Researchers' Activities


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Ocean Law and Policy
Liu Yulu presented at the InterAct Conference International Law-Making: Actors in Shipping and Climate Change

Her presentation discussed the applicability of IMO regulations in regard to reducing greenhouse gas emissions from fishing vessels and possible ways forward.

Ocean Law and Policy
Liu Yulu participated in the third workshop on Biogeographic Regionalisation for the Indian Ocean at the Australian High Commission in Singapore

Participants discussed the mapping of regional biogeography in the Indian Ocean, as well as explored ways forward for IORA member states regarding the implementation of area-based management tools in the BBNJ Agreement.

Ocean Law and Policy
Dita Liliansa presented at the “UNSW International Law Junior Workshop

She presented her draft article about informal lawmaking in ASEAN. Professor Natalie Klein from UNSW served as a commentator for her article.

Ocean Law and Policy
Ocean Law and Policy
Dita Liliansa at Fifth Montevideo Environmental Law Programme Regional Meeting and Third ASEAN Environmental Law Conference

The theme of the conference was ‘Future of Environmental Law in ASEAN and Beyond.’ On August 17th, 2023, Dita presented on the topic of ‘Ocean Equity.’

Ocean Law and Policy
Youna Lyons spoke at the Plastics Research Network (PlaReNet) Conference

Youna Lyons from CIL Ocean Law and Policy Programme was invited to speak to the Plastics Research Network (PlaReNet) Conference, which was held 6-7 December 2022 in a hybrid format; it was co-presented by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) of the Philippines, and Embassy of Japan in Manila.

Ocean Law and Policy
Youna Lyons and Yulu Liu from CIL Ocean Law and Policy Programme were invited to participate to the 3rd Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA)’s Experts Working Group (EWG) on Marine Plastic Debris Meeting, in Jakarta Indonesia, 8-9 November 2022

They made a presentation titled Development of a Dynamic and Searchable Catalogue of Experts and Expertise in Research on Marine Plastic Pollution in ASEAN +3, which was jointly prepared by them and Cheng Ling Lim.

Ocean Law and Policy
Youna Lyons was invited as a speaker to the 3rd International Workshop on Maritime Cooperation and Policy Harmonisation organized by Xiamen University on 4th November 2022.

Youna made a presentation on Identifying Marine Sensitive Areas in the SCS under International Law where she emphasised the development and adoption of scientific and technical criteria under 15 instruments applicable in the South China Sea. She demonstrated their consistency and mutually-reinforcing content and application. The presentation can be downloaded here.

Ocean Law and Policy
CIL Ocean Law and Policy Programme Researchers at White Paper Virtual Meeting on Determining Microplastics Distribution in Coastal Aquaculture Input Systems and Developing a Mitigation Plan towards Seafood Safety, organised by the APEC Oceans and Fisheries Working Group (OFWG) on 2 November 2022

This virtual meeting is a process of preparing for the white paper output of an APEC OFWG project on microplastics in coastal aquaculture and food security. To contribute to this white paper, CIL researchers Youna and Yulu will collaborate and coordinate with Mei Lin, Adjunct Associate Professor Joseph Chun from Asia-Pacific Centre for Environmental Law (APCEL), NUS, and Associate Professor ‪Karina Yew-Hoong Gin, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, NUS.

Ocean Law and Policy
Yulu Liu, Cheng Ling Lim and Youna Lyons presented at the 7th International Marine Debris Conference (7IMDC)

Yulu Liu and Cheng Ling Lim and Youna Lyons from CIL Ocean Law and Policy Programme presented at the 7th International Marine Debris Conference (7IMDC), held in Busan South Korea, 18-23 September 2022. 

Ocean Law and Policy
Researchers from CIL Ocean Law and Policy Programme are engaging with the Group of Experts on the Scientific Aspects of Marine Environmental Protection (GESAMP)

Youna Lyons was invited to observe the 49th GESAMP annual session held at the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) headquarters in London, United Kingdom, from 5 to 9 September 2022, on the delegation of Advisory Committee on the Protection of the Sea Advisory Committee (ACOPS).

Yulu Liu also attended the workshop of GESAMP WG 40 (as a representative of ACOPS) to develop a risk assessment framework for land and sea-based sources of marine litter and microplastics, which was held in Busan, South Korea from 26-30 October.

