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  • 1996 Protocol to the 1972 Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and Other Matter
Summary Information
Full Title

1996 Protocol to the 1972 Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and Other Matter

Short Title / Abbreviations

LC PROT 1996/London Protocol/London Convention Protocol

CIL Subject Classification
Citations to Text [2006] ATS 11
Date of Adoption 07/11/1996
Place of Adoption London, United Kingdom
Secretariat / Relevant Authority

International Maritime Organisation (IMO)

Dispute settlement provisions

Article 16 ‘Settlement of Disputes’:

“1. Any disputes regarding the interpretation or application or this Protocol shall be resolved in the first instance through negotiation, mediation or conciliation, or other peaceful means chosen by parties to the dispute.

2. If no resolution is possible within twelve months after one Contracting Party has notified another that a dispute exists between them, the dispute shall be settled, at the request of a party to the dispute, by means of the Arbitral Procedure set forth in Annex 3, unless the parties to the dispute agree to use one of the procedures listed in paragraph 1 of Article 287 of the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. The parties to the dispute may so agree, whether or not they are also States Parties to the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea.

3. In the event an agreement to use one of the procedures listed in paragraph 1 of Article 287 of the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea is reached, the provisions set forth in Part XV of that Convention that are related to the chosen procedure would also apply, mutatis mutandis.

4. The twelve month period referred to in paragraph 2 may be extended for another twelve months by mutual consent of the parties concerned.

5. Notwithstanding paragraph 2, any State may, at the time it expresses its consent to be bound by this Protocol, notify the Secretary-General that, when it is a party to a dispute about the interpretation or application of Article 3.1 or 3.2, its consent will be required before the dispute may be settled by means of the Arbitral Procedure set forth in Annex 3.”


Secretary-General of the International Maritime Organization


Annex 1 – Wastes or Other Matter That may be Considered for Dumping

Annex 2 – Assessment of Wastes or Other Matter that may be Considered for Dumping

Annex 3 – Arbitral Procedure

Entry Into Force Status In Force
Date of Entry into Force


Entry into Force / Termination Provisions

Article 25:

“1. This Protocol shall enter into force on the thirtieth day following the date on which:

.1 at least 26 States have expressed their consent to be bound by this Protocol in accordance with Article 24; and

.2 at least 15 Contracting Parties to the Convention are included in the number of States referred to in paragraph 1.1.

2. For each State that has expressed its consent to be bound by this Protocol in accordance with Article 24 following the date referred to in paragraph 1, this Protocol shall enter into force on the thirtieth day after the date on which such State expressed its consent.”

General Status 54 Parties (as of 10/07/2024))
Links to Current Status/Reservations International Maritime Organization (IMO) (see page 584)
ASEAN States
Brunei Darussalam
Philippines Accession 09/05/2012
Related Instruments
Protocols / Amendments to this instrument

2006 Amendment to include CO2 Sequestration in Sub-Seabed Geological Formations in Annex 1 to the London Protocol

2009 Amendment to Article 6 of the 1996 Protocol to the 1972 Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and Other Matter

2013 Amendment to the London Protocol to Regulate the Placement of Matter for Ocean Fertilization and other Marine Geoengineering Activities

This instrument amends/supersedes

This Protocol superseded the 1972 Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and Other Matter as between the Parties to this Protocol who are also Parties to the Convention pursuant to Article 23 of this Protocol.

Related Instruments

1972 Convention for the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping from Ships and Aircraft

1976 Convention for the Protection of the Mediterranean Sea Against Pollution

1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea

1986 Protocol for the Prevention of Pollution of the South Pacific Region by Dumping

1992 Rio Declaration on Environment and Development

1992 Agenda 21 Preamble and Chapter 17

2009 Guidelines for the Placement of Artificial Reefs

External Links
Additional Information

The downloadable text in this entry incorporates the 2006 Amendments to the London Protocol.