PANEL 1 Fundamentals: Science and Law
Session 1 – [Lisa Levin] The Changing Ocean, Ecosystem Consequences and Solutions
Session 2 – [Jolene Lin] Governing Climate Change – General Principles and the Paris
PANEL 2 Regional Perspectives
Session 1 – [Clement Yow Mulalap] The Ocean as Navigational Aid in the Era of Anthropogenic Climate Change: The Use of the Law of the Sea by Pacific Small Island Developing States to Address Climate Change and Related Natural Phenomena
Session 2 – [Danwei Huang] Marine Ecosystems and Climate Change in Southeast Asia
PANEL 3 Climate Change: Impacts on Baselines and Maritime Boundaries
Session 1 [Clive Schofield] Dynamic Coasts in an Era of Sea Level Rise: Geographic Aspects of Shifting Baselines
Session 2 [David Freestone] Impacts of Sea-level Rise on the Limits of Maritime Zones and Maritime Boundary Agreements
PANEL 4 Climate Change: Status and Entitlement of Offshore Features
Session 1 [Rosemary Rayfuse] Legal Aspects of the Status and Entitlement of Offshore Features
Session 2 [Nilufer Oral] International Law and Adaptation to Sea-Level Rise and Its Impacts on Islands and Offshore Features
PANEL 5 Shipping and Climate Change
Session 1 [Aldo Chircop] The Regulation of Greenhouse Gas Emissions from International Shipping: A Long-term Challenge for International Maritime Law and the Law of the Sea
Session 2 [Zhen Sun] International Regulation of Arctic Shipping: Polar Code and Further Development
PANEL 6 Living Marine Resources, Marine Environment and Climate Change
Session 1 [Ronan Long] Due Diligence, Climate Mitigation Measures, the Law of the Sea and the Pairs Agreement
Session 2 [Johann Bell] Addressing the Effects of Climate Change on Fisheries
Session 3 [Youna Lyons] Protecting Coral Reefs and other Sensitive Areas from the Impacts of Climate Change
PANEL 7 Development and Adaptation of UNCLOS to Address the Impacts of Climate Change
Session 1 [Alan Boyle] Addressing Climate Change Impacts through UNCLOS Part XV Dispute Settlement Mechanisms
Session 2 [Catherine Redgwell] Treaty Evolution, Adaptation and Change: Is UNCLOS ‘Enough’ to Address Climate Change Impacts on the Oceans?
PANEL 8 Regional Cooperation as A Pathway Forward
Session 1 [Clark Peteru] Regionalism in the Pacific – Perspectives from SPREP
Session 2 [H.E. Arif Havas Oegroseno] Regional Cooperation or Initiative to address Climate Change