Researchers' Activities
8 February 2014
On 8-9 February 2014, CIL Research Associate Junianto James Losari judged three preliminary rounds and the final round of the 2014 Indonesian National Rounds of the Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition, held at Universitas Pelita Harapan (UPH), Indonesia. Universitas Indonesia and UPH respectively came as the Champion and the Runner Up of the competition in which 17 universities participated. In April, the two teams along with Universitas Udayana (Exhibition Team) will compete in Washington DC, USA.
3 February 2014
CIL Head of Trade and Investment Law and Policy and Singapore’s WTO Chair, Prof. Michael Ewing-Chow and CIL Research Associate, Junianto James Losari taught Investment Law at the Master in Trade, Investment and Competition Law & Policy Program of Universitas Pelita Harapan in Jakarta, Indonesia. The 5-day intensive course (3-7 February 2014) cover various aspects of international investment law. For more information, click here.
19 November 2013
CIL Director Robert Beckman visited the International Boundaries Research Unit (IBRU) of Durham University in order to discuss continued links between IBRU and CIL. While at the University, Prof Beckman also met with members of the Faculty of Law.
12 November 2013
CIL Research Associate Yvette Anthony assisted Senior Principal Research Fellow Christopher Thomas QC in teaching a three-day intensive training course for Singapore Ministry of Trade and Industry (MTI) officials on dispute settlement under international investment agreements.
5 April 2013
On 5 April 2013 CIL research staff had a roundtable discussion on the South China Sea Disputes with research staff of the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) at their offices in Washington. The CIL delegation included CIL Director Robert Beckman, CIL researchers Tara Davenport and Leo Bernard, and Ambassador Arif Havas Oegroseno of Indonesia, a member of CIL International Advisory Panel. Prof Beckman began the discussion with a brief presentation, and it was followed by a general discussion. The CIL researchers were in Washington DC to attend the Annual Meeting of the American Society of International Law. The roundtable discussion was arranged by Murray Hiebert, Deputy Director and Senior Fellow in the Southeast Asia Program at CSIS.
4 April 2013
CIL Director Robert Beckman made a presentation titled “Role of ASEAN and the Philippines v China Case” on 4 April 2013 at the 107th Annual Meeting of the American Society of International Law in Washington DC. Prof Beckman served on a Panel on Legal Solutions to Maritime Disputes in Asia, and he spoke about the South China Sea Disputes. The other members of the panel were Rosalyn Higgins, past President of the International Court of Justice; Loretta Malintoppi, Eversheds LLP Paris; and Galo Carrera Hurtado, Member of the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf. The Panel was chaired by Prof Nilufer Oral of the Faculty of Law of Istanbul Bilgi University. For a copy of Prof Beckman’s PowerPoint slides in PDF format, click here.
27 March 2013
Senior Principal Research Fellow Mr. Christopher Thomas, QC, was invited by Thailand’s Department of International Economic Affairs to participate in a panel discussion on 27 March 2013 organised by the Thailand Ministry of Foreign Affairs, together with the Royal Thai Embassy in Brussels and the Mission of Thailand to the European Union, on the issue of investor-state dispute settlement under the current EU investment regime. Fellow panellists were Ms. Eugenia Costanza Laurenza of FratiniVergano Brussels and Professor Jayavadh Bunnag of International Legal Counsellors Thailand Ltd, and the session was moderated by Dr. Vilawan Mangklatanakul, Director in the International Law Development Division in Thailand’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The purpose of the session was to assist Thai government officials in their understanding of the kind of protection offered and reciprocally demanded in the present model of investment protection advocated by the EU and the significance of the option of investor-state dispute settlement in arbitrating disputes which may arise.
12 December 2013
CIL Director Robert Beckman participated in the Five Universities Conference 2013 organised by the LKY School of Public Policy. He made a presentation on ‘Dispute Settlement Mechanisms and the South China Sea Disputes’.
10 December 2013
CIL Senior Research Fellow Dr Tan Hsien-Li presented her paper on “International Human Rights Law, Regional Mechanisms and ASEAN: Disconnected Paradigms” at the European University Institute’s Human Rights Day Colloquium held in Florence, Italy.
9 December 2013
CIL Director Robert Beckman participated in a Roundtable on Maritime Security in East Asia.The Roundtable was organised by the S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies (RSIS) and the Japan Institute of International Affairs (JIIA) and held at the Four Seasons Hotel in Singapore. Prof Beckman made a presentation on ‘International Law & Maritime Security in East Asia’.
