CIL International Conference: The South China Sea Award: The Legal Dimension

The Centre for International Law (CIL) organised a Conference on ‘The South China Sea Award: The Legal Dimension’ on 5-6 January 2017 at the Regent Hotel, Singapore. The Conference brought together the world’s leading law of the sea experts to discuss the legal reasoning and findings in the Award on issues such as jurisdiction, historic rights, status and entitlement of features, artificial islands and installations, the protection of the marine environment, procedure and implications of the Award for UNCLOS dispute settlement. The Conference was chaired by Professor S Jayakumar (Chairman, CIL International Advisory Panel), Professor Tommy Koh (Chairman, CIL Governing Board), Professor Lucy Reed (Director, CIL) and Professor Robert Beckman (Head, Oceans Law and Policy Programme, CIL). The Conference was held under the Chatham House Rule. For more information, please click here.

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