Events Distinguished Speaker Series Conferences Courses & Training Workshops Seminars Fireside Chats FilterLead EventsASEAN Law AcademyCIL eAcademyInternational Law Year in ReviewMarine EnvironmentMaritime Boundaries DelimitationSIAATRILAUpcoming eventsPast eventsEvent CategoryBook LaunchesConferencesDistinguished Speaker SeriesFireside Chat SeriesOthersSeminarsSupported EventsTraining CoursesWorkshopsResearch AreaAI LawASEAN Law and PolicyClimate Change Law and PolicyCyber Law and GovernanceDirector's ActivitiesEnergy Law and PolicyGlobal Health Law and GovernanceInternational Dispute ResolutionInternational Economic Law and PolicyNuclear Law and PolicyOcean Law and PolicyOthersPublic International LawSpecial ProjectsTeaching and Researching International Law in Asia (TRILA)Year20252024202320222021202020192018201720162015201420132012201120102009Reset Posts per page: 102550100Results 415 to 423 of 585SeminarsThe Kingdom of Denmark in respect of the Faroe Islands v. The European Union – The A...28 January, Wednesday - NUS Bukit Timah CampusSeminarsThe Establishment of Entitlement to the Outer Continental Shelf27 January, Tuesday - NUS Bukit Timah CampusSeminarsLaw of the Sea and Ocean Governance in the Arctic: Conflict, Cooperation and Challenges20 January, Tuesday - NUS Bukit Timah CampusDistinguished Speaker SeriesWTO Crisis Averted?16 December, Tuesday - NUS Bukit Timah CampusSeminarsArctic IMO Issues10 December, Wednesday - NUS Bukit Timah CampusSeminarsUnderstanding Article 76 and the Challenges of Mapping the Arctic25 November, Tuesday - NUS Bukit Timah CampusConferences, SIAA(SIAA 2014 Conference) Arbitrating ICSID Cases19 November, Wednesday - Mandarin Orchard SingaporeSIAA, Training CoursesSingapore International Arbitration Academy 2014 (SIAA 2014)14 - 26 November - NUS Bukit Timah CampusFireside Chat Series[Fireside Chat Series 2014] The Judicial Regulation of Shared Freshwater Resources: Indus ...27 October, Monday - NUS Bukit Timah CampusFirst44454647484950Last