Ocean Law and Policy
Vu Hai Dang, Panellist at the 8th Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue’s Fisheries Management Workshop

The Workshop introduced the results of the Common Fisheries Resources Analysis of skipjack tuna in the South China Sea, a joint research initiative implemented by scientists from China, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines and Viet Nam with support from the Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue.

Ocean Law and Policy
Vu Hai Dang moderated at the Technical Workshop on Developing a Report on Rapid Readiness Assessment to Transition to a Sustainable Blue Economy in Viet Nam

The Conference was organised by the United Nations Environment Programme, Viet Nam Administration of Seas and Islands – Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, Australian Centre for Ocean Resources and Security – University of Wollongong, Centre for International Law of Sea and Maritime Law – National University of Viet Nam in Hanoi.

Ocean Law and Policy
CIL’s participation at Rhodes Academy of Oceans Law and Policy, Rhodes, Greece, 4-22 July 2022

The Faculty at the Rhodes Academy is comprised of leading experts in the law of the sea, including current and past judges from the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (ITLOS). The Faculty in 2022 included two current ITLOS judges, Albert Hoffman of South Africa, the current President and Judge Tomas Heider of Iceland as well as two former Presidents of ITLOS – Rudiger Wolfrum of Germany and Vladimir Golitsyn of the Russian Federation.

Ocean Law and Policy
Prof Robert Beckman presented at the “Ocean Dialogue 8: 40th Anniversary of UNCLOS: Promoting Maritime Cooperation in Southeast Asia” on 29 June 2022

The title of his presentation was “Reduction of Emissions from Commercial Shipping: The Global Context and Singapore Initiatives”.

Ocean Law and Policy
Dita Liliansa spoke at the “International Fisheries Law Conference: Persistent and Emerging Challenges in International Fisheries Law” in Tórshavn, Faroe Islands

She made a presentation on ‘Enforcement of Coastal State Jurisdiction over Illegal, Unreported, and Unregulated (IUU) Fishing in the Exclusive Economic Zone,’ and provided a case study on Indonesia.

Ocean Law and Policy
CIL Ocean Team’s Youna Lyons, Lim Cheng Ling and Yulu Liu presented at the online forum on The Way Forward for a Stronger Regional and International Cooperation on Marine Plastic Debris

Youna, Cheng Ling and Yulu’s presentation was on intervention policies and regulations on single-use plastics restrictions in the ASEAN +3 region and their effectiveness.

Ocean Law and Policy
Research Associate Dita Liliansa participated in the 2022 APOLIA Conference: “UNCLOS in Asia-Pacific: 40 Years and Onwards”

The title of her presentation was “A Quest for Meaning: Interpretation of Article 73(3) of UNCLOS by Indonesian Supreme Court”

Ocean Law and Policy
Research Associate Dita Liliansa spoke at 4th Annual Alexander C. Cushing International Law Conference entitled “International Law: Conflict at Sea”

She spoke in Session 6 on Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) Fishing alongside Prof. Natalie Klein (University of New South Wales) and Ms. Francesca Caonero (Global Maritime Crime Programme, Latin America and the Caribbean, U.N. Office on Drugs and Crime).

Ocean Law and Policy
Vu Hai Dang, Speaker at the Dialogue on Indo-Pacific Oceans Initiative (IPOI): Strengthening International Cooperation

The Conference was organised by the Centre for Public Policy Research of India in collaboration with Monash University and support from Australia’s Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade to support ASEAN-Australia-India Indo-Pacific Cooperation.

Ocean Law and Policy
Youna Lyons, Cheng Ling Lim and Yulu Liu from CIL Ocean Law and Policy Programme presented at the COBSEA Regional Consultation Workshop on Marine Plastic Research Inventory.

This regional consultation was organised on 20 April 2022 via Zoom by COBSEA as part of the project ‘Reducing marine litter by addressing the management of the plastic value chain in South-East Asia’ (SEA circular). COBSEA member States, China, Indonesia, Malaysia, RO Korea, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam participated to the consultation.

