15 November 2014
CIL Research Fellow Dr Zhen Sun was invited to speak at a conference organised by the Joint Institute for Maritime Law and History of International Shipping Law School at East China University of Political Science and Law entitled ‘Maritime Non-Traditional Security Challenges in Asia-Pacific: An Interdisciplinary and Transnational Dialogue on Reconstruction of Legal Order’ on 15 November 2014, in Shanghai, China. More than 50 academics and students attended the Conference. Dr Sun delivered a presentation on ‘Mechanism under the 1988 SUA Convention for Combating Maritime Security Threats’, in which she argued that SUA provides States Parties with quasi-universal criminal jurisdiction over specific offences that threaten the safety of navigation. This may be an effective tool to address non-traditional maritime security threats in Southeast Asia if all States ratify and implement SUA. To download her presentation, click here.