Researchers' Activities


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Ocean Law and Policy
22–26 October 2018: Senior Research Fellow Youna Lyons Attends the 73rd Meeting of the Marine Environment Protection Committee of the IMO

Senior Research Fellow Youna Lyons attended the 73rd meeting of the Marine Environment Protection Committee of the International Maritime Organisation (IMO). The meeting took place from 22 to 26 October 2018. Ms Lyons was head of delegation of the Advisory Committee for the Protection Sea, an NGO with a consultative status at the IMO. In addition to most plenary meetings, she took part in three working groups on marine plastics, underwater noise and biofouling.

Ocean Law and Policy
18 October 2018: Oceans Programme Head Robert Beckman Participates in Law of the Sea Workshop in Kuala Lumpur

Ocean Law and Policy Programme Head Robert Beckman participated in a Law of the Sea Workshop in Kuala Lumpur on 18 October 2018. Organised by the Maritime Institute of Malaysia (MIMA) and the Japanese Embassy in Malaysia, the workshop was on a rules-based order for the oceans and issues pertaining to activities in the South China Sea. Associate Professor Beckman gave a presentation on ‘UNCLOS as a Rules-Based Order for the Oceans’.

Ocean Law and Policy
13–14 October 2018: CIL Researchers Present Papers at Asian Society of International Law Conference in Beijing

CIL researchers presented papers at the conference ‘International Law in Asia: Challenges and Opportunities’ in Beijing. The conference was organised by the Asian Society of International Law and Renmin University of China Law School

Research Fellow Amber Rose Maggio presented a paper entitled ‘Regional Cooperation for Protection of the Marine Environment in Southeast Asia’. The paper focussed on cooperation in the South China Sea and explored current trends in regional cooperation in Southeast Asia, including the challenges faced and future prospects in the region. Dr Maggio highlighted particularities of the region with regard to cooperative efforts, in order to understand the best way to approach the analysis.

Research Associate Millicent McCreath presented a paper entitled ‘UNCLOS Legal Framework for Cooperation in East and Southeast Asia on the Reduction of Marine Plastic Pollution from Land-Based Sources’. In her paper, Ms McCreath sought to clarify the content of the UNCLOS obligations on land-source pollution and regional cooperation, to encourage states to take active measures to prevent marine plastic pollution, and to work together to that end. The paper also addressed the legal implications of failing to meet these obligations, particularly the risk of compulsory dispute settlement procedures under UNCLOS.

Ocean Law and Policy
5 October 2018: Research Fellow Zhen Sun Presents Paper at The Legal Regime of Underwater Cultural Heritage and Marine Scientific Research Conference in Bodrum, Turkey

At The Legal Regime of Underwater Cultural Heritage and Marine Scientific Research Conference in Bodrum, Turkey, Research Fellow Sun Zhen presented a paper titled ‘Protecting Underwater Cultural Heritage in the EEZ and on the CS—Could the Marine Scientific Research Regime Play a Role?’ The conference was organised by the Research Center of the Sea and Maritime Law, DEHUKAM, Ankara University, and co-organised by the Center for Oceans Law and Policy (COLP), University of Virginia. Click here for the abstract.

Director's Activities
15 September 2018: CIL Director Delivers Keynote Address at Conference in Commemoration of Professor David D Caron at University of California, Berkeley

CIL Director Lucy Reed delivered a keynote address on 15 September 2018 at the Conference in Commemoration of Professor David D Caron held at the Boalt Hall School of Law, University of California at Berkeley. At the time of his tragic, premature death in February 2018, Professor Caron was sitting as a judge on the Iran-US Claims Tribunal, an ad hoc judge in two ICJ cases, and an arbitrator in several complex international arbitrations. He was formerly Dean of the Dickson Poon School of Law at Kings College London and a chaired professor of law at Berkeley. Professors Reed and Caron, who were friends for some 35 years, had both served as President of the American Society of International Law and Chair of the Institute for Transnational Arbitration.

The conference, entitled ‘The Elegance of International Law’, featured high-level panels focussed on Professor Caron’s main areas of interest: international dispute resolution, legitimacy of international law and institutions, and the law of the sea and international environmental law. In her keynote—‘The David Caron Rule of X’—Professor Reed described and developed a lecture Professor Caron gave at the opening of the year in September 2017 at MIDS (Masters in International Dispute Resolution) at the Graduate Institute in Geneva. This was a work in progress, in which Professor Caron focussed on the need for international arbitrators to exercise personal discipline to limit their caseloads to the number of arbitrations they can responsibly handle—namely, a personal ‘X’ number of arbitrations—and thereby facilitate the process of more appointments for a more diverse pool of arbitrators.

