7 October 2019: Head of CIL Ocean Law and Policy Programme Robert Beckman Participates in Arctic Frontiers Symposium

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On 7 October 2019 Robert Beckman participated in the Arctic Frontiers symposium organised by Arctic Frontiers in collaboration with the Royal Norwegian Embassy in Singapore, the National University of Singapore and Innovation Norway.

In a panel discussion on Resources of the North, Prof Beckman argued that since the Arctic is an ocean, the right to explore and exploit the natural resources in the Arctic Ocean is governed by the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea.

Photo courtesy of Arctic Frontiers
Left to right: Prof Anne Husebekk, President, UiT The Arctic University of Norway;
Prof Kim Holmén, International Director, Norwegian Polar Institute; 
Assoc Prof Robert Beckman, Head, Ocean Law and Policy Programme, NUS CIL;
Prof Erland Källén, Director, Centre for Climate Research Singapore (CCRS); 
Prof Benjamin P Horton, Chair, Asian School of the Environment, Principal Investigator, Earth Observatory of Singapore;
Ole Øvretveit, Director, Arctic Frontiers