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  The ICSID Secretariat offered a one-day primer on practice and procedure in ICSID Convention. The Course presented a unique insight into the work of the ICSID Secretariat and assisted government officials and private sector counsel to better understand and anticipate procedural steps.
Mandarin Orchard Singapore
19 November 2014 (Wednesday)
19 November 2014 (Wednesday)

19 November 2014 | Course

(SIAA 2014 Conference) Arbitrating ICSID Cases

An Introduction to ICSID Process


The ICSID Secretariat offered a one-day primer on practice and procedure in ICSID Convention. ICSID Secretary-General, Ms Meg Kinnear and Team Leader/Legal Counsel, Ms Martina Polasek, took participants through the workings of the ICSID system at each stage of an arbitration proceeding.

The Course presented a unique insight into the work of the ICSID Secretariat and assisted government officials and private sector counsel to better understand and anticipate procedural steps. Course materials were provided to the participants and included the overview presentation, the ICSID Convention and rules, case statistics and other practical information.

 Topics Covered

  • Pre-Arbitration Considerations
  • Request for Arbitration
  • Constitution of the Tribunal
  • Written and Oral Proceedings
  • Evidence
  • Provisional Measures
  • The Award
  • Post Award Remedies
  • Enforcement
  • Third Party Participation and Transparency of Proceedings
  • Cost of an ICSID arbitration


Ms Meg Kinnear

Meg Kinnear is currently the Secretary-General of the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) at the World Bank. She was formerly the Senior General Counsel and Director General of the Trade Law Bureau of Canada, where she was responsible for the conduct of all international investment and trade litigation involving Canada, and participated in the negotiation of bilateral investment agreements. In November 2002, Ms. Kinnear was also named Chair of the Negotiating Group on Dispute Settlement for the Free Trade of the Americas Agreement.

From October 1996 to April 1999, Ms. Kinnear was Executive Assistant to the Deputy Minister of Justice of Canada. Prior to this, Ms. Kinnear was Counsel at the Civil Litigation Section of the Canadian Department of Justice (from June 1984 to October 1996) where she appeared before federal and provincial courts as well as domestic arbitration panels. Ms. Kinnear was called to the Bar of Ontario in 1984 and the Bar of the District of Columbia in 1982. She received a Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) from Queen’s University in 1978; a Bachelor of Laws (LL.B.) from McGill University in 1981; and aMaster of Laws (LL.M.) from the University of Virginia in 1982.

Ms. Kinnear has published numerous articles on international investment law and procedure and is a frequent speaker on these topics. She is a co-author of Investment Disputes under NAFTA (published in 2006 and updated in 2008 & 2009). She also co-authored texts on Canadian legal procedure including Federal Court Practice (1988-1990, 1991-1992, and 1993-2009 annually) and 1995 Crown Liability and Proceedings Act Annotated (1994).

Ms. Martina Polasek
Team Leader/Legal Counsel

Martina Polasek is Team Leader/Legal Counsel at the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID),in charge of one of ICSID’s three case management teams. Ms. Polasek joined ICSID in September 2001 and has served as secretary of tribunals in over 50 arbitrations under the ICSID Convention, the ICSID Additional Facility Rules and the UNCITRAL Rules. She has also served as committee secretary in numerous annulment proceedings. Prior to joining ICSID, she worked as an attorney with the law firms of Jeantet & Associés in Paris and White & Case LLP in Prague, focusing on international arbitration. Ms. Polasek holds degrees from George Washington University Law School (LL.M), University of Paris V Descartes (D.E.S.S.) and University of Gothenburg (Master of Laws).


For more information about the content of the programme, download the Programme in PDF format by clicking here or by clicking on the button below.





6.0 Public CPD Points
Practice Area: Alternative Dispute Resolution
Training Category: General

SILE Attendance Policy

Participants who wish to claim CPD Points are reminded that they must comply strictly with the Attendance Policy set out in the CPD Guidelines. This includes signing-in on arrival signing-out at the conclusion of the activity in the manner required by the organiser, and not being absent from the entire activity for more than 15 minutes. Participants who do not comply with the Attendance Policy will not be able to obtain CPD Points for attending the activity. Please refer to for more information.