Prof Robert Beckman made a presentation in a panel at an International Conference on Maritime Security in Southeast Asia

On 23 September 2022, Prof Robert Beckman made a presentation in a panel at an International Conference on Maritime Security in Southeast Asia. The online conference was organized by the Ahmad Ibrahim Kulliyyah of Laws of the International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) and the Faculty of Law of Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) of Indonesia and held via zoom. Two of the keynote speakers were Ambassador Arif Havas Oegreseno and ITLOS Judge Kriangsak Kittichaisaree of Thailand. Prof Beckman made a presentation the Panel on Military Activities and 1982 UNCLOS. The title of his presentation was “Naval Operations in the Exclusive Economic Zone under 1982 UNCLOS”. For a copy of his presentation, click here.