Global Health Law and Governance

Dr Ayelet Berman contributed to the report Global Governance: The World Health Organization (WHO) and the Need for Post-COVID-19 Reform: Addressing Challenges to Public Health and Society Through Global Collaboration

Dr Ayelet Berman, Lead of the Global Health and Governance program, was among the contributing authors of a report on COVID-19 reforms submitted to the WHO Independent Panel for Pandemic Preparedness and Review. The report and recommendations, written in collaboration with other leading scholars, was convened by the Whitney R. Harris World Law Institute in …

Dr Ayelet Berman contributed to the report Global Governance: The World Health Organization (WHO) and the Need for Post-COVID-19 Reform: Addressing Challenges to Public Health and Society Through Global Collaboration Read More »

Global Access to COVID-19 Vaccines

With the development of COVID-19 vaccines within a year of the outbreak, science has scored an incredible achievement. The current challenge is to make these vaccines rapidly, fairly and equitably accessible to people around the globe. While wealthy countries have purchased vaccine doses, low- income countries lack the resources and lag behind. Intellectual property rights …

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Global Access to COVID-19 Vaccines

?? With the development of COVID-19 vaccines within a year of the outbreak, science has scored an incredible achievement. The current challenge is to make these vaccines rapidly, fairly and equitably accessible to people around the globe. While wealthy countries have purchased vaccine doses, low- income countries lack the resources and lag behind. Intellectual property …

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CIL – ILA Webinar on COVID-19: Cross-sector Interlinkages and Public International Law

COVID-19 is arguably the biggest threat and challenge confronting the world since World War Two ended. It is difficult to recall any other event where the established norms upon which the world functions have been altered so drastically. From the way we work to the way we interact, learn, trade, travel and live, it is …

CIL – ILA Webinar on COVID-19: Cross-sector Interlinkages and Public International Law Read More »

e-Conference Series on ‘Covid-19′: A New Surveillance Era?

e-Conference Series on ‘Covid-19′: A New Surveillance Era? 29 July 2020, Wednesday, 9pm Singapore Time, via Zoom Time Converter To combat the spread of COVID-19, governments are initiating or expanding the deployment of digital surveillance tools. Mobile phone data, tracking apps, QR scanning, drones, “robocops” and other digital tools are being used in an unprecedented …

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e-Conference Series on ‘Covid-19’ (Transportation) International Shipping

Wednesday, 3 June 2020, 4pm, Singapore Time Covid-19 and International Shipping INTRODUCTION This session discusses the impact of COVID-19 on international shipping and the global supply chain. It will examine the challenges faced by the International Maritime Organization (IMO), the UN specialized agency responsible for the regulation of international shipping, in addressing COVID-19. It will …

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