Researchers' Activities


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Climate Change Law and Policy
28 October 2020: CIL Director Nilüfer Oral Participates in Online Dialogue Between ILC and UNGA Sixth Committee

CIl Director Nilüfer Oral, Co-Chair of the International Law Commission (ILC) Study Group on Sea Level Rise in Relation to International Law with Professor Bogdan Aurescu, participated in an online informal interaction between ILC members and delegates of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) Sixth Committee.

The session was chaired by Ambassador Milenko E Skoknic Tapia, Chair of the Sixth Committee of the United Nations General Assembly at its 75th session.

Climate Change Law and Policy
28 October 2020: CIL Director Nilüfer Oral Speaks at Side Event of International Law Week

At the online side event of International Law Week, CIL Director Nilüfer Oral presented on sea-level rise and the law of the sea. Dr Oral and Professor Bogdan Aurescu, Co-Chairs of the International Law Commission’s Study Group on Sea-Level Rise in Relation to International Law, provided insights into the Study Group’s first issues paper published in February 2020, which covered issues of possible legal effects of sea-level rise on baselines and outer limits of maritime spaces measured from baselines, on the status of maritime features and on maritime delimitation effected either by treaty or adjudication. At the event, Dr Oral and Professor Aurescu spoke about how they approached the need to preserve legal stability, security, certainty and predictability.

Climate Change Law and Policy
26 October–6 November 2020: CIL Oceans Team Participates in Webinars During Norway-Singapore Science Week 2020

The Norway-Singapore Science Week, which took place from 26 October to 6 November, is an important platform for developing and enhancing research and academic cooperation in key areas of interest to Norway and Singapore. During the Science Week, 70 professors, researchers, institution representatives and company executives presented and discussed research and technology development in the field of sustainable urban development, decarbonisation and ocean space.

A member of the organising committee, Professor Robert Beckman assisted in organising and co-chairing a webinar on Ocean Policy on 6 November 2020, Friday. The other co-chair was Professor Tore Henriksen, Director of the Norwegian Center for Law of the Sea, UiT, the Arctic University of Norway.

The Ocean Policy session covered two topics. The first topic, ‘Sea-Level Rise: Connecting Singapore to the Arctic’, was focussed on the impact of climate change in the Arctic on sea-level rise in Singapore and Southeast Asia. The speakers were Professor Benjamin Horton, Director of the Earth Observatory of Singapore; Dr Kristin Richter of Norwegian Research Center in Bergen, Norway; and CIL Director, Dr Nilüfer Oral. Dr Oral spoke about the implications of sea-level rise for international law and policy, in particular for maritime entitlements of States.

The second topic in the session was ‘Biodiversity in the Marine Environment of the Arctic’ and was focussed on the global challenges in protecting and preserving the marine environment. The speakers were Associate Professor Vito De Lucia of UiT, the Arctic University of Norway, and CIL Senior Research Fellow Youna Lyons. In her presentation, Youna Lyons compared the regimes governing the marine environment in the Arctic Ocean with those governing the marine environment in ASEAN and the South China Sea.

The webinar participants concluded that there was scope for continued collaboration in researching issues of common interest, given that Singapore is an Observer in the Arctic Council. A collaboration between the CIL and the Norwegian Center for Law of the Sea at UiT resulted in the co-edited book Governance of Arctic Shipping published in 2017.

Director's Activities
26 October 2020: CIL Director Nilüfer Oral Speaks at Seoul Academy of International Law Lectures

CIL Director Nilüfer Oral was invited to speak at the 2020 Seoul Academy of International Law Lectures. Dr Oral delivered an online lecture on the law of the sea.

Climate Change Law and Policy
22 October 2020: CIL Director Nilüfer Oral Speaks at ABILA International Law Weekend

CIL Director Nilüfer Oral spoke on the panel on climate change and the law of the sea, at the American Bar International Law Association (ABILA) International Law Weekend. The panel explored how international law, especially the law of the sea, should account for sea-level rise, including regarding issues such as baselines and maritime entitlements, status of features, protection of the marine environment, and statehood of low-lying States and the rights of their nationals.

The panel was moderated by Aimee-Jane Lee from Debevoise & Plimpton LLP. Other speakers on the panel were Professor David Freestone from George Washington University, Ms Nicola Swan from Chapman Tripp, and Ambassador Nguyễn Hồng Thao from the Diplomatic Academy of Vietnam.

