International Dispute Resolution

CIL – ILA Webinar on International Law and Principles of Sustainable Business

?? SYNOPSIS The importance of sustainability in international trade and commerce is gaining attention in a world where businesses are increasingly recognising that they can no longer afford to turn a blind eye to practices that do more damage than harm in the long-term. Not only are consumers demanding accountability on sustainability practices, but businesses …

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26 May 2021: Dr Romesh Weeramantry and Brian Chang co-author Oxford Bibliographies in International Law entry on Investor-State Conciliation and Mediation

Dr Romesh Weeramantry, Head of International Dispute Resolution at CIL, and Research Associate Brian Chang co-authored “Investor-State Conciliation and Mediation” which was just published by Oxford Bibliographies in International Law.  This annotated bibliography provides an introduction to investor-State conciliation and mediation, and a snapshot of the major publications on this topic. It constitutes the most extensive literature review to date on …

26 May 2021: Dr Romesh Weeramantry and Brian Chang co-author Oxford Bibliographies in International Law entry on Investor-State Conciliation and Mediation Read More »

Dataset on Investor State Conciliation and Mediation Provisions

This dataset contains conciliation and mediation provisions extracted from 1141 international investment agreements (“IIAs”). CIL researchers subsequently classified these provisions into 17 different categories. The dataset was used as the basis for the analytical research described in Romesh Weeramantry, Brian Chang and Joel Sherard-Chow, “Conciliation and Mediation in Investor-State Dispute Settlement Provisions: A Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis” (to be published …

Dataset on Investor State Conciliation and Mediation Provisions Read More »

CIL-GLIP International Investment Arbitration Law Webinar

This event is jointly organized by the Centre for International Law (CIL) of the National University of Singapore (NUS) and Georgian Lawyers for Independent Profession (GLIP). Distinguished speakers will cover contemporary issues in international investment arbitration, and Georgia’s legal framework for foreign investment and the recognition and enforcement of foreign arbitral awards. The event will …

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CIL-GLIP International Investment Arbitration Law Webinar

This event is jointly organized by the Centre for International Law (CIL) of the National University of Singapore (NUS) and Georgian Lawyers for Independent Profession (GLIP). Distinguished speakers will cover contemporary issues in international investment arbitration, and Georgia’s legal framework for foreign investment and the recognition and enforcement of foreign arbitral awards. The event will …

CIL-GLIP International Investment Arbitration Law Webinar Read More »

Singapore International Arbitration Academy 2021 (21-24 June 2021)

Singapore International Arbitration Academy 2021 A huge congratulations to all the SIAA 2021 participants for finishing the Academy! Thank you to all participants for being so engaged and committed to this year’s Academy and for the stimulating discussions and thought-provoking questions. This year’s Academy had a consistently strong turnout, with an average of 150 participants …

Singapore International Arbitration Academy 2021 (21-24 June 2021) Read More »