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  • 1994 Memorandum of Understanding between the Governments of the Member Countries of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations and the Government of Australia on the ASEAN-Australia Economic Cooperation Program Phase III
Summary Information
Full Title

1994 Memorandum of Understanding between the Governments of the Member Countries of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations and the Government of Australia on the ASEAN-Australia Economic Cooperation Program Phase III

Short Title / Abbreviations


CIL Subject Classification
Date of Adoption 27/07/1994
Place of Adoption Bangkok, Thailand, 27th ASEAN Ministerial Meeting (AMM)
Issued/Adopted by Signed by the Deputy Foreign Minister of Thailand and the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Australia
Dispute settlement provisions

Article IX: General Provisions

“2. The Parties will resolve, in the spirit of cooperation and mutual trust, any and all difficulties which may arise under this MOU. Upon the request of one of the Parties, mutual consultations on matters of interest in relation to the AAECP may be held between the parties.”


Secretary-General of ASEAN

Entry Into Force Status In Force

ASEAN Resource Centre

Date of Entry into Force


Entry into Force / Termination Provisions

Article XI: Entry into Effect

“1. This MOU will enter into effect on signature of both Parties and will be effective until 30 June 1998.

2. Each Party may terminate this MOU at any time by giving to the other Party six-months advance notice in writing through normal diplomatic channels except that any termination or expiration of this MOU will neither affect the financial commitments nor any projects and activities initiated before such termination or expiration.”

Article XII: Extension

“1. This MOU may be extended by an Exchange of Notes between the Parties.”

ASEAN States
Brunei Darussalam
Related Instruments
Related Instruments

2002 Memorandum of Understanding between the Governments of the Member Countries of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations and the Government of Australia on the ASEAN Australia Development Cooperation Program

2009 Memorandum of Understanding between the Governments of the Member Countries of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations and the Government of Australia on the Second Phase of the ASEAN Australia Development Cooperation Program (AADCP II)

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Additional Information

At the time the MOU was adopted, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos and Myanmar were not members of ASEAN.

This instrument was signed by the Deputy Foreign Minister of Thailand on behalf of ASEAN member states.