Director's Activities
13 October 2020: CIL Director Nilüfer Oral Speaks at IUCN WCEL Webinar on International Law and IUU Fishing

CIL Director Nilüfer Oral spoke on ‘International Law and IUU Fishing’ at a webinar on ‘Fishing on the High Seas and Marine Protected Areas’ on 13 October 2020. The webinar was organised by the IUCN World Commission on Environmental Law, in partnership with the Inter-American Institute on Justice and Sustainability. Globally renowned experts at this webinar provide perspectives on cooperation and legal responses for enforcement of international marine protection in exclusive economic zones.

The challenges of international illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing on the high seas is one of the most urgent issues for the global community seeking to protect marine reserves and the integrity of exclusive economic zones. IUU fleets that cross protected boundaries create problems for environmental security, international governance, and the livelihoods of local communities that depend on their marine resources.

Director's Activities
9 October 2020: CIL Director Nilüfer Oral Speaks at Conference on UN at 75: Effective Multilateralism and International Law

On 9 October 2020 CIL Director Nilüfer Oral spoke at an online conference, UN at 75: Effective Multilateralism and International Law, which was jointly organised by the Office of Legal Affairs of the United Nations and the German Federal Foreign Office. The conference examines the evolution of international law since the UN’s establishment in 1945, the achievements of the UN in advancing international law, and its future in supporting multilateralism.

Dr Oral presented on ‘United Nations in International Law at 75: The Role of the General Assembly and Its Subsidiary Organs (ILC, Sixth Committee) and the Importance of Academia’.

Director's Activities
1 October 2020: CIL Director Nilüfer Oral Participates as Lecturer in ITLOS-Nippon Capacity-Building and Training Programme

On 1 October 2020, CIL Director Nilüfer Oral delivered an online lecture on sea-level rise and the law of the sea at the annual ITLOS-Nippon Capacity-Building and Training Programme. The programme helped participants, who were junior to mid-level government officials and researchers from mainly developing countries, to develop their legal skills and deepen their practical knowledge of dispute settlement in the law of the sea under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea.

Director's Activities
17 September 2020: CIL Director Nilüfer Oral Participates as Panellist at Webinar Organised by IUCN World Commission on Environmental Law

CIL Director Nilüfer Oral was a panellist at the webinar ‘Galapagos at Risk: International Marine Protection, Challenges and Legal Options’ on 17 September 2020. The webinar was organised by the IUCN World Commission on Environmental Law, in partnership with the Inter-American Institute on Justice and Sustainability. Globally renowned experts at this webinar provided perspectives on cooperation and legal responses for enforcement of international marine protection in exclusive economic zones.

Director's Activities
10 September 2020: CIL Director Nilüfer Oral Presents Paper at NYU’s UN Diplomacy Clinic

CIL Director Nilüfer Oral presented a paper titled ‘First Issues Paper on Sea Level Rise in Relation to International Law: Key Issues and Gaps’ at the UN Diplomacy Clinic organised by New York University’s Law Faculty on 10 September 2020. Dr Oral is the Co-Chair of the International Law Commission’s Study Group on Sea Level Rise in Relation to International Law.

Director's Activities
9–11 September 2020: CIL Director Nilüfer Oral Presents Paper at Regional Conference on Securing the Limits of the Blue Pacific

At the online regional conference on Securing the Limits of the Blue Pacific organised by Pacific Islands Forum (PIF) on 9–11 September 2020, CIL Director Nilüfer Oral presented a paper titled ‘Legal Options and Institutional Responses to the Impacts of Sea Level Rise on Maritime Zones in the Context of International Law’.

In her presentation, Dr Oral spoke of a platform that will allow PIF members to examine the leaders’ commitment to preserving members’ existing rights stemming from maritime zones in the face of sea level rise. The conference outcomes will form the basis of recommendations to leaders on various legal options and institutional responses, to guide the region towards a collective effort to securing the Blue Pacific.

Ocean Law and Policy
26–27 August 2020: Senior Research Fellows Youna Lyons and Vu Hai Dang Invited to Asia-Pacific Regional Consultation Meeting Under UNEA Ad Hoc Open-Ended Expert Group

Senior research fellows Youna Lyons and Vu Hai Dang were invited to participate in the Asia-Pacific Regional Consultation Meeting under the Ad Hoc Open-Ended Expert Group (AHEG) on marine litter and microplastics established by the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA). The consultation meeting was held online from 26 to 27 August 2020 and hosted by United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the government of Japan. At the meeting, about 100 representatives from the AHEG Asia-Pacific Group Member States, UNEP and NGOs exchanged views on existing measures and potential options to deal with the marine plastic pollution issue.