Ocean Law and Policy
29 September 2021: CIL Research Associate Dita Liliansa at ARIEL Webinar on Ocean Governance in Southeast Asia: Regional Approaches and National Action

Dita Liliansa, CIL Research Associate, spoke at the ARIEL Webinar on Ocean Governance in Southeast Asia: Regional Approaches and National Action, 29 September 2021, organised by Asian Research Institute for Environmental Law (ARIEL). The webinar discussed various aspects of regional ocean governance for the protection of marine environment in Southeast Asia.

Ocean Law and Policy
9–13 November 2020: Senior Research Fellows Youna Lyons and Vu Hai Dang Participate in 4th Meeting of Ad Hoc Open-Ended Expert Group on Marine Litter and Microplastics Hosted by UNEP

Senior research fellows Youna Lyons and Vu Hai Dang took part in the online 4th Meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-Ended Expert Group on Marine Litter and Microplastics (AHEG) as observers. The meeting was hosted by UNEP in Nairobi, Kenya, from 9 to 13 November 2020. Participants to this intergovernmental meeting included 200+ representatives from States, international organisations and NGOs. This is the last AHEG meeting before the 5th UN Environment Assembly (UNEA 5), scheduled to take place in February 2021. The meeting discussed the implementation of UNEA Resolutions 3/7 and 4/6 on marine litter and microplastic, which require the AHEG to assess existing measures to combat plastic pollution and submit potential response options to UNEA 5.

At the end of the meeting, delegates agreed that existing measures in dealing with plastic pollution are not sufficient and a range of response options will be submitted to UNEA 5 for consideration, including the development of a new global instrument to facilitate actions against plastics.

Climate Change Law and Policy
26 October–6 November 2020: CIL Oceans Team Participates in Webinars During Norway-Singapore Science Week 2020

The Norway-Singapore Science Week, which took place from 26 October to 6 November, is an important platform for developing and enhancing research and academic cooperation in key areas of interest to Norway and Singapore. During the Science Week, 70 professors, researchers, institution representatives and company executives presented and discussed research and technology development in the field of sustainable urban development, decarbonisation and ocean space.

A member of the organising committee, Professor Robert Beckman assisted in organising and co-chairing a webinar on Ocean Policy on 6 November 2020, Friday. The other co-chair was Professor Tore Henriksen, Director of the Norwegian Center for Law of the Sea, UiT, the Arctic University of Norway.

The Ocean Policy session covered two topics. The first topic, ‘Sea-Level Rise: Connecting Singapore to the Arctic’, was focussed on the impact of climate change in the Arctic on sea-level rise in Singapore and Southeast Asia. The speakers were Professor Benjamin Horton, Director of the Earth Observatory of Singapore; Dr Kristin Richter of Norwegian Research Center in Bergen, Norway; and CIL Director, Dr Nilüfer Oral. Dr Oral spoke about the implications of sea-level rise for international law and policy, in particular for maritime entitlements of States.

The second topic in the session was ‘Biodiversity in the Marine Environment of the Arctic’ and was focussed on the global challenges in protecting and preserving the marine environment. The speakers were Associate Professor Vito De Lucia of UiT, the Arctic University of Norway, and CIL Senior Research Fellow Youna Lyons. In her presentation, Youna Lyons compared the regimes governing the marine environment in the Arctic Ocean with those governing the marine environment in ASEAN and the South China Sea.

The webinar participants concluded that there was scope for continued collaboration in researching issues of common interest, given that Singapore is an Observer in the Arctic Council. A collaboration between the CIL and the Norwegian Center for Law of the Sea at UiT resulted in the co-edited book Governance of Arctic Shipping published in 2017.

Director's Activities
13 October 2020: CIL Director Nilüfer Oral Speaks at IUCN WCEL Webinar on International Law and IUU Fishing

CIL Director Nilüfer Oral spoke on ‘International Law and IUU Fishing’ at a webinar on ‘Fishing on the High Seas and Marine Protected Areas’ on 13 October 2020. The webinar was organised by the IUCN World Commission on Environmental Law, in partnership with the Inter-American Institute on Justice and Sustainability. Globally renowned experts at this webinar provide perspectives on cooperation and legal responses for enforcement of international marine protection in exclusive economic zones.

