Researchers' Activities


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Ocean Law and Policy
Liu Yulu participated in the Fifth ERIA’s Expert Working Group Meeting on Marine Plastic Debris, Bangkok

This expert working group meeting invited participants from academia, government and industries to set the stage for the next steps towards the fourth session of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee to develop an international legally binding instrument on plastic pollution, including in the marine environment (INC-4), and to discuss the establishment of a working group on extended producer responsibility (EPR) to enhance waste management in ASEAN member states.

Ocean Law and Policy
Dita Liliansa spoke at the “Maritime Law and Governance” panel session for the ASEAN-Australia Maritime Cooperation Forum

The panel discussed various legal issues in Southeast Asia and lessons/best practices on regional maritime cooperation.

Ocean Law and Policy
Dita Liliansa presented at the “UNSW International Law Junior Workshop

She presented her draft article about informal lawmaking in ASEAN. Professor Natalie Klein from UNSW served as a commentator for her article.

Ocean Law and Policy
Dita Liliansa spoke at the Maritime Security Roundtable organised by the University of New South Wales (UNSW) Canberra

The event focused on the theme “Threats from the Global Commons.” She shared her forthcoming article about “Threats to Commercial Shipping During International Armed Conflicts.”

Ocean Law and Policy
Ocean Law and Policy
Dr Tara Davenport presented in a panel on “How Politics, Economics and the Environment Shape the Global Communications network,” in the Singapore Symposium 2023

She also presented in a panel on “SMART Cables” at Submarine Networks 2023, a conference that brings together the telecommunications industry in Singapore, on 28 September 2023.

Ocean Law and Policy
Dr Tara Davenport participated in conference on “Undersea Cables, Geoeconomics, and Security in the Indo-Pacific: Risks and Resilience”

She presented on “Southeast Asian Approaches to the Protection of Submarine Cables: Problems and Prospects for Cooperation.”

Ocean Law and Policy
Dita Liliansa participated at the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) Training Programme on “Responding to Smuggling of Migrants (SOM) by Sea

On October 26, 2023, Dita led a session on “Interception,” covering maritime zones, jurisdiction at sea, and grounds for interception under international law. The following day, October 27, 2023, Dita covered “Search and Rescue (SAR) at Sea” module, focusing on the international legal framework and the three phases of emergency set out in the SAR Convention. On both days, Dita also facilitated simulation exercises involving scenarios of smuggling of migrants by sea.

Ocean Law and Policy
Prof Robert Beckman participated in the 15th South China Sea International Conference: Luminate the Grey, Light up the Green

For the full conference programme, click here. To view Prof Beckman’s PowerPoint slides, click here.