Joel Ong represented CIL as a Singapore delegate at the 15th Co-operation Forum organized by the Directorate General of Sea Transportation, Ministry of Transportation of the Republic of Indonesia (DGST)
Joel Ong represented CIL as a Singapore delegate at the 15th Co-operation Forum organized by the Directorate General of Sea Transportation, Ministry of Transportation of the Republic of Indonesia (DGST), and held in Bali, Indonesia from 21st – 22 October 2024.
The Cooperation Forum, a key component of the 'Cooperative Mechanism' on Safety of Navigation and Environmental Protection in the Straits of Malacca and Singapore (SOMS), is the main avenue for the littoral States of Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore, user States, the shipping industry and other stakeholders to engage in dialogue and cooperate on issues of common interest in the SOMS.
Topics discussed at the tripartite forum included areas of enhancing safety of navigation, sustainable and green shipping, use of alternative fuels, and protecting the marine environment in the SOMS.