CIL-ANCORS Workshop on
Maritime Boundary Delimitation:
The Interplay between Geography and International Law

6 - 8 Dec 2022

From 6 to 8 December 2022 the Centre for International Law (CIL) of the National University of Singapore (NUS) and the Australian National Centre for Ocean Resources and Security (ANCORS) of the University of Wollongong co-organised a Workshop on Maritime Boundary Delimitation.  The workshop was the sixth in a series of workshops co-organized by CIL and ANCORS on maritime boundary delimitation and held in classrooms of the NUS Faculty of Law at the NUS Bukit Timah Campus in Singapore.

The theme of the 2022 Workshop was “Maritime Boundary Delimitation: The Interplay between Geography and International Law”. The trainers at the 2002 Workshop included senior government officials, a seasoned litigator, and academics. The 40 participants included a roughly equal mix of diplomats, lawyers and hydrographers from 11 of the member countries in the Expanded ASEAN Maritime Forum. Many of the participants were sponsored by either the United States Department of State or the Singapore Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The 2022 Workshop was the first in the series in which about a quarter of the participants were hydrographers and the first in which the majority of the participants were female.

This Workshop was the first in-person event hosted by the CIL Oceans team since the Covid-19 pandemic. Both the participants and the trainers were delighted to participate in person as it allowed for interactive lectures and informal discussions during lunch and tea breaks. In addition, participants were divided into teams for “break-out” sessions in which they were required to attempt to negotiate a maritime boundary between two fictional States. As in real life, each negotiating team was comprised of a mix of diplomats, lawyers and hydrographers. The negotiating sessions enabled the participants to appreciate the complexities of maritime boundary delimitation. The in-person workshop with negotiating sessions also enabled participants to establish personal friendships with their counterparts from other countries in the region.


A SILE CPD Accredited Activity

Following the success of its Workshop on Maritime Boundaries in 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, and 2021, the Centre for International Law (CIL) of the National University of Singapore (NUS) and the Australian National Centre for Ocean Resources and Security (ANCORS) of the University of Wollongong are organising the 2022 CIL-ANCORS Workshop on Maritime Boundary Delimitation: The Interplay between Geography and International Law. The 2022 Workshop will be held from 6 December (Tuesday) to 8 December 2022 (Thursday) at the premises of the Faculty of Law at the Bukit Timah Campus of the National University of Singapore. (For the most up-to-date information of COVID-19 Safe Management Measures, please click here for campus advisory and here for Travel requirements to Singapore.)

After two years of virtual workshops due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the 2022 Workshop will mark the return of the physical format. The 2022 Workshop will be organised in conjunction with the Expanded ASEAN Maritime Forum (EAMF) and enjoys the support of the governments of the United States of America and Singapore. A certain number of places will be reserved for participants from EAMF countries, and sponsorships are available from the United States Department of State and the Singapore Ministry of Foreign Affairs for a limited number of government officials from some EAMF countries.


The 2022 Workshop is designed for government officials who are responsible for negotiating complex maritime boundary issues with their neighbours, including legal experts, technical experts and officers from government ministries. The workshop may also be of interest to academics and practitioners with a special interest in maritime boundaries.


The 2022 Workshop will consist of a combination of interactive lectures and supervised practical exercises in which participants will obtain hands-on experience working in teams to negotiate a maritime boundary between two fictitious states.


The faculty of for the 2022 Workshop will include academics from CIL and ANCORS as well government officials from ASEAN Governments and the United States who have years of practical experience in negotiating maritime boundaries. It will also include an international lawyer who has argued maritime boundary cases before the International Court of Justice, the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea, and Arbitral Tribunals.


The 2022 Workshop will be open to a maximum of 50 participants. The workshop fee of USD 1,500 nett | SGD 2,071 nett per participant (USD 1 = SGD 1.38) is inclusive of breaks, lunch, and course materials.


For a copy of the Draft Programme and List of Faculty Members, click 2022 Maritime Boundaries Workshop Programme as of 1 Dec

Clive Schofield, Head of Research of Global Oceans Institute, World Maritime University, seconded from ANCORS, University of Wollongong
H.E. Dato’ Dr. Azfar Mohamad Mustafar, High Commissioner of Malaysia to Singapore
I Made Andi Arsana, Lecturer, University of Gadjah Mada, Indonesia
Lawrence Martin, Partner, Foley Hoag LLP, United States
Leonardo Bernard, Associate Research Fellow, ANCORS, University of Wollongong
Nilüfer Oral, Director, Centre for International Law, National University of Singapore
Robert Beckman, Head of Ocean Law and Policy Programme, Centre for International Law, National University of Singapore
Robert Harris, Assistant Legal Adviser for East Asia and Pacific Affairs, United States Department of State
Sarala Subramaniam, Deputy Senior State Counsel, International Affairs Division, Attorney-General’s Chambers (AGC), Singapore
Tara Davenport, Senior Research Fellow, Centre for International Law, National University of Singapore


16.5 Public CPD Points
Practice Area: International Law
Training Category: Intermediate

Participants who wish to obtain CPD Points must comply strictly with the Attendance Policy set out in the CPD Guidelines. For this activity, participants are reminded to sign in on arrival and sign out at the conclusion of each day of the event in the manner required by the organiser. Participants must not be absent from each day of the event for more than 15 minutes.

Participants who attend Day 1 and comply strictly with the Attendance Policy on that day may obtain 5 Public CPD Points.
Participants who attend Day 2 and comply strictly with the Attendance Policy on that day may obtain 6 Public CPD Points.
Participants who attend Day 3 and comply strictly with the Attendance Policy on that day may obtain 5.5 Public CPD Points.

Participants who do not comply with the Attendance Policy on any particular day of the event will not be able to obtain CPD Points for that day. Please refer to for more information.