The challenges of international illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing on the high seas is one of the most urgent issues for the global community seeking to protect marine reserves and the integrity of exclusive economic zones. IUU fleets that cross protected boundaries create problems for environmental security, international governance, and the livelihoods of local communities that depend on their marine resources.

Ocean Law and Policy
26–27 August 2020: Senior Research Fellows Youna Lyons and Vu Hai Dang Invited to Asia-Pacific Regional Consultation Meeting Under UNEA Ad Hoc Open-Ended Expert Group

Senior research fellows Youna Lyons and Vu Hai Dang were invited to participate in the Asia-Pacific Regional Consultation Meeting under the Ad Hoc Open-Ended Expert Group (AHEG) on marine litter and microplastics established by the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA). The consultation meeting was held online from 26 to 27 August 2020 and hosted by United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the government of Japan. At the meeting, about 100 representatives from the AHEG Asia-Pacific Group Member States, UNEP and NGOs exchanged views on existing measures and potential options to deal with the marine plastic pollution issue.

Ocean Law and Policy
25–27 February 2020: Senior Research Fellow Youna Lyons Participates in the Scientific Advisory Committee Meeting on the Assessment on Sources, Pathways and Hazards of litter Including Plastic Litter and Microplastics Pollution in Nairobi, Kenya

Youna Lyons, Senior Research Fellow in the Ocean Law and Policy Programme of CIL, participated in the Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) Meeting on the assessment on sources, pathways and hazards of litter including plastic litter and microplastics pollution. She was nominated by Singapore government and confirmed by UNEP as an expert in the SAC. The meeting took place on 25–27 February 2020 in Nairobi, Kenya.

The main purpose of the meeting was the drafting of an assessment on sources, pathways and hazards of marine litter and microplastic and its presence in the rivers and oceans, scientific knowledge about adverse effects on ecosystems, potential adverse on human health and environmentally sound technology innovations. This report will be presented at Lisbon UN Ocean Conference in June 2020 and submitted to inform UNEA 5 in 2021.

Ocean Law and Policy
3–5 February 2020: Senior Research Fellow Youna Lyons Participates in Expert Workshop to Identify Options for Modifying the Description of Ecologically or Biologically Significant Marine Areas (EBSAs) and Describing New EBSAs in Brussels, Belgium

Senior Research Fellow Youna Lyons participated in the Expert Workshop organised by the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity to Identify Options for Modifying the Description of Ecologically or Biologically Significant Marine Areas (EBSAs) and Describing New EBSAs. She was appointed by Singapore government to attend this workshop, which took place on 3–5 February 2020 in Brussels, Belgium. The workshop report will provide a basis for preparation of a proposal by the Secretariat on the topic of the Expert Workshop, for submission to the next meeting of the scientific body, SBSTTA.

Ocean Law and Policy
29–30 November 2019: Senior Research Fellow Vu Hai Dang Participates in CSARC Workshop on Regional Cooperation on Marine Environmental Protection in the South China Sea

Senior Research Fellow Vu Hai Dang participated in the workshop by China-Southeast Asia Research Center (CSARC) on Regional Cooperation on Marine Environmental Protection in the South China Sea in Bali, Indonesia. Dr Vu Hai Dang presented on sensitive and protected marine areas under international law and the value of MPA network in the South China Sea. In particular, he spoke on CIL’s research on area-based management tools in the South China Sea: map of sensitive marine and coastal areas in the South China under international law, ‘Moving from MPAs to Area-based Management Measures in the South China Sea’, ‘National MPA Laws in the South China Sea: A Comparison and Suggestions for MPA Law Reform in China’.

Ocean Law and Policy
18–22 November 2019: Senior Research Fellow Vu Hai Dang Participates in Third Meeting of Ad Hoc Open-Ended Expert Group on Marine Litter and Microplastics in Bangkok

Senior Research Fellow Vu Hai Dang took part in the Third Meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-Ended Expert Group on Marine Litter and Microplastics in Bangkok, Thailand, on 18–22 November 2019. The meeting was organised by United Nations Environment Programme, and the agenda was the implementation of the Resolution 4/6 of the 4th United Nations Environment Assembly held in March 2019. At the meeting, Dr Vu Hai Dang introduced CIL’s research on marine plastics—in particular the report ‘A Review of Research on Marine Plastics in Southeast Asia: Who Does What’—to national delegates, NGOs and industry representatives.

