Researchers' Activities


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Ocean Law and Policy
28 October 2014

CIL Director Robert Beckman gave a presentation at a Conference on ‘Energy Security in Southeast Asia: Implications and Concerns’. The conference was organised by the NUS Energy Studies Institute and held at the Carlton Hotel in Singapore. Professor Beckman participated in the panel on Maritime Disputes and Tensions in Southeast Asia. The title of his presentation was International Law and the South China Sea Disputes.

International Dispute Resolution
6 June 2014

Senior Principal Research Fellow Christopher Thomas QC gave a speech at the 2014 Singapore International Arbitration Centre (SIAC) Congress on “Investment treaty arbitration: Just another form of commercial arbitration?” as part of the Closing Plenary Session on “Investment Treaty Arbitration in Asia: The meeting of international commercial arbitration and public international law”.

International Dispute Resolution
11 February 2014

Senior Principal Research Fellow Christopher Thomas QC taught a two-day intensive training course for Ministry of Trade and Industry (MTI) officials on dispute settlement under international investment agreements. This was the second part to a three-day intensive course taught in November 2013.

Public International Law
11 December 2014

CIL Head of Trade and Investment Law and Policy Professor Michael Ewing-Chow was invited to the Global Georgetown Alumni Academic Program on 11 December 2014 in Singapore to share his views on the ongoing Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) negotiations. He suggested that the slow progress must be understood in the context of the differences between the negotiating states, including the rule of law and the economic and social issues within each state. Further, the negotiating states also have different offensive and defensive interests. For example, the United States has an offensive interest in ensuring a better Intellectual Property (IP) regime, while Australia has the opposite. Similarly, Australia, Canada and New Zealand have an offensive interest in agriculture, while Japan seeks to protect this sector. These differences alone pose challenges for the negotiating countries in striking an agreement that can accommodate all their interests. In addition, he shared his view that it is likely that Multinational Companies (MNCs) who operate Global Value Chains (GVCs) will play a greater role in driving the negotiations. Another interesting interplay to watch will be China’s role, as it has announced its interest in joining the TPP.

Ocean Law and Policy
15 November 2014

CIL Research Fellow Dr Zhen Sun was invited to speak at a conference organised by the Joint Institute for Maritime Law and History of International Shipping Law School at East China University of Political Science and Law entitled ‘Maritime Non-Traditional Security Challenges in Asia-Pacific: An Interdisciplinary and Transnational Dialogue on Reconstruction of Legal Order’ on 15 November 2014, in Shanghai, China. More than 50 academics and students attended the Conference. Dr Sun delivered a presentation on ‘Mechanism under the 1988 SUA Convention for Combating Maritime Security Threats’, in which she argued that SUA provides States Parties with quasi-universal criminal jurisdiction over specific offences that threaten the safety of navigation. This may be an effective tool to address non-traditional maritime security threats in Southeast Asia if all States ratify and implement SUA. To download her presentation, click here.

Ocean Law and Policy
5 November 2014

CIL Senior Research Fellow Youna Lyons was invited as a speaker to the pre-conference policy discussions on the implementation of the D-2 regulations on 5 November 2014 in Singapore. In her presentation titled ‘Ballast Water Management Convention: D-1 and D-2 regulations and related compliance issues’, she discussed the circumstances in which Port States may proceed to indicative and detailed samplings and the sanctions that may be imposed by the Port State should the samplings suggest non-compliance with the regulations. The discussion was based on the language of the Convention, as well as the new Port State Control Guidelines adopted at MEPC 67. To view her presentation, click here.

Ocean Law and Policy
4 November 2014

CIL Senior Research Fellow Youna Lyons was invited as a speaker to the 6th Annual Offshore Decommissioning Training Workshop, Asia Pacific, in Kuala-Lumpur, Malaysia, on 4-5 November 2014, organised by DecomWorld. Youna presented a paper titled ‘Prospects for Rigs-to-Reefs in Southeast Asia: November 2013 Workshop Findings and Recommendations’. To download her presentation and for more information about the event, click here click here.

Ocean Law and Policy
23 October 2014

CIL Director Robert Beckman gave two lectures at the Ministry of National Defence of Viet Nam in Ha Noi on 23 October 2014. He was received by Deputy Minister of Defence and Navy Command Admiral Nguyen Van Hien. He also delivered a presentation at the Diplomatic Academy of Viet Nam on 24 October 2014. The lectures were on UNCLOS and the South China Sea.

Ocean Law and Policy
23 October 2014

On 23 October 2014, as part of CIL’s continuing collaboration with the International Cable Protection Committee (ICPC), CIL, ICPC, George Washington University Law School and the Sargasso Sea Commission, co-sponsored a workshop titled ‘Submarine Cables in the Sargasso Sea – Legal and Environmental Issues Beyond National Jurisdiction’. CIL Global Associate Tara Davenport represented CIL and served as rapporteur at the Workshop. The objective of the Workshop was to start a dialogue between the submarine cable industry and the newly established Sargasso Sea Commission regarding best environmental practices for the laying and repair of cables in the Sargasso Sea. The Workshop brought together government representatives, representatives from the cable industry, academics, scientists and lawyers to discuss the impact that cable operations may have on the marine environment, the ecological sensitivity of the Sargasso Sea and whether any best practices should be adopted to minimise the impact, if any, of cable operations in the Sargasso Sea. For more information about the Workshop, link to presentations and the Report of the Proceedings, click here.

ASEAN Law and Policy
17 October 2014

CIL Head of Trade Law and Policy Associate Professor Michael Ewing-Chow and CIL Research Fellow Ranyta Yusran participated in the Legitimacy of International Trade Tribunals Meeting in Geneva on 17-18 October 2014, where they presented their paper on the ASEAN trade dispute settlement mechanism. The meeting was organised by PluriCourts of University of Oslo, Norway as the first editorial meeting for a book on international trade tribunals. Other contributors came from Europe, the United States, Canada, Africa and Latin America. Please click on the following links for their working paper and presentation titled ‘If You Build It, They Still Will Not Come: ASEAN Trade Dispute Settlement Mechanism’.