8 December 2013
On 8 December 2013, Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) and its Center for World Trade Studies held a seminar with the theme of “Promoting Fair Trade to Achieve Sustainable Development through Doha Agenda”, a part of its three-day event, the 1st Model World Trade Organization (WTO). CIL Associate Junianto James Losari, representing Prof. Michael Ewing-Chow as the WTO Chair at NUS, delivered a talk on Diplomacy in World Trade Organization. In his talk, James explained about the dynamic of negotiations during the 9th WTO Ministerial Conference in Bali. With the consensus decision-making mechanism, every Member has an equal vote. With the number of developing countries outweighing the number of developed countries, it would be naive to argue that the WTO remains a club of rich nations or developed countries. He further observed the various advantages of having the Bali Package agreed by all WTO Members by also looking at the counterfactual. Besides James, Bapak Riza Noer Arfani, MA (WTO Chair at UGM) also delivered a talk on “Sustainable Development through Trade” which continues on exploring the results of the Bali Package and its impacts for developing countries.
3 December 2013
A/P Michael Ewing-Chow, Head of CIL’s Trade and Investment Law and Policy Programme and WTO Chair, NUS and CIL Associate Junianto James Losari attended the 9th Bali WTO Ministerial Conference which took place in Bali on 3-7 December 2013, along with the side event “Bali Trade and Development Symposium” held by the International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development (ICTSD). The President of the Republic of Indonesia, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono delivered his opening speech and officially declared the Conference open on 3 December 2013. During the conference, negotiations had been very intense with serious concern that a deal might not be struck after all. In fact, the initial three-day Ministerial Conference (MC) had to be extended… [Read more]
14 November 2013
CIL researchers participated in the 4th Biennial Conference of the Asian Society of International Law in New Delhi, India on 14-16 November 2013. They presented their papers in a panel titled “ASEAN: the Good, the Bad and the Ugly”. CIL Research Fellow Dr Hao Duy PHAN opened the Panel with a discussion on ASEAN’s role on intra-regional security (download in PDF format) followed by a presentation from CIL Research Fellow Mr Leonardo BERNARD on the use of extra-ASEAN dispute settlement mechanisms for ASEAN disputes (download in PDF format). The third presentation was delivered by CIL Research Associate Ms Ranyta YUSRAN on ASEAN and human rights (download in PDF format). Finally, Professor Michael Ewing Chow, Head of Trade and Investment Law and Policy of CIL, concluded the panel with a presentation on the purpose-driven architecture of dispute settlement and suggestions to strengthen the architecture of ASEAN (download in PDF format). The Panel was chaired by Professor Simon Chesterman, Dean of NUS Law Faculty. [View photo from event.]
12 November 2013
CIL Senior Research Fellow Youna Lyons played a key role as CIL’s point person in organising a marine science, engineering, law and policy workshop entitled ‘Rigs-to-Reefs Prospects for Large Scale Artificial Reefs in Tropical Southeast Asian Seas’. The Workshop was organised jointly by CIL, the NUS Tropical Marine Science Institute (TMSI) and the NUS Centre for Offshore Engineering (CORE). CIL Director Robert Beckman made a presentation on ‘The International Legal Regime Governing the Disposal and Re-Use of Offshore Platforms’. Youna Lyons made a presentation on ‘Rigs-to-Reef in Southeast Asia: Legal and Policy Issues’. For more information and their presentations, click here.
10 November 2013
CIL Director Robert Beckman participated in the 5th International Workshop on the South China Sea in Hanoi, Vietnam. The Workshop was organised by the Diplomatic Academy of Vietnam and its title was ‘The South China Sea: Cooperation for Regional Security and Development’. Prof Beckman presented a paper entitled ‘Disputed Areas in the South China Sea’. For a copy of his presentation, click here. For a copy of his draft paper, click here.
1 November 2013
CIL Staff organised and participated in the Conference on Transparency in the WTO: Between Legislation and Litigation. The Conference was held at Fort Canning Hotel, Singapore. CIL Head of Trade and Investment Law and Policy, Prof Michael Ewing-Chow presented a paper on the ‘Conceptual Framework of Transparency in WTO Context’. While CIL Research Fellow, Dr Lin Lin and CIL Research Associate, Junianto James Losari presented papers on ‘TPRs in China’ and ‘ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) Scorecard and TPR’, respectively. Prof Michael Ewing-Chow, CIL Senior Research Fellow, Melania Vilarasau Slade and Dr Lin Lin led the organisation of the Conference. For more information about the Conference, click here.
