5 June 2013
CIL Research Fellow Leonardo Bernard spoke at the 3rd Annual CSIS South China Sea Conference – “Managing Tensions in the South China Sea” on 5-6 June 2013 in Washington DC, USA. The Conference was organized by the CSIS Sumitro Chair for Southeast Asia Studies. Leo joined the last panel on Policy Recommendation to Boost Cooperation in the South China Sea together with Ms Bonnie Glaser, CSIS Freeman Chair in China Studies, and Mr Chirstian Le Miere, Senior Research Fellow from the International Institute for Strategic Studies. Leo presented a paper on “Prospects for Joint Development in the South China Sea” which discussed about how claimant States can set aside the dispute to jointly develop the resources in the South China Sea. To download video and audio recording of the panel, please visit CSIS’ website or go to this link here. To download Leo’s draft conference paper, click here.