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  • Prof Robert Beckman presented at the “Ocean Dialogue 8: 40th Anniversary of UNCLOS: Promoting Maritime Cooperation in Southeast Asia” on 29 June 2022

Prof Robert Beckman presented at the “Ocean Dialogue 8: 40th Anniversary of UNCLOS: Promoting Maritime Cooperation in Southeast Asia” on 29 June 2022

On 29 June 2022, Prof Robert Beckman participated remotely in a conference organized by the Diplomatic Academy of Vietnam at the Melia Hotel in Hanoi. The conference “Ocean Dialogue 8: 40th Anniversary of UNCLOS: Promoting Maritime Cooperation in Southeast Asia” was supported the Australian Embassy in Hanoi and the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung Foundation. The keynote speakers at the Conference were Prof Dr Dr Rudiger Wolfrum of Germany, a former judge of ITLOS, and Dr Kriangsak Kittichaisaree of Thailand, a current ITLOS Judge. The four panel sessions were:

                  • UNCLOS and the Southeast Asia Region: under-researched topics
                  • Emission reduction from shipping and net-zero shipping.
                  • Obligations to co-operate between States bordering semi-enclosed seas
                  • Conservation and Sustainable use of marine biological diversity of areas beyond national jurisdiction

Prof Beckman made a presentation in Session 2. The title of his presentation was “Reduction of Emissions from Commercial Shipping: The Global Context and Singapore Initiatives”. For a copy of this PowerPoint Presentation, click here.