The conference papers will be published by the Berkeley Journal of International Law and the Ecology Law Quarterly.

Ocean Law and Policy
13 September 2018: CIL Researchers Present Papers at 14th Annual Conference of European Society of International Law

Research Fellow Amber Rose Maggio and Postdoctoral Fellow Marija Jovanovic presented papers at the International Law and Universality Conference in Manchester organised by the European Society of International Law.

Dr Maggio’s paper was entitled ‘Marine Environmental Protection, Regional Cooperation and Universality: The Particular View from Southeast Asia’. The paper explored the preference for universality in environmental standard setting with regard to marine environmental protection, how regionalism and regional cooperation may be replacing universalism in the implementation of measures for the protection and preservation of the marine environment, and what the implications are for states in Southeast Asia. The paper discussed the legal framework and possible move away from universality, regional cooperation mechanisms, the particular view from Southeast Asia with a focus on the South China Sea, and future prospects.

Dr Jovanovic presented a paper entitled ‘Europe, Trade Deals and Forced and Child Labour in Developing States: Towards a More Principled Approach’. She explored the extraterritorial reach of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) in cases of forced and worst forms of child labour when these practices occur within the supply chains of companies domiciled in European states. Exposing an unprincipled gap in the current ECHR jurisprudence, the paper argued that the absence of any state responsibility pertaining to activities of business enterprises domiciled in their territory, especially in countries with well-known and severe governance gaps, undermines the universal reach of the absolute prohibition of slavery and forced labour and effectively encourages and facilitates such practices outside the European espace juridique. The paper then presented reasons for and ways of framing states’ positive obligations in these circumstances that are consistent with the principles of interpretation of the ECHR and with the growing international recognition of such duties by international organisations and established precedents in some domestic jurisdictions.

International Economic Law and Policy
10–12 September 2018: Research Fellow Dafina Atanasova Participates in Trade Law Forum Incheon 2018

Research Fellow Dafina Atanasova attended the Trade Law Forum Incheon 2018, which gathered regional perspectives on ISDS reform from Asia-Pacific states in relation to the ongoing work of UNCITRAL on the topic. Her participation is part of the broader engagement of the Centre for International Law with the topic of appellate mechanisms and standing tribunals for investor-state disputes, and more specifically with the work of UNCITRAL Working Group III.

ASEAN Law and Policy
6–7 September 2018: Research Assistant JR Robert Real Participates in Philippine Society of International Law Inaugural National Conference

Research Assistant JR Robert Real presented his paper entitled ‘National courts collectively creating regional norms in ASEAN’ at the Philippine Society of International Law Inaugural National Conference. Held from 6 to 7 September 2018 in Quezon City, the Philippines, the conference was organised by the Philippine Society of International Law and the University of the Philippines. Mr Real’s paper explored the role of Southeast Asian judiciaries in developing regional environmental norms amid the lack of a regional court.

Ocean Law and Policy
4 September 2018: Research Fellow Dr Zhen Sun Lectures at ReCAAP Capacity Building Workshop in Yangon

Research Fellow Dr Zhen Sun participated in the ‘ReCAAP Capacity Building Workshop’ in Yangon, Myanmar, on 3–6 September 2018. ReCAAP is the first Regional Cooperation Agreement on Combating Piracy and Armed Robbery against Ships in Asia (ReCAAP). The workshop brought together 25 ReCAAP Focal Point Officers from 14 ReCAAP member states, and other law enforcement officers from Myanmar. The workshop focussed on sharing knowledge and experiences among the Focal Points, and on discussing challenges faced by the ReCAAP Information Sharing Centre and the Focal Points in dealing with piracy and armed robbery against ships in Asia.

Dr Sun gave a lecture on ‘Basics of International Law of the Sea’. In the lecture, Dr Sun gave an overview of the current legal framework of the law of the sea, discussed the differences between the definitions of piracy and armed robbery against ships, and the relevant international regulations of both activities. To access the presentation, click here.