Ocean Law and Policy
6 August 2020: Emeritus Professor Robert Beckman Nominated by Vietnam as Arbitrator Under UNCLOS Annex VII

On 6 August 2020, the Embassy of Vietnam in Singapore held a ceremony to officially present the decision of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Vietnam to nominate Emeritus Professor Robert Beckman, Head of Ocean Law and Policy of CIL, as an Arbitrator under Annex VII of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. Her Excellency Tao Thi Thanh Huong, Ambassador Plenipotentiary and Extraordinary of Vietnam to Singapore, along with all Heads of Section of the Embassy, attended the event.

At the ceremony, Ambassador Huong presented the decision to Professor Beckman, emphasising that this is the first time in history that Vietnam has nominated a foreign national to this important position. This proves not only the recognition of the knowledge and experience of the nominee but also his impartiality to and support of the peaceful resolution of disputes based on international law.

Ocean Law and Policy
11 June 2020: Nilüfer Oral and Robert Beckman at the Adoption Ceremony of the Model Agreement between Singapore and ITLOS

Dr Nilüfer Oral, CIL Director, and Robert Beckman, Head, CIL Ocean Law & Policy, were invited to attend the online Adoption Ceremony of the Model Agreement between Singapore and the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (ITLOS) on 11 June 2020. Disputes referred to the ITLOS can now be heard in Singapore under the agreement signed by Minister for Law and Home Affairs K Shanmugam and ITLOS President, Judge Jin-Hyun Paik.

Ocean Law and Policy
27–28 February 2020: Senior Research Fellow Dr Tara Davenport Participates in ASEAN Regional Forum Workshop on Dispute Resolution and Law of the Sea in Dili, Timor-Leste

Dr Tara Davenport, CIL Senior Research Fellow, participated at the ASEAN Regional Forum Workshop on Dispute Resolution and Law of the Sea held in Dili, Timor-Leste from 27 to 28 February 2020. The workshop was hosted by Timor-Leste and co-chaired by Malaysia and Australia. Dr Davenport presented on ‘Compulsory Conciliation under UNCLOS: Prospects for Future Use‘ and also moderated a panel on resolving disputes in relation to maritime boundaries.

Ocean Law and Policy
25–27 February 2020: Senior Research Fellow Youna Lyons Participates in the Scientific Advisory Committee Meeting on the Assessment on Sources, Pathways and Hazards of litter Including Plastic Litter and Microplastics Pollution in Nairobi, Kenya

Youna Lyons, Senior Research Fellow in the Ocean Law and Policy Programme of CIL, participated in the Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) Meeting on the assessment on sources, pathways and hazards of litter including plastic litter and microplastics pollution. She was nominated by Singapore government and confirmed by UNEP as an expert in the SAC. The meeting took place on 25–27 February 2020 in Nairobi, Kenya.

The main purpose of the meeting was the drafting of an assessment on sources, pathways and hazards of marine litter and microplastic and its presence in the rivers and oceans, scientific knowledge about adverse effects on ecosystems, potential adverse on human health and environmentally sound technology innovations. This report will be presented at Lisbon UN Ocean Conference in June 2020 and submitted to inform UNEA 5 in 2021.

Ocean Law and Policy
3–5 February 2020: Senior Research Fellow Youna Lyons Participates in Expert Workshop to Identify Options for Modifying the Description of Ecologically or Biologically Significant Marine Areas (EBSAs) and Describing New EBSAs in Brussels, Belgium

Senior Research Fellow Youna Lyons participated in the Expert Workshop organised by the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity to Identify Options for Modifying the Description of Ecologically or Biologically Significant Marine Areas (EBSAs) and Describing New EBSAs. She was appointed by Singapore government to attend this workshop, which took place on 3–5 February 2020 in Brussels, Belgium. The workshop report will provide a basis for preparation of a proposal by the Secretariat on the topic of the Expert Workshop, for submission to the next meeting of the scientific body, SBSTTA.

Ocean Law and Policy
29–30 November 2019: Senior Research Fellow Vu Hai Dang Participates in CSARC Workshop on Regional Cooperation on Marine Environmental Protection in the South China Sea

Senior Research Fellow Vu Hai Dang participated in the workshop by China-Southeast Asia Research Center (CSARC) on Regional Cooperation on Marine Environmental Protection in the South China Sea in Bali, Indonesia. Dr Vu Hai Dang presented on sensitive and protected marine areas under international law and the value of MPA network in the South China Sea. In particular, he spoke on CIL’s research on area-based management tools in the South China Sea: map of sensitive marine and coastal areas in the South China under international law, ‘Moving from MPAs to Area-based Management Measures in the South China Sea’, ‘National MPA Laws in the South China Sea: A Comparison and Suggestions for MPA Law Reform in China’.

