Prof Robert Beckman participated in a virtual conference on ocean governance hosted by Nankai University School of Law, Tianjin, China

On 21-22 September 2022 Prof Robert Beckman participated in a virtual conference on ocean governance hosted by Nankai University School of Law, Tianjin, China. The title of the conference was “International Symposium on Ocean Governance, Environmental Rights and Sustainable Development in the Anthropocene”.  Prof Beckman made a presentation on Wed 21 September in Panel 2 on “Non-traditional Maritime Security Cooperation in the Post-Pandemic Era”. The title of his presentation was “Maritime Security Cooperation to Combat Slavery at Sea on Fishing Vessels”. For the Conference Programme, click here. For a summary of his presentation, click here. To view his PowerPoint presentation, click here. CIL Research Associate Dita Liliansa assisted Prof Beckman in the preparation of his presentation.