International Dispute Resolution
24–27 August 2018: Team Coached by Research Associate Rachel Tan Emerges Runner-Up Team at ALSA Investment Law Moot

Research Associate Rachel Tan coached the NUS team that emerged runner-up at the Asian Law Students Association (ALSA) Investment Law Moot held in Yangon from 24 to 27 August 2018. At the keenly contested final, two NUS teams battled through four intense rounds simulating an investor-state dispute before the Permanent Court of Arbitration. The runner-up team comprises second-year NUS law students: Ong Kye Jing, Wileen Saw, Timothy James Chong, and Isabella Tan.

Ocean Law and Policy
19–24 August 2018: CIL Researchers Participate in International Law Association Biennial Conference in Sydney

CIL researchers Tara Davenport, Millicent McCreath and Christine Sim recently participated in the International Law Association Biennial Conference in Sydney. CIL organised a panel on ‘The Inherent Changeability of the Due Diligence Principle: Challenges for the Development of International Environmental Law’, which was chaired by Professor Rosemary Rayfuse.

Ms Tara Davenport spoke on this panel on ‘The Inherently Changeable Due Diligence Principle and the Protection of the Marine Environment’. Other speakers on this panel were Justice Nicola Pain of the Land and Environment Court of NSW, Dr Aline Jaeckel from Macquarie University and Professor Marie-Claire Cordonier Segger of the University of Waterloo/ University of Cambridge.

Ms Millicent McCreath was a speaker on the panel on ‘The Tide of Change: New Responses to Environmental Challenges in the Pacific Ocean’, organised by the Australian and New Zealand Society of International Law. The topic of her presentation was ‘PSIDS Request for an ITLOS Advisory Opinion on the Content of UNCLOS Climate Change Obligations’.

Ms Christine Sim spoke on a panel on ‘Investment Disputes and Challenging Boundary Issues over Land and Sea’. Her topic was ‘Investment Disputes in Areas of Uncertain Sea Boundaries: Ghana/Cote d’Ivoire’.  

Ocean Law and Policy
18–19 August 2018: Oceans Law and Policy Programme Head Robert Beckman Presents at the 2018 APOLIA-KIOST Conference: Area-Based Marine Protection in the Asia-Pacific

Associate Professor Robert Beckman participated in the 2018 APOLIA-KIOST Conference: Area-Based Marine Protection in the Asia-Pacific on 18–19 August 2018 at the State Library of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia. The Conference was organised by the Korea Institute of Ocean Science & Technology (KIOST) and the Asia Pacific Ocean Law Institutions Alliance (APOLIA). Assoc Prof Beckman gave a presentation in the session on ‘Regional Initiatives in the South China Sea’ and Chaired the discussion in the session on ‘State Practice in Southeast Asia’. For copy of his presentation, click here.

Ocean Law and Policy
18–19 August 2018: Ocean Law and Policy Programme Head Robert Beckman Participates in APOLIA-KIOST Conference on Area-Based Marine Protection in Asia-Pacific

Oceans Law and Policy Programme Head Robert Beckman participated in the 2018 APOLIA-KIOST Conference: Area-Based Marine Protection in the Asia-Pacific on 18–19 August 2018 at the State Library of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia. The conference was organised by the Korea Institute of Ocean Science & Technology (KIOST) and the Asia Pacific Ocean Law Institutions Alliance (APOLIA). Associate Professor Beckman gave a presentation in the session on ‘Regional Initiatives in the South China Sea’ and chaired the discussion in the session on ‘State Practice in Southeast Asia’. For copy of his presentation, click here.


ASEAN Law and Policy
15–16 August 2018: CIL and ESI Researchers Participate in the RSIS-PDC ASEAN Workshop on ASEAN Disaster Management

Senior Research Fellow Denise Cheong and Research Associates Nur Azha Putra and S Nivedita participated in the workshop on ‘Achieving the ASEAN 2025 Vision for Disaster Management: Lessons from a Worthy Journey’ held on 15 and 16 August 2018. The workshop was jointly hosted by S Rajaratnam School of International Studies and the Pacific Disaster Center, in collaboration with the ASEAN Committee on Disaster Management and the ASEAN Coordinating Centre for Humanitarian Assistance on Disaster Management Centre. Discussions centred around the impact, growth and future direction of ASEAN’s regional architecture for humanitarian assistance and disaster relief, and supporting mechanisms.

Ocean Law and Policy
16–17 July 2018: Senior Research Fellow Youna Lyons Lectures at the 23rd Session of the Rhodes Academy

Senior Research Fellow Youna Lyons was a lecturer in the 23rd Session of the Rhodes Academy, an annual three-week course on principles of contemporary oceans law and policy. Ms Lyons lectured on the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), international law, and the protection and preservation of the marine environment. Her presentation slides are available here.

