Researchers' Activities


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Ocean Law and Policy
21 November 2018: CIL Participates in NUS-Sweden Arctic Roundtable

Head of Ocean Law and Policy Robert Beckman and Research Associate Millicent McCreath participated in the NUS-Sweden Arctic Roundtable on 21 November 2018 at the National University of Singapore (NUS). The Roundtable was organised by the Embassy of Sweden and the NUS Energy Studies Institute. Speakers included the Swedish Ambassador for Arctic Affairs, the Director-General of the Swedish Polar Institute and the Swedish Ambassador to Singapore. Representatives from several NUS research institutes outlined their research activities on the Arctic.

Associate Professor Beckman gave a brief presentation on CIL’s research on the Arctic, including the recently revised CIL Arctic Guide prepared by Captain J Ashley Roach.

International Dispute Resolution
21 November 2018: Practice Fellow Rachel Tan Xi’en Wins 2018 CIArb Competition

Practice Fellow Rachel Tan Xi’en won the 2018 CIArb Competition on 21 November 2018. The essay competition is organised by the Singapore branch of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators. The essay topic concerns a scenario on a culture clash between common and civil law procedures and the different approaches to taking evidence in international arbitration in the two legal systems. It invites entrants to submit a draft procedural order and an explanatory note to that order. The judging panel comprised Ms Judith Gill QC and Mr Duarte G Henriques.

This is the third time that a CIL researcher has won the CIArb Competition. In 2013 and 2015, Harpreet Kaur Dhillon and James Losari won the competition respectively.

Ocean Law and Policy
21–22 November 2018: CIL Researchers Attend ICLOS Conference on Artificial Islands Beyond National Jurisdiction in Bandung, Indonesia

Youna Lyons and Dita Liliansa participated in the Indonesian Centre for the Law of the Sea (ICLOS)  Conference on Artificial Islands Beyond National Jurisdiction. The conference was organised by Universitas Padjadjaran in Bandung, Indonesia.

Ms Lyons was invited as a speaker and gave a presentation on ‘Artificial Islands, Installations and Related Activities by Non-State Actors in Area Beyond National Jurisdiction’.

ASEAN Law and Policy
8–10 November 2018: Research Associate Melissa Loja Presents Paper at 2018 ASIL Research Forum in Los Angeles

At the 2018 American Society of International Law (ASIL) research forum, Research Associate Melissa Loja presented her paper ‘Recent Engagement with International Human Rights Norms by Courts in Southeast Asia: New Challenges to Human Rights Theories’.

She discussed that in recent cases involving arbitration and judicial immunity, Singapore courts relied on European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) norms; Malaysia’s Court of Appeal based two decisions on the ASEAN Human Rights Declaration (AHRD), despite lack of legislative incorporation; the Philippine Supreme Court applied the Convention for the Protection of all Persons from Enforced Disappearances (CPPED), which the government had repeatedly refused to ratify; and Indonesia’s Constitutional Court invoked UN human rights instruments to justify the ex post facto prosecution of the past regime for human rights violations.

This engagement with international human rights norms has three distinctive features: 1) preference for ECHR norms over AHRD norms; 2) subversion of the ethos of human rights; and 3) lack of indication that the courts see themselves as agents of an exogenous regional or global normative order.

These distinctive features cannot be adequately explained by the main universalist, pluralist and institutionalist/neo-institutionalist paradigms about international human rights norms and their application by domestic courts. A re-examination of these paradigms is imperative.

International Economic Law and Policy
8–10 November 2018: Senior Research Fellow Ayelet Berman Presents Paper at American Society of International Law Research Forum

Dr Ayelet Berman presented a paper at the American Society of International Law Research Forum at UCLA. The paper is on ‘Investment Treaties and National Governance’, co-written with Research Associate Professor N Jansen Calamita. The paper sets out a conceptual framework for examining the internalisation of investment treaties in national governance. It is the draft framing paper of a project on ‘Investment Treaties and National Governance’ launched by CIL’s Investment Law and Policy research group, which examines the internalisation of investment treaties in a select group of East Asian countries.

