Researchers' Activities


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Director's Activities
29–31 January 2018: CIL Director Lucy Reed Serves as Faculty at the 2017 Summer Institute of the ASEAN Human Rights Resource Centre

CIL Director Professor Lucy Reed served as faculty at the 2017 Summer Institute of the ASEAN Human Rights Resource Centre (HRRC) held in Bali on 29–31 January 2018 (the volcano risk having postponed the original summer date). The chairman of the conference was HE Ambassador Ong Keng Yong, who is the chairman of HRRC and a member of the CIL Board of Directors. The theme of the conference was ‘Trade, Investment, and the Rule of Law in ASEAN’. Professor Reed spoke on ‘The Rule of Law and Dispute Resolution in ASEAN’ and moderated a panel on ‘Rights Dimensions in Trade and Investment in the ASEAN Community’.

The HRRC is a non-profit academic centre headquartered at the University of Indonesia in Jakarta, in partnership with 11 other academic institutions in 7 out of 10 ASEAN member states. Its mission is to support a rights-based approach to ASEAN integration through research, training and education, and its core thematic areas are rule of law, business and human rights, and the rights of vulnerable populations. The Summer Institute is the HRRC’s signature annual event, organised in collaboration with the WSD Handa Center for Human Rights and International Justice at Stanford University and Udayana University.

Ocean Law and Policy
24 January 2018: Book Launch of Governance of Arctic Shipping

CIL and the K.G. Jebsen Centre for the Law of the Sea (JCLOS), UiT The Arctic University of Norway held a side event at Arctic Frontiers 2018 in Tromsø, Norway on 24 January 2018 to launch the book entitled Governance of Arctic Shipping: Balancing Rights and Interests of Arctic States and User States. The book was a collaborative effort of CIL and JCLOS. The book sets out the legal framework that governs Arctic shipping, giving specific consideration to the roles of the International Maritime Organization and the Arctic Council, and compares the rights, interests, positions and practice of Arctic coastal states with those of user states, with particular emphasis on China, Japan and South Korea.

At the side event of Arctic Frontiers 2018, Associate Professor Robert C Beckman, CIL’s Head of Ocean Law Policy and Programme, presented a lecture on ‘The Cooperative Mechanism in the Straits of Malacca and Singapore: A Model for the Arctic?’.

Nuclear Law and Policy
22–23 January 2018: Senior Research Fellows Denise Cheong and Anthony Wetherall Participate in the 7th Meeting of the Nuclear Energy Experts Group (NEEG)

This meeting was organised by the Council for Security Cooperation in the Asia Pacific (CSCAP) together with the S Rajaratnam School of International Studies with the support of the Carnegie Corporation of New York. Topics covered included ways to strengthen nuclear governance in the Asia-Pacific, the future of nuclear power development in Asia with a focus on small modular reactors (SMR) and the networks that enable trade in nuclear technology, and radioactive materials in the Asia Pacific. Discussions also addressed what role academic research and international collaboration networks play in building nuclear-related tacit knowledge, and how a better understanding of the networks that undergird trade and knowledge transfer in nuclear-related industries and institutions might help to build commercial opportunities and a more effective culture of nuclear security in the Asia Pacific. The key findings of the discussions and the programme of the meeting can be found here.

Ocean Law and Policy
21–25 January 2018: Members of Ocean Law and Policy Team Attends the 2018 Arctic Frontiers Conference in Tromso, Norway

Three members of the CIL Ocean Law and Policy team—Head of Programme Associate Professor Robert Beckman, Dr Zhen Sun and Ms Millicent McCreath—attended the 2018 Arctic Frontiers Conference in Tromso, Norway from 21 to 25 January 2018. The CIL team met with staff and students from the Jebsen Centre for Law of the Sea at the University of Tromso (UiT), and Assoc Prof Beckman gave a guest lecture at the UiT. The book Governance of Arctic Shipping was officially launched at a side event at the conference, and Assoc Prof Beckman, one of the book editors, spoke at the book launch. The book was edited by staff from UiT and CIL and was published by Brill. The CIL team also stopped in Oslo to visit the Scandinavian Institute for Maritime Law, where Assoc Prof Beckman gave a guest lecture to graduate students and faculty members at the University of Oslo law school.

Ocean Law and Policy
27–28 November 2017: Head of Ocean Law and Policy Programme Associate Professor Robert Beckman Participates in the 9th South China Sea Conference

Head of CIL Oceans Law and Policy Programme Associate Professor Robert Beckman participated in the 9th South China Sea Conference organised by the Diplomatic Academy of Vietnam on 27–28 November 2017 in Ho Chi Minh City. The title of the conference was ‘Cooperation for Regional Security and Development’. Assoc Prof Beckman made a presentation to lead the panel discussion in the final session on the code of conduct for the South China Sea. He also chaired the session on Legal Dimensions in the South China Sea.