Ocean Law and Policy
12–13 July 2018: Research Fellow Zhen Sun Presents on ‘Legal Framework of Marine Environmental Protection in the South China Sea’ in Phuket

CIL Research Fellow Zhen Sun participated in ‘ASEAN-China Workshop on Marine Environmental Protection in the South China Sea’ in Phuket, Thailand, on 12–13 July 2018. The workshop brought together government officials and academics from ASEAN member states and China to discuss means to deepen cooperation on the marine environmental protection and marine search and rescue in the South China Sea.

Dr Sun gave a presentation on ‘Legal Framework of Marine Environmental Protection in the South China Sea’. In the presentation, Dr Sun emphasised that states bordering the South China Sea, a semi-enclosed sea as defined under UNCLOS, should cooperate with each other in the implementation of their rights and duties with respect to the protection and preservation of the marine environment. To access the presentation, please click here.

International Economic Law and Policy
12–14 July 2018: CIL Researchers Present at SIEL Biennial Conference 2018

Research Fellow Dr Dafina Atanasova and Research Associate and Practice Fellow Elsa Sardinha participated in SIEL Biennial Conference 2018 International Economic Law in Unsettling Times, American University Washington College of Law, Washington DC, 12–14 July 2018.

Dr Atanasova presented her paper ‘Applicable Law Provisions in Investment Treaties: An Empirical Take,’ as part of a panel dedicated to the general and theoretical aspects of international investment law.

Ms Sardinha presented her paper ‘Requiem for A Deal, or the End of American Influence in the Investment Chapters of Asia-Relevant FTAs?’, co-authored with NUS Assistant Professor Vincent-Joël Proulx, as part of a trade and investment panel dedicated to China and Asia. This paper had won the Best Paper Award at the Asian Society of International Law Japan Chapter’s Annual Global Conference in Tokyo on 1 July 2018.

International Dispute Resolution
7–8 July 2018: CIL Researchers Invited to Judge Inaugural FDI International Arbitration Moot in Vietnam

CIL Researchers Ms Emily Choo and Mr Eugenio Gomez-Chico were invited to judge the inaugural Foreign Direct Investment International Arbitration Moot (FDI Moot)—Vietnam National Round (7–8 July 2018). The moot was hosted by the Ho Chi Minh University of Law and organised by the Vietnam Society of International Law. The national round is part of the FDI Moot organised by the Center for International Legal Studies, which aims to help future lawyers attain a practical understanding of investment law issues, and offers a unique forum for academics and practitioners from around to world to discuss developments and assess emerging talents. The winning teams were from the Diplomatic Academy of Vietnam and Ho Chi Minh University of Law.

Ocean Law and Policy
6 July 2018: Senior Research Fellow Youna Lyons Invited by International Ocean Institute to Lecture in Regional Training Programme

Senior Research Fellow Youna Lyons was invited as a lecturer in the 3rd Training Programme by International Ocean Institute on ‘Regional Ocean Governance Framework, Implementation of the UNCLOS and Its Related Instruments in the Southeast Asian Seas and the Indian Ocean’. The course took place on 1–28 July 2018 in Hua Hin, Thailand.

Ms Lyons’s lecture was on UNCLOS and international law, and regional legal and institutional governance in Southeast Asia. The presentation slides are available here.

Ocean Law and Policy
5 July 2018: Successful Conclusion of the CIL-ANCORS Maritime Boundaries Workshop

The Centre for International Law successfully organised the second CIL-ANCORS Workshop on the Negotiation of Maritime Boundaries on 3 to 5 July 2018. The workshop was held in coordination with the Expanded ASEAN Maritime Forum. The workshop combined interactive lectures and supervised practical exercises, in which participants negotiated a maritime boundary between two fictitious states.

Thirty-four participants, including government officials, geographers, academics and practitioners, completed the three-day training led by renowned legal and technical experts in the negotiation of maritime boundaries.

For more information on the event, please click here.

Director's Activities
2–3 July 2018: CIL Director Lucy Reed Speaks at ‘Forum on the Belt and Road Legal Cooperation’ in Beijing

CIL Director Lucy Reed spoke at the ‘Forum on the Belt and Road Legal Cooperation: Rules and Coordination’ in Beijing on 2–3 July 2018. The conference was co-hosted at the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China and the China Law Society, with the Chinese Foreign Minister HE Wang Yi giving the keynote speech. The legal focus—the so-called ‘soft connectivity’ of Belt and Road Initiative (BRI)—was underscored by the identity of the co-sponsors: Chinese Society of International Law, China University of Political Science and Law, University of International Business and Economics, Beijing Law Society, and Department of Justice of the Government of Hong Kong SAR.