Ocean Law and Policy
13–14 November 2019: Senior Research Fellow Youna Lyons Speaks at 2nd ASEAN Regional Forum Workshop

Senior Research Fellow Youna Lyons was invited to speak at the 2nd ASEAN Regional Forum Workshop on Implementing UNCLOS and Other International Instruments to Address Emerging Maritime Issues in Hanoi on 13–14 November 2019. She gave two presentations during the session on degradation of the marine environment and impacts on sustainable management and conservation of marine resources: 

Ocean Law and Policy
8 November 2019: Research Fellow Arron N Honniball Speaks at UNESCAP Event

Research fellow Arron N Honniball gave a presentation on illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing, titled ‘“End” IUU Fishing: Expanding Implementation to Achieve SDG Target 14.4’, at the second edition of the Asia Pacific Day for the Ocean. The event was hosted by UNESCAP and held at the United Nations Conference Centre in Bangkok on 8 November 2019. Dr Honniball also moderated the session on sustainable fisheries.

Ocean Law and Policy
24 October 2019: Senior Research Fellows Youna Lyons and Vu Hai Dang Speak at 4th Fisheries Management and Management Environmental Protection Workshop

Senior research fellows Youna Lyons and Vu Hai Dang presented at the 4th Fisheries Management and Management Environmental Protection Workshop organised by the Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue and the National Fisheries Research and Development Institute in Manila, Philippines, on 24 October 2019. The meeting discussed the establishment of a network of marine protected areas in the SCS.

At the workshop, Ms Lyons presented a mapping exercise of all marine protected areas and ecologically sensitive areas that have been established by coastal countries in the SCS, based on applicable international instruments and publicly available data from WDPA. Dr Dang presented options to support the development of a network of marine protected areas in the South China Sea.

Ocean Law and Policy
25 September 2019: CIL Organises Roundtable in Jakarta on Governance of and Research on Pollution from Marine Plastics in Southeast Asia

The CIL Ocean Law and Policy Programme organised an informal roundtable discussion on the ‘Governance of and Research on Pollution from Marine Plastic in Southeast Asia’ on 25 September 2019 in Jakarta, Indonesia. Participants to the roundtable include representatives from Indonesia’s relevant government agencies, research institutions and academia from Indonesia, and representatives from permanent missions of ASEAN countries to ASEAN. CIL was represented by Youna Lyons, Dita Liliansa, Vanessa Lam and Vu Hai Dang. Participants shared their research on pollution from marine plastic. For more information on the event, click here.

Ocean Law and Policy
23–25 September 2019: CIL Researchers Meet ASEAN Secretariat and Permanent Mission of Singapore to ASEAN

On 23–25 September 2019 four researchers from the CIL Ocean Law and Policy Programme—Youna Lyons, Dita Liliansa, Vanessa Lam, and Vu Hai Dang—visited several divisions of the ASEAN Secretariat in Jakarta. The aims of the visits were to share CIL’s research on the protection of the marine environment and, if possible, involve the Secretariat in a manuscript under development.

Inputs from the Secretariat helped to ensure CIL’s accurate interpretation of ASEAN instruments and processes on the protection and management of the marine environment.

Ocean Law and Policy
16–17 July 2019: Research Fellow Arron N Honniball Presents Paper at Conference on Legal Framework for Marine Scientific Research

Research Fellow Arron N Honniball presented a paper at the conference on Governing Science at Sea: The Legal Framework for Marine Scientific Research, held in Busan, South Korea. The conference was organised by the Korea Institute of Science and Technology and the Law of the Sea Institute, UC Berkeley.

Dr Honniball presented his paper titled ‘Rights and Responsibilities for Marine Scientific Research by Private Entities on the High Seas’ in the first panel, which was tasked to explore the context for marine scientific research. The presentation was based on a paper co-authored by Dr Honniball and Associate Professor Robert Beckman.

