International Dispute Resolution

21 November 2018: Practice Fellow Rachel Tan Xi’en Wins 2018 CIArb Competition

Practice Fellow Rachel Tan Xi’en won the 2018 CIArb Competition on 21 November 2018. The essay competition is organised by the Singapore branch of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators. The essay topic concerns a scenario on a culture clash between common and civil law procedures and the different approaches to taking evidence in international arbitration in the …

21 November 2018: Practice Fellow Rachel Tan Xi’en Wins 2018 CIArb Competition Read More »

Singapore International Arbitration Academy 2019 (SIAA 2019)

SINGAPORE INTERNATIONAL ARBITRATION ACADEMY 2019 22 February–1 March 2019 | Registration Fee: S$3,000nett The National University of Singapore’s Centre for International (CIL) will be running the Singapore International Arbitration Academy 2019, which will be taking place on 22 February 2019 (Friday) through to 1 March 2019 (Friday). Spearheaded by the then Attorney-General and now Chief Justice …

Singapore International Arbitration Academy 2019 (SIAA 2019) Read More »

Inter-State Compulsory Conciliation Procedures and the Maritime Boundary Dispute Between Timor-Leste and Australia

This article examines the origin and nature of the compulsory conciliation procedure under the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) and how it has played out in the conciliation between Timor-Leste and Australia—the first time this procedure has been triggered. The article identifies the features of the UNCLOS conciliation procedure—many …

Inter-State Compulsory Conciliation Procedures and the Maritime Boundary Dispute Between Timor-Leste and Australia Read More »

The Dispute Settlement Mechanisms in Major Multilateral Treaties

Although dispute settlement mechanisms providing for compulsory referral to a third party are rarely used, their presence can, and usually do, have a major underlying influence over the actions of States, which are typically anxious to avoid lengthy and expensive dispute settlement procedures. We undertook a quantitative analysis of the dispute settlement mechanisms of 236 …

The Dispute Settlement Mechanisms in Major Multilateral Treaties Read More »

Report: Survey on Obstacles to Settlement of Investor-State Disputes

Investor-State arbitration is a controversial topic, so much so that trade agreements have sparked debate and protests around the world, including in countries whose investors are frequent users of investor-State dispute settlement (ISDS). While many disputes apparently are settled, there is growing interest in encouraging more settlement. Against this backdrop, the International Dispute Resolution team …

Report: Survey on Obstacles to Settlement of Investor-State Disputes Read More »

24–27 August 2018: Team Coached by Research Associate Rachel Tan Emerges Runner-Up Team at ALSA Investment Law Moot

Research Associate Rachel Tan coached the NUS team that emerged runner-up at the Asian Law Students Association (ALSA) Investment Law Moot held in Yangon from 24 to 27 August 2018. At the keenly contested final, two NUS teams battled through four intense rounds simulating an investor-state dispute before the Permanent Court of Arbitration. The runner-up …

24–27 August 2018: Team Coached by Research Associate Rachel Tan Emerges Runner-Up Team at ALSA Investment Law Moot Read More »

7–8 July 2018: CIL Researchers Invited to Judge Inaugural FDI International Arbitration Moot in Vietnam

CIL Researchers Ms Emily Choo and Mr Eugenio Gomez-Chico were invited to judge the inaugural Foreign Direct Investment International Arbitration Moot (FDI Moot)—Vietnam National Round (7–8 July 2018). The moot was hosted by the Ho Chi Minh University of Law and organised by the Vietnam Society of International Law. The national round is part of …

7–8 July 2018: CIL Researchers Invited to Judge Inaugural FDI International Arbitration Moot in Vietnam Read More »

Exploring the Interpretative and Jurisdictional Consequences of Including an Investment Chapter in a Free Trade Agreement

This book chapter by CIL researchers explores the interpretative experience of NAFTA tribunals with the investment chapter in the context of a multi-chapter North American Free Trade Agreement.  The chapter is part of the book Jurisdiction Admissibility and Choice of Law in International Arbitration: Liber Amicorum Michael Pryles, which discusses the jurisdiction, admissibility and choice of law …

Exploring the Interpretative and Jurisdictional Consequences of Including an Investment Chapter in a Free Trade Agreement Read More »