Professor Reed spoke on arbitration and mediation of investor-state disputes, on the panel ‘The BRI and International Dispute Settlement’. The other main panels addressed ‘The BRI and International Rule of Law’, ‘Rules, Treaties and Laws Supporting the BRI’, and ‘BRI Legal Exchange and Cooperation’. The conference had over 350 invited participants from Asia, Africa, Eastern Europe, the Caribbean and South America.

ASEAN Law and Policy
2–3 July 2018: Research Assistant JR Robert Real Presents Paper at Human Dignity in Asia Conference in Taipei

Research Assistant JR Robert Real presented his paper ‘For the Common Good—The Philippine Supreme Court’s Divergent Approach to Human Dignity’ at the Human Dignity in Asia: Dialogue between Law and Culture Conference. Held from 2 to 3 July 2018 in Taipei, the conference was organised by the Academia Sinica Institutum Iurisprudentiae.

Mr Real’s paper explores the Philippine Supreme Court’s approach to interpreting the concept of human dignity, which seems to vary depending on whether parties invoke individual rights or collective rights.

Ocean Law and Policy
28–30 June 2018: CIL Research Associate Millicent McCreath Participates in Conference Organised by Law of the Sea Institute of Iceland and Korea Maritime Institute

CIL Research Associate Millicent McCreath attended the conference ‘New Knowledge and Changing Circumstances in the Law of the Sea’, which was organised by the Law of the Sea Institute of Iceland and Korea Maritime Institute. The conference was held in Reykjavik from 28 to 30 June 2018. The main themes of the conference were biodiversity beyond national jurisdiction, the continental shelf regime, deep seabed mineral resources, dispute settlement in the law of the sea, climate change and the legal effects of sea level rise, and the Central Arctic Ocean Fisheries Agreement. Approximately 130 participants from all over the world attended the conference.

ASEAN Law and Policy
25–27 June 2018: Research Assistant JR Robert Real Presents Paper at ICON-S Annual Conference in Hong Kong

Research Assistant JR Robert Real presented his paper ‘Judicial Transplantation as a Backdoor to Environmental Normative Integration in ASEAN’ at the 2018 ICON-S Annual Conference on Identity, Security, Democracy: Challenges for Public Law. Held from 25 to 27 June 2018 in Hong Kong, the conference was organised by the International Society of Public Law and the University of Hong Kong.

Mr Real’s paper explored the role of Southeast Asian judiciaries in developing regional environmental norms amid the general sensitivity of the region to international law intruding on domestic sovereignty.

21–22 June 2018: CIL Successfully Holds TRILA Conference

CIL successfully organised its inaugural Teaching and Researching International Law in Asia (TRILA) conference on 21–22 June 2018 at the NUS Faculty of Law. Bringing together 144 participants from 34 countries, the TRILA conference provided a platform for junior and senior researchers and faculty members to meet and collaborate on teaching and researching international law in Asia.

The TRILA Conference opened with a rousing keynote address by Judge Raul C Pangalangan of the International Criminal Court, exploring in-depth the role of international law in Asia. Its first day, focussed on teaching, investigated the methods of imparting knowledge and inspiring passion in Asian students of international law, the challenges faced by Asian international law lecturers, and the areas of international law most pertinent to international practice. The second day, focussed on research, involved expositions on the role of history, theory and identity in Asian international law scholarship, the production of quality research in international law, and the obstacles to research faced by Asian scholars. The event closed with a thought-provoking and hopeful prospectus on international law teaching and research in Asia.

CIL’s TRILA conference reflects the commitment of NUS Faculty of Law in promoting international law scholarship in Asia, continuing the work of the 1964 Round Table on the Teaching of International Law and Relations, and the TRILA Conference of 2001. Very fittingly, Professor Tommy Koh (Chairman of CIL’s Governing Board) and Professor S Jayakumar (Chairman of CIL’s International Advisory Panel), both pioneers in this project, were present at the opening of the conference. The conference was preceded by a one-day Junior Faculty Workshop, which gave young scholars the valuable opportunity to have their work critiqued by a panel of senior faculty, consisting of leading voices in international law.