Denise Cheong and Nivedita S participate in the International Conference on International Frameworks for Fusion Technology Development

Head of Energy Law & Policy Denise Cheong and Research Fellow Nivedita S participated virtually in the Fusion for Energy Roundtable’s International Conference on International Frameworks for Fusion Technology Development. The conference, held in Barcelona, Spain, from 25 to 26 June 2024, brought together various stakeholders to address various legal aspects of fusion technology development.

These include the assessment of safety and regulation of fusion technologies; safety considerations for fusion facilities; the applicability of the international security framework, safeguards and export controls to fusion activities; control of risks and lessons learnt from other technologies and sectors (such as fission technologies and the aviation sector); consideration of nuclear liability principles and insurance for fusion facilities; and public-private collaboration and their legal implications.

In light of the key takeaways from the conference, FELEX, the International Group of Legal Experts on Fusion Energy  will update its earlier report (on key issues from previous Fusion for Energy Roundtables) with the goal to arriving at common positions that may serve as recommendations for relevant international bodies.