The Arctic

Research Materials


  1. The Arctic Region – Maritime Boundary Claims (2008) [Download in PDF]
  2. Maritime Jurisdiction and Boundaries in the Arctic Region (2013); Acknowledgement: International Boundaries Research Unit, Durham University at: [Download in PDF].

Bibliography of Arctic Documents (Updated as of 17 April 2017)

The Bibliography has been prepared by Captain Roach as an integral part of CIL’s Arctic Research Programme for those who wish to understand the evolving issues of international law in the Arctic. It includes resources on international and national documents with publicly accessible web links, academic articles, and additional reading materials from external websites. CIL will expand and update the Bibliography as the Programme develops. [Download in PDF, 20 pages]

Arctic Council

For ease of reference, select Arctic Council documents, which are included in the Bibliography, are available here in PDF format. For more information on Arctic Council documents, please refer to the Bibliography, Section 4.

  1. 1991 Arctic Environmental Protection Strategy [Download in PDF]
  2. 1996 Declaration on Establishment of the Arctic Council (The Ottawa Declaration) [Download in PDF]
  3. The Arctic Ocean Review (AOR):
    1. Phase I Report 2009-2011 (2011) [Download in PDF]
    2. Final Report Phase II 2011-2013 (2013) [Download in PDF]
  4. 2009 Arctic Marine Shipping Assessment (AMSA) [Download in PDF]
  5. 2013 Status of Implementation of AMSA 2009 Report Recommendations [Download in PDF]
  6. 2013 Arctic Council Rules of Procedure (Revised) [Download in PDF]
  7. 2013 Arctic Council Observer Manual for Subsidiary Bodies [Download in PDF]


International Agreements

For ease of reference, select international agreements, which are included in the Bibliography, are available here in PDF format. For more information on relevant international agreements, please refer to the Bibliography, Section 2.

  1. Agreement on Cooperation on Aeronautical and Maritime Search and Rescue, Nuuk, Greenland, 12 May 2011, entered into force 19 January 2013. [Download in PDF]
  2. Agreement on Cooperation on Marine Oil Pollution Preparedness and Response in the Arctic, Kiruna, Sweden, 15 May 2013, not in force. [Download in PDF]


International Maritime Organization (IMO) Documents

For ease of reference, the latest IMO working documents on the Polar Code, most of which are not yet publicly accessible, are available here in PDF format.

  1. Res A.1024(26) (Adopted on 2 December 2009) Guidelines for Ships Operating in Polar Waters. [Download in PDF]
  2. SSE 1/INF.8 (10 February 2014), Development of a Mandatory Code for Ships Operating in Polar Waters – Chapters 8 and 9. [Download in PDF]
  3. SDC 1/26 (11 February 2014), Sub-Committee on Ship Design and Construction (SDC) Report to the Maritime Safety Committee (MSC), paras. 3.1-3.69 and Annexes 1 (SOLAS amendment), 2 (MARPOL amendments), 3 (draft Polar Code). [Download in PDF]
  4. MEPC 66/11/13 (21 February 2014), Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) Reports of Sub-Committees: Use of goal-based standards in part II-Q of the Polar Code, Submitted by the United States (US). [Download in PDF]
  5. HTW 1/21 (7 March 2014), Sub-Committee on Human Elements, Training and Watcheeping (HTW) Report to the MSC, paras. 11.1-11.18 and Annex 3 (Draft Polar Code Chapter 13, Manning and Training Familiarity) and Annex 12, Russian statement on Chapter 13. [Download in PDF]
  6. MSC 93/10/16 (25 March 2014), MSC SDC: Use of goal-based standards in the draft Polar Code, Submitted by the US. [Download in PDF]
  7. SSE 1/21 (31 March 2014), Sub-Committee on Ship Systems and Equipment Report (SSE) to the MSC, paras. 20.3-20.5. [Download in PDF]
  8. MEPC 66/21 (25 April 2014), Report of the MEPC on Its Sixty-Sixth Session, paras. [11.19-11.53], Polar Code matters. [Download in PDF]
  9. Circular Letter No. 3451 (20 May 2014), Annex 2 “Draft Amendments to the 1974 SOLAS” [Download in PDF]
  10. MSC 93/WP.1/Add.1 (22 May 2014), Draft Report of the MSC on Its Ninety-Third Session, paras 10.44 and 10.50. [Download in PDF]
  11. MSC 93/22/Add.3 (9 June 2014), Annexes 23 “Draft New SOLAS Chapter XIV” and 24 “Draft International Code for Ships Operating in Polar Waters (Polar Code)” [Download in PDF]
  12. NCSR 1/WP.1 (4 July 2014), paras. 23 “Development of a Mandatory Code for Ships Operating in Polar Waters” [Download in PDF]
  13. MEPC 67/9 (10 July 2014) “Report of the Polar Code Correspondence Group Submitted by the United Kingdom” [Download in PDF]
  14. MEPC 67/11 (11 July 2014), “Revision of the IMO Comprehensive Manual on Port Reception Facilities” [Download in PDF]
  15. MSC 94/9 (16 July 2014), actions taken by NCSR 1 (page 4) [Download in PDF]
  16. MSC 94/3/1 (30 July 2014), “Adoption of the International Code for Ships Operating in Polar Waters (Polar Code)” [Download in PDF]
  17. MSC 94/3 (31 July 2014), Annex 2, “Adoption of Amendments to the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974, As Amended”, Chapter XIV “Safety Measures for Ships Operating in Polar Waters” [Download in PDF]