Researchers' Activities


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Ocean Law and Policy
8 February 2017

CIL Senior Research Fellow Youna Lyons was invited as a speaker to the 9th ASEAN Regional Forum Inter-sessional Meeting on Maritime Security (ARF ISM on MS), held in Tokyo on 8-9 February 2017. Her presentation was titled ‘Developing Cooperative Mechanisms for the Management of the Marine Environment in the South China Sea’ and can downloaded here.

Ocean Law and Policy
6 February 2017

CIL Senior Research Fellow Youna Lyons was invited as an expert speaker at the 3rd Meeting of the CSCAP Study Group on Marine Environmental Protection, held in Tokyo on 6-7 February 2017. Her presentation was titled ‘Establishing MPAs in the Region: Some Considerations’ and can be downloaded here.

Ocean Law and Policy
10 November 2016

The CIL Ocean Law and Policy team participated in the panel discussion on the marine environment chaired by Professor Robert Beckman at the 20th Anniversary Celebrations of the Asia-Pacific Centre for Environmental Law (APCEL), held at the National University of Singapore on 10 November 2016. The theme of the conference was ‘Attaining the Sustainable Development Goals – Environmental Law, Policy and Management’. The panel made the following three (3) presentations: (1) ‘The International Legal Framework for the Protection and Sustainable Use of Marine Biological Diversity’ by CIL Senior Research Fellow Ms Youna Lyons (2) ‘International Law and the Protection of the Giant Clams in the South China Sea’ by CIL Research Fellow Ms Denise Cheong (3) ‘IMO Measures to Protect Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction – The Sargasso Sea’ by CIL Research Fellow Dr Sun Zhen.

Ocean Law and Policy
24 October 2016

CIL Senior Research Fellow Ms Youna Lyons participated in the 70th Session of the International Maritime Organization’s Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC), at the IMO Headquarters in London, from 24-28 October 2016, as the Head of Delegation of the Advisory Committee on Protection of the Sea (ACOPS).

Ocean Law and Policy
10 October 2016

CIL Senior Research Fellow Ms Youna Lyons was invited to speak at the International Seminar on ‘Environmental and Maritime Security for a Blue South China Sea’ held in Hai Phong City, Viet Nam, on 10-12 October 2016. She presented a paper titled ‘A path towards Marine Protected Areas in the South China Sea following the Arbitral Award’, in the first session on Environmental Security in the South China Sea (Bien Dong Sea) after the Hague Award. To download her presentation in PDF format, click here.

Ocean Law and Policy
19 September 2016

CIL Senior Research Fellow Ms Youna Lyons attended the 38th Conference of the Parties to the London Convention and Protocol on the Prevention of Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and other Matters as a member of the Advisory Committee for the Protection of the Sea (ACOPS) delegation. The meeting was held at the International Maritime Organization Headquarters in London from 19-23 September 2016.

Ocean Law and Policy
29 August 2016

On 29 August 2016, Professor Robert Beckman, Head of CIL’s Ocean Law and Policy Programme delivered the Keynote Address at an international conference on ocean governance and security at the Mandarin Orchard Hotel, Singapore. The title of the conference was ‘Resolving the Complex Challenges of Ocean Governance and Security for Secure and Sustainable Oceans in the Southeast Asian Region’. The organisers were the Mitsubishi Research Institute and the University of Tokyo Graduate School of Public Policy, with support from IHS Jane’s and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan. A copy of Professor Beckman’s Keynote Address is available here.

Ocean Law and Policy
21 August 2016

Professor Robert Beckman, Head of CIL’s Ocean Law and Policy Programme and Ms Youna Lyons, Senior Research Fellow participated in the Asian International Symposium 2016: The Contemporary Maritime Security Issues in Asian Region in Jakarta, Indonesia on 21-22 August 2016. The Conference was organised by the Center for Southeast Asian Studies (CSEAS) Indonesia. Professor Beckman chaired a panel session on The Role of UNCLOS and its Dispute Settlement Regime, and Ms Lyons made a presentation in the panel session on Marine Environmental Protection for Sustainability. For a copy of her PowerPoint Presentation, click here.

Ocean Law and Policy
6 April 2016

CIL Senior Research Fellow Youna Lyons was invited by the Department of Foreign Affairs of the Philippines as a resource speaker at the 8th ASEAN Regional Forum Inter-sessional Meeting on Maritime Security, held 6-7 April 2016, in Makati City, Philippines. She made a presentation on ‘Marine Environmental Governance in Southeast Asia: A Review of Status and Gaps’. To download her presentation, click here.

Ocean Law and Policy
3 April 2016

CIL Senior Research Fellow Youna Lyons was invited by the Council for Security Cooperation in the Asia Pacific (CSCAP) – Singapore to participate in the 1st Meeting of the CSCAP Study Group on Marine Environmental Protection, which was held on 3-5 April 2016 at the Marco Polo Ortigas Hotel in Manila, Philippines. She made a presentation on ‘Challenges to the Marine Environment and Gaps in Regional Cooperation’. To download her presentation, click here.