NAS user guide

CIL has its own dedicated NAS (Network Attached Storage) server. Our Synology NAS system has the dual purpose of backing up our office desktop computer content, as well as serving as a secured common drive for all CIL staff’s use. The NAS content can be accessed via your office desktop, your personal computer, or on your mobile phone via the DS File app.

The address for the CIL NAS is \\, or cilarcade.

The common drive for CIL is designated as the Z: drive on most CIL office computers.

Accessing the NAS requires a separate password and ID. Configuring access for a personal laptop or phone will require VPN access and the Google Authenticator app on your mobile phone.

To download eGuides for configuration of the NAS on your personal computer for Windows click here.

To download eGuides for configuration of the NAS on your personal computer for Mac click here.

To request a password reset or assistance in mapping the drive to your computer, please contact our contracted vendor