Ocean Law and Policy
4–6 July 2019: Research Fellow Amber Rose Maggio Presents Paper at International Conference on Regulatory Governance

Research Fellow Amber Rose Maggio participated in the International Conference on Regulatory Governance with the theme ‘Unpacking the Complexity of Regulatory Governance in a Globalising World’ at the Chinese University of Hong Kong on 4–6 July 2019. She presented her paper entitled ‘Climate Change Regulation, Shipping and the WTO: Conflicting Obligations?’ in a panel on challenges relating to transnational environmental regulation.  

Ocean Law and Policy
17–18 June 2019: CIL Researchers Participate in Working Group on Marine Litter of the Coordinating Body on the Seas of East Asia

On 17 and 18 June 2019, CIL Researchers Youna Lyons and Vanessa Lam participated in the Working Group on Marine Litter of the Coordinating Body on the Seas of East Asia (COBSEA) as observers and contributing experts. Ms Lyons also gave a presentation outlining the scope and findings of NUS research on the ‘Status of Research on Marine Plastics in Southeast Asia: Who Does What?’

ASEAN Law and Policy
26–27 February 2019: Senior Research Fellow Youna Lyons Speaks and Moderates at ASEAN Regional Forum Workshop

Senior Research Fellow Youna Lyons was invited as a speaker and moderator to the ASEAN Regional Forum Workshop: Implementing UNCLOS and Other International Instruments to Address Emerging Maritime Issues. The workshop included three main themes: traditional security; issues relating to the sustainable management of natural living resources and conservation of the marine environment; and climate change impacts.

Ms Youna Lyons was a moderator on the second theme and presented on the third theme on the topic of international and regional legal and institutional framework applicable to environmental threats in the Asia Pacific, including from climate change and greenhouse gas emissions from shipping. She distinguished legal instruments and regulations applicable to mitigation of greenhouse gas concentration in the atmosphere and in the ocean from those applicable to adaptation from climate change. She also argued that climate change affects all maritime activities. Finally, the presentation of the regional bodies that form the regional institutional framework highlighted the number of bodies concerned with climate change impact and the need for robust cooperation to ensure adequate mitigation and adaptation. The presentation is available here.

Ocean Law and Policy
5–7 December 2018: Senior Research Fellow Youna Lyons Delivers Keynote Speech to International Conference on Plastics in the Marine Environment (ICPME) 2018

Senior Research Fellow Youna Lyons was invited as a keynote speaker to the International Conference on Plastics in the Marine Environment (ICPME) 2018, hosted by the National University of Singapore on 5–7 December 2018. The programme of the conference provided a comprehensive discussion of issues related to the introduction of plastic in the marine environment from the perspectives of plastic chemists and biochemists, marine ecologists, oceanographers, human health, pollution monitoring, and research on marine ecological and socio-economic impacts. It also included a discussion of the international legal framework and possible paths to tackle the issue, including the development of a circular economy and other solutions for the future.

Ms Lyons presented the status and prospects of the international legal framework to manage marine plastics in Southeast Asia. The presentation identified the possible angles of an ocean law and policy approach to the issue of marine plastic pollution and provided an overview of the international legal framework. It emphasised relevant provisions from the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, which can be used to frame scientific research on marine plastic in order to inform the content of states’ obligation to protect and preserve the marine environment in this context. Ongoing working groups in different international and regional bodies and their respective importance were also highlighted. The presentation slides can be downloaded here.

Ocean Law and Policy
27 November 2018: CIL Sponsors Panel on Legal and Institutional Marine Environmental Governance in Southeast Asia at EAS Congress

CIL sponsored a panel on ’Legal and Institutional Mechanisms to Manage the Marine Environment in the Seas of Southeast Asia: Status and Way Forward’ at the Sixth East Asian Seas Congress (EAS Congress) in Iloilo, Philippines on 27 November 2018. The theme of the EAS Congress this year was ‘25 Years of Partnerships for Healthy Oceans, People and Economies: Moving as One with the Global Ocean Agenda’. The event is co-organised every three years by the Partnerships in Environmental Management for the Seas of East Asia (PEMSEA) and includes a Ministerial Forum on the last day of the meeting.

This CIL-sponsored session aimed to investigate and discuss the extent to which regional institutions can and may foster a common understanding of applicable international law and facilitate implementation. An underlying question in this investigation was to assess the possibility of following an ASEAN way and bypassing the need for a regional, binding and overarching agreement for the protection of the marine environment.