Ocean Law and Policy
9–10 December 2019: Senior Research Fellows Youna Lyons and Tara Davenport Participate in Workshop on Informal-Law Making in the Law of the Sea at University of New South Wales

Senior Research Fellows Youna Lyons and Tara Davenport participated in a workshop on Informal-Law Making in the Law of the Sea organised by Professor Natalie Klein at the University of New South Wales from 9 to 10 December 2019 in Sydney, Australia. The workshop is part of a long-term research project on informal law-making and law of the sea led by Professor Klein under an Australian Research Council Future Fellowship Grant. Ms Lyons presented on ‘IMO Measures to Limit Impact from International Shipping’ and Dr Davenport presented on ‘Formal and Informal Lawmaking by the International Seabed Authority’.

Ocean Law and Policy
1–4 December 2019: Research Fellow Arron N Honniball Participates in 12th Polar Law Symposium

Research fellow Arron N Honniball presented a co-authored draft paper, ‘The Next Bastion in Combating IUU Fishing: The Role of Nationality Jurisdiction in CCAMLR & Beyond’, at the 12th Polar Law Symposium held at the Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies (Hobart, Australia).

Ocean Law and Policy
18–22 November 2019: Senior Research Fellow Vu Hai Dang Participates in Third Meeting of Ad Hoc Open-Ended Expert Group on Marine Litter and Microplastics in Bangkok

Senior Research Fellow Vu Hai Dang took part in the Third Meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-Ended Expert Group on Marine Litter and Microplastics in Bangkok, Thailand, on 18–22 November 2019. The meeting was organised by United Nations Environment Programme, and the agenda was the implementation of the Resolution 4/6 of the 4th United Nations Environment Assembly held in March 2019. At the meeting, Dr Vu Hai Dang introduced CIL’s research on marine plastics—in particular the report ‘A Review of Research on Marine Plastics in Southeast Asia: Who Does What’—to national delegates, NGOs and industry representatives.

Ocean Law and Policy
14–16 November 2019: CIL Co-Sponsors International Conference on Legal, Scientific and Economic Aspects of Deep Seabed Mining in Jamaica

CIL co-sponsored the International Conference on Legal, Scientific and Economic Aspects of Deep Seabed Mining held in Kingston, Jamaica from 14 to 16 November 2019. The conference was co-organised by the International Seabed Authority and the Center for Ocean Law and Policy (University of Virginia School of Law) and co-sponsored by Institute for China America Studies, Korean Maritime Institute and the World Maritime University.

CIL sponsored the participation of the following participants, who presented at the conference. 


Ocean Law and Policy
13–14 November 2019: Senior Research Fellow Youna Lyons Speaks at 2nd ASEAN Regional Forum Workshop

Senior Research Fellow Youna Lyons was invited to speak at the 2nd ASEAN Regional Forum Workshop on Implementing UNCLOS and Other International Instruments to Address Emerging Maritime Issues in Hanoi on 13–14 November 2019. She gave two presentations during the session on degradation of the marine environment and impacts on sustainable management and conservation of marine resources: 

Ocean Law and Policy
8 November 2019: Research Fellow Arron N Honniball Speaks at UNESCAP Event

Research fellow Arron N Honniball gave a presentation on illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing, titled ‘“End” IUU Fishing: Expanding Implementation to Achieve SDG Target 14.4’, at the second edition of the Asia Pacific Day for the Ocean. The event was hosted by UNESCAP and held at the United Nations Conference Centre in Bangkok on 8 November 2019. Dr Honniball also moderated the session on sustainable fisheries.

Ocean Law and Policy
6–7 November 2019: Head of CIL Ocean Law and Policy Programme Robert Beckman Speaks at 11th South China Sea International Conference in Vietnam

Robert Beckman participated in the 11th South China Sea International Conference on Cooperation for Regional Security and Development, on 6–7 November 2019 in Hanoi, Vietnam. The main organiser was the Diplomatic Academy of Vietnam. Associate Professor Beckman was a discussant in the Special Session on the 25th Anniversary of the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea. He was also a speaker in the concluding plenary session on strengthening the foundation for peace and a rules-based legal order.