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  • 2005 ASEAN Agreement on Disaster Management and Emergency Response
Summary Information
Full Title

2005 ASEAN Agreement on Disaster Management and Emergency Response

Short Title / Abbreviations


CIL Subject Classification
Date of Adoption 26/07/2005
Place of Adoption Vientiane, Lao PDR, 38th ASEAN Ministerial Meeting (AMM/Foreign Ministers)
Issued/Adopted by Signed by ASEAN Foreign Ministers
Dispute settlement provisions

Article 31: Settlement of Disputes

“Any dispute between Parties as to the interpretation or application of, or compliance with, this Agreement or any protocol thereto, shall be settled amicably by consultation or negotiation.”


ASEAN Secretariat


Terms of Reference of the ASEAN Co-ordinating Centre for Humanitarian Assistance (AHA Centre)

Entry Into Force Status In Force
Date of Entry into Force


Entry into Force / Termination Provisions

Article 23: Entry into Force

“This Agreement shall enter into force on the sixtieth day after the deposit of the tenth instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession.”

ASEAN States (Source:

ASEAN Legal Instruments

as of 15/12/2023)
Brunei Darussalam Signature 26/07/2005
Ratification 19/08/2009
Cambodia Signature 26/07/2005
Ratification 11/03/2008
Indonesia Signature 26/07/2005
Ratification 16/07/2008
Lao PDR Signature 26/07/2005
Acceptance 06/03/2007
Malaysia Signature 26/07/2005
Ratification 21/07/2006
Myanmar Signature 26/07/2005
Ratification 07/11/2006
Philippines Signature 26/07/2005
Ratification 26/10/2009
Singapore Signature 26/07/2005
Ratification 23/12/2008
Thailand Signature 26/07/2005
Ratification 21/11/2005
Vietnam Signature 26/07/2005
Approval 30/10/2007
Related Instruments
Related Instruments

2010-2015 ASEAN Agreement on Disaster Management and Emergency Response Work Programme

2016-2020 ASEAN Agreement On Disaster Management And Emergency Response Work Programme

2021-2025 ASEAN Agreement on Disaster Management and Emergency Response Work Programme


1967 ASEAN Declaration

1972 Agreement for the Facilitation of Search for Aircrafts in Distress and Rescue of Survivors of Aircraft Accidents

1975 Agreement for the Facilitation of Search for Ships in Distress and Rescue of Survivors of Ship Accidents

1976 Declaration of ASEAN Concord

1976 ASEAN Declaration on Mutual Assistance on Natural Disasters

1979 Agreement on the ASEAN Food Security Reserve

2002 ASEAN Agreement on Transboundary Haze Pollution

2003 Declaration of ASEAN Concord II

2004 Declaration on Action to Strengthen Emergency Relief, Rehabilitation, Reconstruction and Prevention in the Aftermath of the Earthquake and Tsunami Disaster

2011 Agreement on the Establishment of the ASEAN Co-ordinating Centre for Humanitarian Assistance on Disaster Management

2017 ASEAN Leaders’ Declaration on Disaster Health Management

2017 ASEAN Joint Disaster Response Plan


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