11/2017
Thailand Signature 14/11/2017
Vietnam Signature 14/11/2017
Related Instruments
Related Instruments

2023 ASEAN Declaration on the Protection of Migrant Workers and Family Members in Crisis Situations

2022 ASEAN Declaration on Portability of Social Security Benefits for Migrant Workers in ASEAN

2019 Declaration on the Rights of Children in the Context of Migration

2015 ASEAN 2025: Forging Ahead Together 

2008 ASEAN Committee on the Implementation of the ASEAN Declaration on the Protection and Promotion of the Rights of Migrant Workers Work Plan

2007 ASEAN Declaration On The Protection And Promotion Of The Rights Of Migrant Workers

2007 Statement of the Establishment of the ASEAN Committee on the Implementation of the ASEAN Declaration on the Protection and Promotion of the Rights of Migrant Workers

1989 Convention on the Rights of the Child

1979 Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women

1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights

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