The CIL panel session comprised presentations by CIL researchers—Amber Rose Maggio, Dita Liliansa and Youna Lyons—followed by comments by Raphael Lotilla, former Director of PEMSEA and Somboon Siriraksophon, SEAFEC Project Director. The three speakers focussed on the following topics:

The speakers brought together the overarching international legal framework, comparisons of regional cooperative mechanisms and specific examples of application of the international legal framework by regional bodies. Click here for the session’s highlights.

This comparison of regional institutions and coordination mechanisms is part of an ongoing study of regional cooperation mechanisms for the protection of the marine environment in Southeast Asia. It will be updated as CIL’s research progresses. Click on the links below for more information on the panel. 

Ocean Law and Policy
21–22 November 2018: CIL Researchers Attend ICLOS Conference on Artificial Islands Beyond National Jurisdiction in Bandung, Indonesia

Youna Lyons and Dita Liliansa participated in the Indonesian Centre for the Law of the Sea (ICLOS)  Conference on Artificial Islands Beyond National Jurisdiction. The conference was organised by Universitas Padjadjaran in Bandung, Indonesia.

Ms Lyons was invited as a speaker and gave a presentation on ‘Artificial Islands, Installations and Related Activities by Non-State Actors in Area Beyond National Jurisdiction’.

Ocean Law and Policy
22–26 October 2018: Senior Research Fellow Youna Lyons Attends the 73rd Meeting of the Marine Environment Protection Committee of the IMO

Senior Research Fellow Youna Lyons attended the 73rd meeting of the Marine Environment Protection Committee of the International Maritime Organisation (IMO). The meeting took place from 22 to 26 October 2018. Ms Lyons was head of delegation of the Advisory Committee for the Protection Sea, an NGO with a consultative status at the IMO. In addition to most plenary meetings, she took part in three working groups on marine plastics, underwater noise and biofouling.

Ocean Law and Policy
13–14 October 2018: CIL Researchers Present Papers at Asian Society of International Law Conference in Beijing

CIL researchers presented papers at the conference ‘International Law in Asia: Challenges and Opportunities’ in Beijing. The conference was organised by the Asian Society of International Law and Renmin University of China Law School

Research Fellow Amber Rose Maggio presented a paper entitled ‘Regional Cooperation for Protection of the Marine Environment in Southeast Asia’. The paper focussed on cooperation in the South China Sea and explored current trends in regional cooperation in Southeast Asia, including the challenges faced and future prospects in the region. Dr Maggio highlighted particularities of the region with regard to cooperative efforts, in order to understand the best way to approach the analysis.

Research Associate Millicent McCreath presented a paper entitled ‘UNCLOS Legal Framework for Cooperation in East and Southeast Asia on the Reduction of Marine Plastic Pollution from Land-Based Sources’. In her paper, Ms McCreath sought to clarify the content of the UNCLOS obligations on land-source pollution and regional cooperation, to encourage states to take active measures to prevent marine plastic pollution, and to work together to that end. The paper also addressed the legal implications of failing to meet these obligations, particularly the risk of compulsory dispute settlement procedures under UNCLOS.

Ocean Law and Policy
13 September 2018: CIL Researchers Present Papers at 14th Annual Conference of European Society of International Law

Research Fellow Amber Rose Maggio and Postdoctoral Fellow Marija Jovanovic presented papers at the International Law and Universality Conference in Manchester organised by the European Society of International Law.

Dr Maggio’s paper was entitled ‘Marine Environmental Protection, Regional Cooperation and Universality: The Particular View from Southeast Asia’. The paper explored the preference for universality in environmental standard setting with regard to marine environmental protection, how regionalism and regional cooperation may be replacing universalism in the implementation of measures for the protection and preservation of the marine environment, and what the implications are for states in Southeast Asia. The paper discussed the legal framework and possible move away from universality, regional cooperation mechanisms, the particular view from Southeast Asia with a focus on the South China Sea, and future prospects.

