Summary Information
Full Title

1953 Convention on the Political Rights of Women

Short Title / Abbreviations

1953 CPRW

CIL Subject Classification
Citations to Text 193 UNTS 135
Date of Adoption 31/03/1953
Place of Adoption New York, United States of America, 409th plenary meeting of the United Nations General Assembly
Dispute settlement provisions

“Article 9

Any dispute which may arise between any two or more Contracting States concerning the interpretation or application of this Convention, which is not settled by negotiation, shall at the request of any one of the parties to the dispute be referred to the International Court of Justice for decision, unless they agree to another mode of settlement.”


Secretary-General of the United Nations


Entry Into Force Status In Force
Date of Entry into Force


Entry into Force / Termination Provisions

“Article 6

  1.  This Convention shall come into force on the ninetieth day following the date of deposit of the sixth instrument of ratification or accession.
  2. For each State ratifying or acceding to the Convention after the deposit of the sixth instrument of ratification or accession the Convention shall enter into force on the ninetieth day after deposit by such State of its instrument of ratification or accession.”

General Status 123 Parties (as of 15/07/2021)
Links to Current Status/Reservations United Nations Treaty Collection
ASEAN States
Brunei Darussalam
Cambodia Signature 11/11/2001
Indonesia Signature 31/03/1953
Ratification 16/12/1958
Reservation 16/12/1958
Declaration 16/12/1958
Lao PDR Accession 28/01/1969
Myanmar Signature 14/09/1954
Philippines Signature 23/09/1953
Ratification 12/09/1957
Thailand Signature 05/03/1954
Ratification 30/11/1954
Related Instruments
Related Instruments

1979 Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women

External Links
Additional Information

The Convention was opened for signature pursuant to resolution 640 (VII), adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations on 20 December 1952.


The English text runs from pages 7-8 in the external link provided.