Ocean Law and Policy
7–9 November 2018: A/P Robert Beckman Participates in 10th South China Sea International Conference Organised by Diplomatic Academy of Vietnam

Ocean Law and Policy Programme Head Robert Beckman participated in the 10th South China Sea International Conference organised by the Diplomatic Academy of Vietnam. The conference was held from 7 to 9 November 2018 in Da Nang, Vietnam. The 10th conference in this series was attended by more than 200 participants from Vietnam, the region and many countries. A/P Beckman chaired one session, gave a presentation in another session, and was a panellist in the final wrap-up session. His presentation was entitled ‘Noncompliance and Integrity of Maritime Legal of the Maritime Legal Order’. Click on the links for the abstract and PowerPoint slides.

Ocean Law and Policy
29–30 October 2018: Global Associate Tara Davenport Attends Second ISA- ICPC Workshop on Deep Seabed Mining and Submarine Cables

Dr Tara Davenport participated in the Second Workshop on ‘Developing Options for the Implementation of the Due Regard and Reasonable Regard Obligations under UNCLOS’ held in Bangkok, Thailand on 29–30 October 2018. The workshop was the second one organised by the International Seabed Authority (ISA) and the International Cable Protection Committee (ICPC) to address the coexistence of submarine cables and deep seabed mining in areas beyond national jurisdiction. The workshop brought together representatives from the ISA, the ICPC, the cable industry, the mining industry, academia, and government representatives to discuss practical solutions to minimise interference with these two important uses of the oceans. Dr Davenport served as facilitator for the round-table discussions between the cable industry and deep seabed mining industry.

International Economic Law and Policy
29 October–2 November 2018: CIL Participates in 36th Session of UNCITRAL Working Group III

On 29 October–2 November 2018, CIL participated as observer in the 36th session of UNCITRAL Working Group III held in Vienna, Austria. The meeting was attended by Research Associate Professor (CIL) N Jansen Calamita, Head of CIL’s Investment Law and Policy Programme, and Dr Charalampos Giannakopoulos, CIL Visiting Research Consultant.

Convening twice annually, UNCITRAL Working Group III brings together more than 200 government officials, UN officials and NGO representatives, with a mandate to (i) identify concerns raised by the current mechanisms for resolving investor-state disputes, (ii) discuss the desirability of reform in light of the concerns identified, and (iii) propose relevant solutions. During the Vienna meeting, discussions focussed on the second part of the above three-part mandate.

Research Assoc Prof (CIL) Calamita contributed to the discussions by delivering an address on the effects of third-party funding practices on investor-state dispute settlement and arguing for the desirability of reform in this respect. CIL’s participation in the UNCITRAL Working Group III is part of the Centre’s broader engagement with the topic of reform of investor-state dispute settlement, including through the possible establishment of appellate mechanisms and standing tribunals.

Ocean Law and Policy
22–26 October 2018: Senior Research Fellow Youna Lyons Attends the 73rd Meeting of the Marine Environment Protection Committee of the IMO

Senior Research Fellow Youna Lyons attended the 73rd meeting of the Marine Environment Protection Committee of the International Maritime Organisation (IMO). The meeting took place from 22 to 26 October 2018. Ms Lyons was head of delegation of the Advisory Committee for the Protection Sea, an NGO with a consultative status at the IMO. In addition to most plenary meetings, she took part in three working groups on marine plastics, underwater noise and biofouling.

Ocean Law and Policy
18 October 2018: Oceans Programme Head Robert Beckman Participates in Law of the Sea Workshop in Kuala Lumpur

Ocean Law and Policy Programme Head Robert Beckman participated in a Law of the Sea Workshop in Kuala Lumpur on 18 October 2018. Organised by the Maritime Institute of Malaysia (MIMA) and the Japanese Embassy in Malaysia, the workshop was on a rules-based order for the oceans and issues pertaining to activities in the South China Sea. Associate Professor Beckman gave a presentation on ‘UNCLOS as a Rules-Based Order for the Oceans’.