Researchers' Activities


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Nuclear Law and Policy
1 October 2020: CIL Nuclear Law and Policy Team Participates in OECD NEA’s Celebratory Expert Roundtable

Senior Research Fellow Denise Cheong and Research Associate Nivedita S participated in OECD Nuclear Energy Agency’s (NEA) online expert roundtable on ‘International School of Nuclear Law: Hot topics, expert views’.

Director's Activities
1 October 2020: CIL Director Nilüfer Oral Participates as Lecturer in ITLOS-Nippon Capacity-Building and Training Programme

On 1 October 2020, CIL Director Nilüfer Oral delivered an online lecture on sea-level rise and the law of the sea at the annual ITLOS-Nippon Capacity-Building and Training Programme. The programme helped participants, who were junior to mid-level government officials and researchers from mainly developing countries, to develop their legal skills and deepen their practical knowledge of dispute settlement in the law of the sea under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea.

International Economic Law and Policy
29 September 2020: Postdoctoral Fellow Neha Mishra Presents Paper at Geneva Trade Week

Dr Neha Mishra presented her postdoctoral research on the interface of cybersecurity and international economic law at the online Geneva Trade Week. The session she participated in was titled Competition and Innovation in the Digital Age: Pro Innovation Domestic and International Governance for Digitally Enabled Services’, and was sponsored by the Institute for International Trade at the University of Adelaide, and Trade and Investment in Services Associates. Her co-panellists were Jane Drake-Brockman (moderator), Hildegunn Nordas, Pascal Kerneis and Bryan Mercurio.

Her presentation focussed on two points:
(i) Trade and cybersecurity can share a symbiotic relationship, but the economic costs to digital trade is very high when countries impose restrictive unilateral cybersecurity laws, regulations and policies. Such measures are also dangerous for global cybersecurity governance.
(ii) International trade agreements have an impact on both the domestic and global cybersecurity regulatory framework. International trade agreements can check protectionism by disguised cybersecurity measures and thereby create more open, competitive conditions for global digital trade. International trade agreements can play a facilitative role based on the symbiotic relationship of trade and cybersecurity.

Dr Mishra highlighted that trade institutions can facilitate international regulatory cooperation and create a more robust environment for digital trade, by encouraging interoperability of data regulations and standards, and transparent, open, representative, globally competitive and market-driven cybersecurity standards and best practices.

Director's Activities
17 September 2020: CIL Director Nilüfer Oral Participates as Panellist at Webinar Organised by IUCN World Commission on Environmental Law

CIL Director Nilüfer Oral was a panellist at the webinar ‘Galapagos at Risk: International Marine Protection, Challenges and Legal Options’ on 17 September 2020. The webinar was organised by the IUCN World Commission on Environmental Law, in partnership with the Inter-American Institute on Justice and Sustainability. Globally renowned experts at this webinar provided perspectives on cooperation and legal responses for enforcement of international marine protection in exclusive economic zones.

Nuclear Law and Policy
16–17 September 2020: Senior Research Fellow Denise Cheong and Research Associate Nivedita S Participate in IAEA and OECD Nuclear Energy Agency’s Webinars Related to the Role of Nuclear in Mitigating Climate Change

Senior Research Fellow Denise Cheong and Research Associate Nivedita S participated in the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) webinar on ‘Cutting Emissions for Good: What Role for Nuclear?’ and the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) Webchat on the Barakah Nuclear Energy Plant in the UAE, previously described as the gold standard for nuclear power development.

Director's Activities
10 September 2020: CIL Director Nilüfer Oral Presents Paper at NYU’s UN Diplomacy Clinic

CIL Director Nilüfer Oral presented a paper titled ‘First Issues Paper on Sea Level Rise in Relation to International Law: Key Issues and Gaps’ at the UN Diplomacy Clinic organised by New York University’s Law Faculty on 10 September 2020. Dr Oral is the Co-Chair of the International Law Commission’s Study Group on Sea Level Rise in Relation to International Law.

Director's Activities
9–11 September 2020: CIL Director Nilüfer Oral Presents Paper at Regional Conference on Securing the Limits of the Blue Pacific

At the online regional conference on Securing the Limits of the Blue Pacific organised by Pacific Islands Forum (PIF) on 9–11 September 2020, CIL Director Nilüfer Oral presented a paper titled ‘Legal Options and Institutional Responses to the Impacts of Sea Level Rise on Maritime Zones in the Context of International Law’.

In her presentation, Dr Oral spoke of a platform that will allow PIF members to examine the leaders’ commitment to preserving members’ existing rights stemming from maritime zones in the face of sea level rise. The conference outcomes will form the basis of recommendations to leaders on various legal options and institutional responses, to guide the region towards a collective effort to securing the Blue Pacific.

Nuclear Law and Policy
3 September 2020: Senior Research Fellow Denise Cheong and Research Associate Nivedita S Attend ESI Webinar on ‘Opportunities and Challenges in Deploying Small Modular Reactors in ASEAN’

Senior Research Fellow Denise Cheong and Research Associate Nivedita S attended a webinar on ‘Opportunities and Challenges in Deploying Small Modular Reactors in ASEAN’ organised by the Energy Studies Institute of the National University of Singapore.

Ocean Law and Policy
26–27 August 2020: Senior Research Fellows Youna Lyons and Vu Hai Dang Invited to Asia-Pacific Regional Consultation Meeting Under UNEA Ad Hoc Open-Ended Expert Group

Senior research fellows Youna Lyons and Vu Hai Dang were invited to participate in the Asia-Pacific Regional Consultation Meeting under the Ad Hoc Open-Ended Expert Group (AHEG) on marine litter and microplastics established by the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA). The consultation meeting was held online from 26 to 27 August 2020 and hosted by United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the government of Japan. At the meeting, about 100 representatives from the AHEG Asia-Pacific Group Member States, UNEP and NGOs exchanged views on existing measures and potential options to deal with the marine plastic pollution issue.

Nuclear Law and Policy
26 August 2020: Senior Research Fellow Denise Cheong and Research Associate Nivedita S Attended IAEA Webinar on ‘Responsibilities and Functions of a Nuclear Energy Programme Implementing Organization’.

Senior Research Fellow Denise Cheong and Research Associate Nivedita S attended the International Atomic Energy Agency’s webinar on ‘Responsibilities and Functions of a Nuclear Energy Programme Implementing Organization (NEPIO)’.