Director's Activities

9 June 2022: CIL Director Dr Nilufer Oral was Invited to Speak at one of the Side Events of the First Global Meeting of National Focal Points.

Dr Oral spoke at Side Event 7: The Role of Global Networks Of Legal Experts And Practitioners To Assist In Designing And Implementing Legal Responses To Address The Triple Planetary Crisis. Seven side events took place at the in-person (hybrid) segment of the First Global Meeting of National Focal Points to the Montevideo Programme V …

9 June 2022: CIL Director Dr Nilufer Oral was Invited to Speak at one of the Side Events of the First Global Meeting of National Focal Points. Read More »

7 June 2022: CIL Director Dr Nilüfer Oral was Invited to Speak at the Webinar on “Rising Sea Levels and AALCO Member States: Perils and Protection under International Law” Organized by the Asian-African Legal Consultative Organization

Dr Oral spoke at the session on “Rising Sea Levels: The Role of International Organizations”. Ecocidal proclivities of human societies have resulted in several pressing global challenges, like biodiversity loss and climate change. Such debacles make the goal of environmental sustainability appear largely unattainable. Global warming and the resultant rise in sea levels pose unconventional …

7 June 2022: CIL Director Dr Nilüfer Oral was Invited to Speak at the Webinar on “Rising Sea Levels and AALCO Member States: Perils and Protection under International Law” Organized by the Asian-African Legal Consultative Organization Read More »

13 May 2022: CIL Director Dr Nilufer Oral was Invited by IMO International Maritime Law Institute to Speak at the Course on International Maritime Security

Dr Nilufer Oral spoke at the session on “International Marine Environment Pollution as Security Threat/Sea Level Rise and International Security Implication” The fluidity and complexity of modern-day maritime security challenges require a deep understanding of the law of the sea, maritime law, as well as of national policies and regulations before responding to them. The …

13 May 2022: CIL Director Dr Nilufer Oral was Invited by IMO International Maritime Law Institute to Speak at the Course on International Maritime Security Read More »

5 May 2022: CIL Director Dr Nilüfer Oral was Invited by International Law Association (Nigerian Branch) to Speak at the International Conference on Environmental Law, Governance, and Sustainable Development

The International Conference on Environmental Law, Governance, and Sustainable Development provides a timely opportunity to critically investigate practical, philosophical, and methodological approaches for addressing longstanding barriers to the effective design and implementation of environmental law. This Conference brings together governments, business leaders, environmental educators, academics, and practitioners to exchange knowledge experience and learn from each …

5 May 2022: CIL Director Dr Nilüfer Oral was Invited by International Law Association (Nigerian Branch) to Speak at the International Conference on Environmental Law, Governance, and Sustainable Development Read More »

28 April 2022: CIL Director Dr Nilufer Oral was Invited by International Law Academy British Branch to Speak at the Spring Conference 2022

International Law Academy British Branch Spring Conference 2022 On 28-29 April 2022 The conference will consider legal problems likely to emerge from ongoing changes resulting from climate change and its consequences, as set out in the 2021 IPCC report. Panels comprising a mixture of invited and selected speakers will be convened on the following themes: Impact of …

28 April 2022: CIL Director Dr Nilufer Oral was Invited by International Law Academy British Branch to Speak at the Spring Conference 2022 Read More »

7 April 2022: CIL Director Dr Nilufer Oral was Invited by Seoul International Law Academy to Give a Lecture Titled “Climate Change and the Law of the Sea”

Dr Nilufer Oral was invited by Seoul International Law Academy to give a lecture at their International Law Seminar Series, usually held biweekly to cover current issues in international law. Dr Oral give a lecture titled “Climate Change and the Law of the Sea”. The other panellists in the session were: Prof Hyun Jung KIM …

7 April 2022: CIL Director Dr Nilufer Oral was Invited by Seoul International Law Academy to Give a Lecture Titled “Climate Change and the Law of the Sea” Read More »

8 April 2022: CIL Director Dr Nilüfer Oral was Invited by Università di Milano-Bicocca to Give a Lecture on “The Impact of Climate Changes: Challenges for Public, European and International Law”

Dr Nilufer Oral was invited to give a lecture as part of the Doctoral School Lectures of the University of Milano-Bicocca on rising sea level and international law. This year’s overall theme was “Climate change and law”. The lectures were targeted at PhD students undertaking a research in law, but are open also to undergraduate …

8 April 2022: CIL Director Dr Nilüfer Oral was Invited by Università di Milano-Bicocca to Give a Lecture on “The Impact of Climate Changes: Challenges for Public, European and International Law” Read More »

Beyond UNEP’s 50th Anniversary

15 February 2022: CIL Director Dr Nilüfer Oral was Invited as a Panelist to Beyond UNEP’s 50th Anniversary: Attaining the SDGs A Symposium in Conjunction with the 5th UN Environment Assembly & UNEP@50 Honoring the Memory of Prof. Charles Okidi Odidi On February 15th, 2022 the Symposium “Honoring the Memory of Prof. Charles Okidi Odidi” took place in …

Beyond UNEP’s 50th Anniversary Read More »