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  • 1987 Supplementary Agreement to Amend the Basic Agreement on ASEAN Industrial Joint Ventures
Summary Information
Full Title

1987 Supplementary Agreement to Amend the Basic Agreement on ASEAN Industrial Joint Ventures

Short Title / Abbreviations

1987 BAAIJV Supplementary Agreement

CIL Subject Classification
Date of Adoption 16/06/1987
Place of Adoption Singapore, 20th ASEAN Ministerial Meeting (AMM)
Issued/Adopted by Foreign Ministers of ASEAN
Dispute settlement provisions

The 1983 Basic Agreement on ASEAN Industrial Joint Ventures was one of the ‘Covered Agreements’ pursuant to Article 1.1 of the 1996 Protocol on Dispute Settlement Mechanism read together with its Appendix 1. Subsequently, it was one of the ‘Covered Agreements’ pursuant to Article 1.1 of the 2004 ASEAN Protocol on Enhanced Dispute Settlement Mechanism read together with its Appendix I.


Not indicated. Presumed to follow the 1983 Basic Agreement on ASEAN Industrial Joint Ventures, where the depository is the Secretary-General of the ASEAN Secretariat.

Entry Into Force Status Superseded

ASEAN Legal Instruments, Analysis by CIL Staff. This instrument may not have entered into force, see additional information.

Date of Termination


Entry into Force / Termination Provisions

Paragraph 2: “That this Supplementary Agreement shall come into force on the date on which it shall receive the approval of the Contracting Parties.”

ASEAN States (Source:

ASEAN Secretariat Table of ASEAN Treaties/Agreements and Ratification

as of 01/10/2012)
Brunei Darussalam Signature 16/06/1987
Indonesia Signature 16/06/1987
Malaysia Signature 16/06/1987
Philippines Signature 16/06/1987
Singapore Signature 16/06/1987
Thailand Signature 16/06/1987
Related Instruments
Protocols / Amendments to this instrument

This Agreement was superseded by the 1987 Revised Basic Agreement on ASEAN Joint Industrial Ventures.

This instrument amends/supersedes

1983 Basic Agreement on ASEAN Industrial Joint Ventures

Related Instruments

1996 Basic Agreement on the ASEAN Industrial Cooperation Scheme

1983 Supplementary Agreement to Amend the Basic Agreement on ASEAN Industrial Joint Ventures


External Links
Additional Information

Ratification information for this instrument is not available. Note that this instrument was superseded by the 1987 Revised Basic Agreement on ASEAN Industrial Joint Ventures signed six months later.