Researchers' Activities


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Director's Activities
18 November 2020: CIL Director Nilüfer Oral Speaks at Conference on Pandemics and International Law

Dr Nilüfer Oral spoke at the online conference titled Pandemics and International Law: The Need for International Action, on 18 November. The event was  co-organised by Washington College of Law and its Academy on Human Rights and Humanitarian Law; the Centre for International Law; the Vietnamese National University, Hanoi, School of Law; the Autonomous University of Lisbon; the Florida International University College of Law; and the WCL chapter of the International Law Student Association.


Dr Oral spoke alongside Professor Patrícia Galvão Teles, Professor Claudio Grossman, Professor Charles C Jalloh and Professor Nguyễn Hồng Thao. The event was moderated by Professor Claudia Martin.

Director's Activities
17 November 2020: CIL Director Nilüfer Oral Speaks at Panel Organised by Permanent Mission of Colombia to the UN and the Independent International Legal Advocates

On the occasion of the inter-sessional period in the negotiations of an international legally binding agreement on the conservation and sustainable use of marine biological diversity of areas beyond national jurisdiction – BBNJ, Dr Nilüfer Oral spoke at an online panel discussion on ‘A Dispute Settlement Mechanism for the BBNJ Instrument’. The event was organised by the Permanent Mission of Colombia to the United Nations and the Independent International Legal Advocates.

Ocean Law and Policy
16 – 20 November 2020: CIL Research Associate Dita Liliansa at the 75th session of the Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) of the International Maritime Organisation (IMO)

Dita was a member of the delegation for the Advisory Committee on Protection of the Sea (ACOPS), a Non-Governmental Organisations in a Consultative Status with the IMO.

Investment Law and Policy
12 November 2020: Postdoctoral Fellow Neha Mishra Presents Paper at Taiwan Internet Governance Forum

Postdoctoral Fellow Neha Mishra participated in the Taiwan Internet Governance Forum (IGF) 2020: One World, One Internet, which was held on 11 and 12 November. Dr Mishra participated in the session ‘The WTO’s Digital Trade Initiative: Implications for Asian Policies’, with Erika Mann (Covington and Burlington LLP), Roy Chun Lee (Chung-Hua Institution for Economic Research), and Tsai-fang Chen (National Chiao Tung University). The session was moderated by William Drake (University of Zurich).

Dr Mishra’s online presentation was based on her research on the WTO’s ongoing negotiations on e-commerce under the plurilateral Joint Statement Initiative (JSI). She discussed the various proposals made by WTO members on e-commerce, especially in the context of how the proposed trade rules will impact internet governance focussing on cross-border data flows, data localisation, privacy protection, cybersecurity and source code disclosure requirements. Thereafter, she provided her inputs on the dynamics in the negotiations between developed and developing countries as well as the ongoing tech war between the US and China. She concluded that given the divergence of perspectives on e-commerce rules among WTO members, any short-term outcomes in the ongoing JSI negotiations appear unlikely. The outcome, especially in the short run, could be a very basic agreement covering relatively uncontroversial areas such as spam, e-signatures, e-authentication, and online consumer protection. Difficult data governance issues will continue to remain unresolved.

Nuclear Law and Policy
10 –11 November 2020: Senior Research Fellow Denise Cheong and Research Associate S Nivedita Participate in Virtual Meeting of the CSCAP Nuclear Energy Experts Group

Senior Research Fellow Denise Cheong and Research Associate S Nivedita participated in the second meeting of the Council for Security Cooperation in the Asia Pacific (CSCAP) Nuclear Energy Experts Group held this year.

Director's Activities
10 November 2020: CIL Director Nilüfer Oral Speaks at Closing Address of The Public International Law Year in Review

Dr Nilüfer Oral was invited to speak at the online closing address of the Public International Law Year in Review on 10 November. The event was co-organised by Essex Court Chambers, Essex Court Chambers Duxton (Singapore Group Practice), Fietta LLP, Rajah & Tann Singapore LLP, and The Sydney Centre for International Law.

Dr Oral spoke on ongoing negotiations for a legally binding agreement on the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity in areas beyond national jurisdiction. Other panellists were Sir Michael Wood, Rodman Bundy and Dr Emily Crawford. The event was moderated by Jackie McArthur and Ryce Lee. At the end of the webinar, Professor Vaughan Lowe QC of Essex Court Chambers, and the University of Oxford, rounded off the session by giving the closing remarks.

Ocean Law and Policy
9–13 November 2020: Senior Research Fellows Youna Lyons and Vu Hai Dang Participate in 4th Meeting of Ad Hoc Open-Ended Expert Group on Marine Litter and Microplastics Hosted by UNEP

Senior research fellows Youna Lyons and Vu Hai Dang took part in the online 4th Meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-Ended Expert Group on Marine Litter and Microplastics (AHEG) as observers. The meeting was hosted by UNEP in Nairobi, Kenya, from 9 to 13 November 2020. Participants to this intergovernmental meeting included 200+ representatives from States, international organisations and NGOs. This is the last AHEG meeting before the 5th UN Environment Assembly (UNEA 5), scheduled to take place in February 2021. The meeting discussed the implementation of UNEA Resolutions 3/7 and 4/6 on marine litter and microplastic, which require the AHEG to assess existing measures to combat plastic pollution and submit potential response options to UNEA 5.

At the end of the meeting, delegates agreed that existing measures in dealing with plastic pollution are not sufficient and a range of response options will be submitted to UNEA 5 for consideration, including the development of a new global instrument to facilitate actions against plastics.

Nuclear Law and Policy
9 November 2020: Senior Research Fellow Denise Cheong and Research Associate S Nivedita Participate in Webinar hosted by the Singapore Nuclear Research and Safety Initiative

Senior Research Fellow Denise Cheong and Research Associate S Nivedita participated in ‘The Future of Nuclear Energy,’ a webinar organised by the Singapore Nuclear Research and Safety Initiative (SNRSI).

Director's Activities
4–5 November 2020: CIL Director Nilüfer Oral Co-Chairs Informal BBNJ Intersessional High Seas Treaty Dialogue on Marine Genetic Resources

Dr Nilüfer Oral chaired the online Informal BBNJ Intersessional High Seas Treaty Dialogue on Marine Genetic Resources, with Ms Gabriele Goettsche-Wanli, who is the ex-Director of the Division for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea under the United Nations Office of Legal Affairs. The topic of the November dialogue was marine genetic resources, and the event was co-hosted by the Kingdom of Belgium, the Principality of Monaco, the Republic of Costa Rica, in collaboration with the High Seas Alliance.

Nuclear Law and Policy
29 October 2020: Senior Research Fellow Denise Cheong and Research Associate Nivedita S Participate in IAEA Webinar on ‘Responsibilities and Capabilities of Owners and Operators’

Senior Research Fellow Denise Cheong and Research Associate Nivedita S participated in the International Atomic Energy Agency’s webinar on ‘Responsibilities and Capabilities of Owners and Operators’.