Yulu Liu, Cheng Ling Lim and Youna Lyons presented at the 7th International Marine Debris Conference (7IMDC)

Yulu Liu and Cheng Ling Lim and Youna Lyons from CIL Ocean Law and Policy Programme presented at the 7th International Marine Debris Conference (7IMDC), held in Busan South Korea, 18-23 September 2022. 

Cheng Ling Lim presented the ongoing work for a regional research inventory (RRI 2.0) and the online data visualisation platform. It has collected over 700 science and humanities publications on different aspects of pollution from marine plastics in ASEAN + 3 region. Data and analyses are publicly available on an online interactive data visualisation platform the team created. Topics covered on the platform include sources and pathways of marine plastics, pollution hotspots and microplastics, law and policy.

Youna Lyons, Cheng Ling Lim and Yulu Liu also presented two posters at the 7IMDC. The first poster is closely related to Cheng Ling’s presentation on the development and structure of the RRI 2.0, displaying existing findings of marine plastic research in ASEAN+3. The second poster provides an overview of the legal and institutional processes that shape global responses to pollution from marine plastics and the way in which they extend to the regional level. In parallel to global processes mapped, intergovernmental organisations and mechanisms established by regional states in Southeast Asia for the protection of marine environment that include a response to pollution from marine plastic pollution are also illustrated.

Slides and posters can be downloaded here:

[PPT PDF] Introduction to the research landscape of pollution for marine plastics in the seas of East Asia

[Poster] Making sense of published data on pollution from marine plastics in ASEAN+3

[Poster] Legal and policy landscape