CIL’s Presence at Singapore Maritime Week

Signing Ceremony

CIL-MPA group pic

The Centre for International Law (CIL) of the National University of Singapore (NUS) received a three-year research grant from the Singapore Maritime Institute (SMI) supported by the Maritime and Port Authority (MPA) to establish the CIL-MPA Oceans Governance Research Programme. Research activities under the programme will focus on three areas: Arctic shipping governance; transit passage regimes under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS); and marine environmental governance. The award was signed on 21 April 2016 by Mr Heng Chiang Gnee, Executive Director, SMI and Dr Andre Wan, Director for Strategic Initiatives & Partnerships, NUS and witnessed by Ms Tan Beng Tee, Assistant Chief Executive (Development), MPA and Associate Professor Robert Beckman, Director, CIL. Also in attendance were Professor Tommy Koh, Chairman, CIL Governing Board, Professor Chow Yean Khow, Executive Director, Maritime Institute @ NUS and Mr Vincent Lien, Board Member, MPA.

News Articles

Press Release (NUS News, 21 April 2016)
NUS and MPA to conduct joint research in ocean governance (The Business Times Online, 21 April 2016)
Unveiling of new course that helps marine specialists gain promotions (Lianhe Zaobao, 22 April 2016)
Law on the High Seas (NUS News, 26 April 2016)

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CIL’s Capt Roach Receives the First SMI Research Fellowship

CIL Non-resident Fellow Captain J. Ashley Roach was the first recipient of the Singapore Maritime Institute (SMI) Maritime Research Fellowship, a government-funded programme that aims to develop capabilities within Singapore’s Institutes of Higher Learning for maritime research. Under this programme, Capt Roach assisted Singapore in its new role after having been granted permanent observer status in the Arctic Council. He also participated in the development and preparation of two of CIL’s events: CIL-JCLOS International Conference on the Governance of Arctic Shipping: Balancing Rights and Interests of Arctic States and User States’ International Conference and International Workshop on Conservation and Sustainable Use of Marine Biological Diversity of Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction: Preparing for the PrepCom. His appointment was highlighted at the Singapore Maritime Week 2016 organised by Maritime and Port Authority (MPA), which was held from 17 to 22 April 2016.

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