Researchers' Activities FilterResearch AreaAI LawASEAN Law and PolicyClimate Change Law and PolicyCyber Law and GovernanceDirector's ActivitiesEnergy Law and PolicyGlobal Health Law and GovernanceInternational Dispute ResolutionInternational Economic Law and PolicyNuclear Law and PolicyOcean Law and PolicyOthersPublic International LawSpecial ProjectsTeaching and Researching International Law in Asia (TRILA)Year20252024202320222021202020192018201720162015201420132012201120102009Reset Posts per page: 102550100Results 76 to 100 of 1086Climate Change Law and PolicyDanielle spoke on Interdisciplinarity for Climate Justice in a Post-Advisory Opinion World at International Launching Conference of the JUSTNoW (Just Transitions to a Net Zero World) Project– Ocean Law and PolicyProf Robert Beckman attended the CSCAP Study Group meeting on the Safety and Security of Digital Infrastructure at the Four Points Sheraton, 2-3 Oct 2024– Climate Change Law and PolicyDr Nilufer Oral delivered Keynote Speech at the Law and Sea-Level Rise: Asian and African Perspectives organized by the University of Lisbon School of Law— Ocean Law and PolicyJoel Ong was attached to the Maritime & Port Authority of Singapore (MPA)’s Maritime Decarbonisation Division (29 July 2024 to 30 September 2024)– Ocean Law and PolicyLiu Yulu, Eduardo Cavalcanti de Mello Filho, Daniel Pakpahan presented at the H2OLAW Law-Science Interfaces within the Law of the Sea and Fresh Water Law– Director's ActivitiesDr Nilufer Oral was invited to Give a Lecture at the ITLOS-Nippon Foundation Programme on the Topic “Sea-level Rise” as a Component of “Module 10: Current Issues in the Law of the Sea”— Ocean Law and PolicyDr Nilufer Oral and Prof Robert Beckman participated in the IFLOS-KMI Symposium on the 30th Anniversary of UNCLOS: The ‘Constitution for the Oceans’ in Light of Emerging Challenges, International Tribunal for Law of the Sea– Director's ActivitiesDr Nilufer Oral was invited to Speak at the 30th Anniversary of the Entry into Force of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea: The ‘Constitution for the Oceans’ in Light of Emerging Challenges— Director's ActivitiesDr Nilufer Oral was invited to Speak at the 2024 Sir Kenneth Bailey Memorial Lecture– Ocean Law and PolicyProf Robert Beckman spoke at University of Copenhagen on the “dark fleet”– Ocean Law and PolicyProf Robert Beckman spoke at the World Maritime University (WMU) in Malmo– Ocean Law and PolicyLiu Yulu attended the 5th Indian Ocean Rim Association (IORA) Blue Carbon Hub Think Tank meeting– Ocean Law and PolicySu Wai Mon attended as Consultant at Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency (MMEA) Strategic Workshop for Lieutenant Commanders– Climate Change Law and PolicyDanielle Yeow presented at 2nd International and Indonesia CCS Forum 2024 in Jakarta– Energy Law and PolicyNivedita S presents at the 11th EELF Conference on Sustainable Energy– Ocean Law and PolicyDita Liliansa spoke at the 35th International Military Law and Operations Conference (MILOPS)– Ocean Law and PolicyEduardo C. M. Filho spoke at Symposium on Biodiversity Beyond National Jurisdiction organised by the Philippine Department of Foreign Affairs– Director's ActivitiesDr Nilufer Oral was invited to Give a Lecture at the University of the Philippines College of Law on the topic “The Role of International Tribunals and their Advisory Opinions in Global Climate Action”– Public International LawDanielle Yeow moderated and spoke on panel “Risks of International Cyber Conflicts and the Challenges in Applying International Law”– Ocean Law and PolicySu Wai Mon participated in the SEACAT 2024– Ocean Law and PolicyJoel Ong and Trung Nguyen attended meeting at Legal and Insurance Committee of the Singapore Shipping Association— Ocean Law and PolicyDita Liliansa Lectures at the Indo-Pacific Maritime Governance and Networking for Innovation and Excellence (GENIE) Programme– Director's ActivitiesDr Nilufer Oral was invited to Give Lectures at the Summer School on Public International Law Organized by International and Comparative Law Research Centre in Moscow– Director's ActivitiesDr Nilufer Oral was invited to Speak at the Boğaziçi University International Law Conference (BILC) on 3-4 August 2024– Ocean Law and PolicySu Wai Mon presented at the “RSIS-CSIS-DAV Workshop on Southeast Asia’s Preparedness for Crises in the Maritime Domain”– First1234567Last