Dr Jovanovic presented a paper entitled ‘Europe, Trade Deals and Forced and Child Labour in Developing States: Towards a More Principled Approach’. She explored the extraterritorial reach of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) in cases of forced and worst forms of child labour when these practices occur within the supply chains of companies domiciled in European states. Exposing an unprincipled gap in the current ECHR jurisprudence, the paper argued that the absence of any state responsibility pertaining to activities of business enterprises domiciled in their territory, especially in countries with well-known and severe governance gaps, undermines the universal reach of the absolute prohibition of slavery and forced labour and effectively encourages and facilitates such practices outside the European espace juridique. The paper then presented reasons for and ways of framing states’ positive obligations in these circumstances that are consistent with the principles of interpretation of the ECHR and with the growing international recognition of such duties by international organisations and established precedents in some domestic jurisdictions.

Ocean Law and Policy
19–24 August 2018: CIL Researchers Participate in International Law Association Biennial Conference in Sydney

CIL researchers Tara Davenport, Millicent McCreath and Christine Sim recently participated in the International Law Association Biennial Conference in Sydney. CIL organised a panel on ‘The Inherent Changeability of the Due Diligence Principle: Challenges for the Development of International Environmental Law’, which was chaired by Professor Rosemary Rayfuse.

Ms Tara Davenport spoke on this panel on ‘The Inherently Changeable Due Diligence Principle and the Protection of the Marine Environment’. Other speakers on this panel were Justice Nicola Pain of the Land and Environment Court of NSW, Dr Aline Jaeckel from Macquarie University and Professor Marie-Claire Cordonier Segger of the University of Waterloo/ University of Cambridge.

Ms Millicent McCreath was a speaker on the panel on ‘The Tide of Change: New Responses to Environmental Challenges in the Pacific Ocean’, organised by the Australian and New Zealand Society of International Law. The topic of her presentation was ‘PSIDS Request for an ITLOS Advisory Opinion on the Content of UNCLOS Climate Change Obligations’.

Ms Christine Sim spoke on a panel on ‘Investment Disputes and Challenging Boundary Issues over Land and Sea’. Her topic was ‘Investment Disputes in Areas of Uncertain Sea Boundaries: Ghana/Cote d’Ivoire’.  

Ocean Law and Policy
18–19 August 2018: Oceans Law and Policy Programme Head Robert Beckman Presents at the 2018 APOLIA-KIOST Conference: Area-Based Marine Protection in the Asia-Pacific

Associate Professor Robert Beckman participated in the 2018 APOLIA-KIOST Conference: Area-Based Marine Protection in the Asia-Pacific on 18–19 August 2018 at the State Library of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia. The Conference was organised by the Korea Institute of Ocean Science & Technology (KIOST) and the Asia Pacific Ocean Law Institutions Alliance (APOLIA). Assoc Prof Beckman gave a presentation in the session on ‘Regional Initiatives in the South China Sea’ and Chaired the discussion in the session on ‘State Practice in Southeast Asia’. For copy of his presentation, click here.

Ocean Law and Policy
16–17 July 2018: Senior Research Fellow Youna Lyons Lectures at the 23rd Session of the Rhodes Academy

Senior Research Fellow Youna Lyons was a lecturer in the 23rd Session of the Rhodes Academy, an annual three-week course on principles of contemporary oceans law and policy. Ms Lyons lectured on the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), international law, and the protection and preservation of the marine environment. Her presentation slides are available here.

Ocean Law and Policy
12–13 July 2018: Research Fellow Zhen Sun Presents on ‘Legal Framework of Marine Environmental Protection in the South China Sea’ in Phuket

CIL Research Fellow Zhen Sun participated in ‘ASEAN-China Workshop on Marine Environmental Protection in the South China Sea’ in Phuket, Thailand, on 12–13 July 2018. The workshop brought together government officials and academics from ASEAN member states and China to discuss means to deepen cooperation on the marine environmental protection and marine search and rescue in the South China Sea.

Dr Sun gave a presentation on ‘Legal Framework of Marine Environmental Protection in the South China Sea’. In the presentation, Dr Sun emphasised that states bordering the South China Sea, a semi-enclosed sea as defined under UNCLOS, should cooperate with each other in the implementation of their rights and duties with respect to the protection and preservation of the marine environment. To access the presentation, please click here.
