Publications Books Journal Articles & Book Reviews Book Chapters Working Papers Reports Event Reports Commentaries & Opinion Editorials Blogs FilterTypeBook ChaptersBooks-- ASEAN Integration Through Law-- NUS Centre for International LawCommentaries & Opinion EditorialsJournal Articles & Book ReviewsNewslettersOthersReports-- Arctic Guide-- Event Reports-- Treaty PracticeWorking Papers-- ASEAN Ideas in ProgressResearch AreaAI LawASEAN Law and PolicyClimate Change Law and PolicyCyber Law and GovernanceDirector's ActivitiesEnergy Law and PolicyGlobal Health Law and GovernanceInternational Dispute ResolutionInternational Economic Law and PolicyNuclear Law and PolicyOcean Law and PolicyOthersPublic International LawSpecial ProjectsTeaching and Researching International Law in Asia (TRILA)Year202620252024202320222021202020192018201720162015201420132012201120102009Reset Posts per page: 9365490Results 118 to 126 of 258 Book ChaptersThe International Legal Framework for the Protection and Sustainable Use of Marine Biological DiversityBiodiversity and the Law Edited by Charles R McManis and Burton Ong Routledge Book ChaptersMaritime Boundary Disputes and Compulsory Dispute Settlement: Recent Developments and Unresolved IssuesLegal Order in the World’s Oceans: UN Convention on the Law of the Sea, pp 228–250 Edited by Myron Nordquist, John Norton Moore and Ronan Long Brill Event ReportsWorkshop on PSSAs in Southeast Asia: Trends and ProspectsCentre for International Law Book ChaptersSubmarine Cables in the Sargasso Sea: Lessons for the Prep-ComLegal Status of Submarine Cables, Pipelines and ABNJ, pp 115–184 Hakan Karan, Sami Aksoy and Kubra Var Turk (eds) Ankara University Research Center of the Sea and Maritime Law Book ChaptersGlobal Regulation of Submarine Cables and Pipelines: Similarities, Differences and GapsLegal Status of Submarine Cables, Pipelines and ABNJ, pp 3–32 Hakan Karan, Sami Aksoy and Kubra Var Turk (eds) Ankara University Research Center of the Sea and Maritime Law Book ChaptersThe Cooperative Mechanism for the Straits of Malacca and SingaporeGovernance of Arctic Shipping, pp 381–412 Robert C Beckman, Tore Henriksen, Kristine Dalaker Kraabel, Erik J Molenaar, and J Ashley Roach (eds) Brill Book ChaptersConclusions on Challenges and Prospects for Enhanced Cooperation on the Governance of Arctic ShippingGovernance of Arctic Shipping: Balancing Rights and Interests of Arctic States and User States, pp 432–437 Robert C. Beckman, Tore Henriksen, Kristine Dalaker Kraabel, Erik J. Molenaar, and J. Ashley Roach (eds) Brill BooksGovernance of Arctic Shipping: Balancing Rights and Interests of Arctic States and User StatesBrill Commentaries & Opinion EditorialsProgress in the South China Sea? A Year After the Hague RulingForeign Affairs First11121314151617Last