31 October 2013
CIL Senior Research Fellow Youna Lyons was invited as a speaker to the 2013 APAC Offshore Decommissioning Training Workshop organized by DecomWorld. She was a member of the regulatory panel and made a presentation on the international legal framework for rigs-to-reefs (download in PDF format) and on International law on offshore decommissioning in Southeast Asia (download in PDF format).
30 October 2013
CIL Staff organised and participated in the 2nd Singapore Trade Dialogue on the World Trading System. The Conference was held at Fort Canning Hotel, Singapore. CIL Head of Trade and Investment Law and Policy, Prof Michael Ewing-Chow, CIL Senior Research Fellow, Melania Vilarasau Slade and CIL Research Fellow, Dr. Lin Lin led the organisation of the Conference. Prof Michael Ewing-Chow chaired the panel discussion on Trade and Investment Coherence in which CIL Senior Principal Research Fellow, Mr Chris Thomas QC was a speaker. CIL Research Associate, Junianto James Losari was the Rapporteur for the session. For more information about the Conference, click here.
29 October 2013
CIL Staff organised and participated in the first CIL Conference on Food Security and Trade. The conference was at Fort Canning Hotel, Singapore. The Conference brought together leading experts on international trade in agriculture to provide an analysis of the ways in which the current international trade system can affect food security. CIL Head of Trade and Investment Law and Policy, Prof Michael Ewing-Chow presented a paper on the relationship between self-sufficiency and food security ‘From Self-Sufficiency to Collective Food Security’ and CIL Senior Research Fellow, Melania Vilarasau Slade presented a paper on ‘The Role of International Law in Tackling the Resource Challenge’. Prof Michael Ewing-Chow and Melanie Vilarasau Slade led the organisation of the Conference. For more information about the Conference, click here.
24 October 2013
CIL Director Robert Beckman participated in a conference organised by the National Institute for South China Sea Studies, Haikou, Hainan, China. The title of the conference was ‘The South China Sea: UNCLOS and State Practice’. Prof Beckman presented a paper entitled ‘The UNCLOS Dispute Settlement System’. For a copy of his presentation, click here. For a copy of his draft paper, click here.
22 October 2013
On 22 – 25 October 2013, CIL Research Associates Mr. Junianto James LOSARI and Ms. Ranyta YUSRAN attended the 2013 Padjdjaran International Legal Conference Series, “Regional Perspectives on Law and Human Rights: Where are we not and where are we heading?” in Bandung, West Java, Indonesia. The Conference was organised by the Law Faculty of Padjadjaran University and opened by the Dean of Universitas Padjadjaran. Mr. LOSARI presented his paper on “ASEAN Comprehensive Investment Agreement: Will Indonesia’s BITs Obligations be Irrelevant?” and Ms. YUSRAN presented her paper on “Combating Trafficking in Women and Children in Southeast Asia: the ASEAN Framework”. The Conference was attended by participants coming from, among others, Japan, Australia, the United States, Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand, and Taiwan. To download Mr LOSARI’s paper, click here. To download his Power Point Slides in PDF format, click here. To download Ms YUSRAN’s Power Point Slides in PDF format, click here.
21 October 2013
CIL Senior Research Fellow Dr Tan Hsien-Li was invited to share her expertise on ASEAN regional integration as part of the Singapore contingent led by Professor Tommy Koh at the 8th China-Singapore Forum held in Beijing, China. The meeting was comprised of senior officials and representatives from both countries at which they shared their nation-building experiences on such topics as urban growth, housing, income gaps, economic cooperation and wider regional cooperation initiatives.
15 October 2013
CIL Director Robert Beckman participated in the APEC Workshop on ‘Enhancing Supply Chain Connectivity: Submarine Telecommunications Cable Resilience in the Asia-Pacific Region’. The Workshop was organised by Australia and held at the Pullman Bali Legian Nirwanna, Bali Indonesia. Prof Beckman made a presentation on the international obligations of governments to protect submarine telecommunications cables. For a copy of his presentation, click here. CIL Research Associate Monique Page also participated in the Workshop.
14 October 2013
CIL Head of Trade and Investment Law and Policy Professor Michael Ewing-Chow was invited to teach at the Foreign Trade University in Hanoi, Vietnam, where he taught the course titled ‘Investment Law’ to students of the Masters of Trade and Investment Program on 14-18 October 2013.
11 October 2013
CIL Senior Research Fellow Dr Tan Hsien-Li participated in the CIL Fireside Chat on ASEAN and Human Rights, chaired by Professor S Jayakumar and Professor Tommy Koh. She discussed the impact of the rule of law in ASEAN and Human Rights on regional and national levels. For more information, click here.