Ocean Law and Policy
22–23 November 2017: Head of Ocean Law and Policy Programme Associate Professor Robert Beckman Speaks at ASEAN Conference on Reducing Marine Debris in ASEAN Region

Head of CIL Oceans Law and Policy Programme Associate Professor Robert Beckman was invited to give a presentation during a plenary session of the ASEAN Conference on Reducing Marine Debris in ASEAN Region. The conference was held in Phuket, Thailand from 22 to 23 November 2017. Assoc Prof Beckman’s presentation was entitled ‘Legal Perspective: Transboundary Issues of Marine Debris’. CIL Research Associate Millicent McCreath also attended the conference and participated in the workshop on the second day on developing a project for the management of the plastic value chain to reduce plastic marine litter.

Ocean Law and Policy
16–18 November 2017: Senior Research Fellow Youna Lyons Participates in the KIOST/JVDI 2017 Regional Conference on the Ocean Policy for the East Asia and the Pacific Islands

CIL Senior Research Fellow Youna Lyons participated in the KIOST/JVDI 2017 Regional Conference on the Ocean Policy for the East Asia and the Pacific Islands in Nadi-Fiji on 16–18 Nov 2017. The theme was ‘SDG 14 and Ocean Issues for the Pacific Islands and the East Asia’. She presented on the topic of ‘UNCLOS as the Cornerstone in the Implementation of SDG 14: A Central, Integrative and Framing Role’.

International Economic Law and Policy
16–17 November 2017: Investment Law and Policy Programme Team Organises Workshop on ‘Investment Treaties and National Governance’

CIL’s Investment Law and Policy Programme team organised the workshop on ‘Investment Treaties and National Governance’ on 16–17 November 2017, in the Asian context. The workshop had a selective call for papers, and participating researchers (mostly from the Asia-Pacific region) presented case studies assessing the impact of investment treaties on national governance in India, Indonesia, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Vietnam.

The workshop brought together researchers to discuss and unpack the following questions in the Asian context. What impact do investment treaties have on national governance? Although a considerate amount of research has examined the impact of investment treaties on FDI, very little is known about their effects on national governance. Are governments aware of their investment treaty obligations? Do they internalize their obligations, and if yes, how? Do investment treaties lead to improvements in the rule of law and good governance, or do they undermine national policy autonomy?

Director's Activities
9–11 November 2017: CIL Director Lucy Reed Speaks at the 2017 Seoul ADR Festival

CIL Director Professor Lucy Reed represented the Centre at several events at the 2017 Seoul ADR Festival during the week of 6 November. At the joint programme of the Singapore International Arbitration Centre (SIAC) and the Korea Commercial Arbitration Board (KCAB) on ‘Multiple Proceedings in Multiple Fora: Strategies and Synergies’, Prof Reed delivered the keynote address and was a speaker on the panel on ‘Consolidation and Joinder under Arbitral Institutional Rules’. She also spoke on the panel on International Investment Dispute Settlement, addressing ‘Momentum on Procedural Reforms:  The Way Forward’. Prof Reed was interviewed at the Young Arbitration Practitioners’ Forum ‘Fireside Chat’ organised by Young SIAC and the Korean Council for International Arbitration, and served as faculty for the second annual Seoul Academy for International Arbitration.

International Economic Law and Policy
6 November 2017: CIL Senior Research Fellow Dr Ayelet Berman Participates in OECD’s ‘International Organizations Partnership for Effective International Rule-making’

On 6 November 2017 the OECD’s Regulatory Policy Division’s ‘International Organizations Partnership for Effective International Rule-making’ convened a brainstorming session to discuss the partnership, bringing together the OECD, member states, international organisations and academics.

The partnership’s goal is to improve the quality, relevance and impact of international rule-making by international organisations. To advance these goals, the OECD has invited academics with in-depth knowledge and experience in the field of international rule-making, to collaborate with partnership. Dr Ayelet Berman has been invited to join this group of academics, called the ‘Academic Friends of the Partnership for Effective International Rulemaking’. She looks forward to contributing her knowledge and experience in fields such as informal international law-making, good regulatory practice, accountability and stakeholder engagement in international law-making. 

ASEAN Law and Policy
1 November 2017: CIL Participates in the Consultation on a Rules-Based ASEAN: Legal Instruments and Their Implementation

CIL Senior Research Fellow Dr Hao Duy Phan was invited to moderate a session in the Consultation on ‘A Rules-Based ASEAN: Legal Instruments and their Implementation’ on 1–2 November 2017 in Singapore. The event was jointly organised by the ASEAN Secretariat and the S Rajaratnam School of International Studies with the support of the ASEAN-US Partnership for Good Governance, Equitable and Sustainable Development, and Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit. CIL Associate Director Ms Sharon Seah Li-Lian, CIL Research Fellow Ms Ranyta Yusran, CIL Research Associate Mr Hadyu Ikrami and CIL Postdoctoral Fellows Dr Heejin Kim and Dr Marija Jovanovic also participated in the consultation.

Ocean Law and Policy
26 October 2017: CIL Senior Research Fellow Dr Hao Duy Phan Speaks at the 5th East Asia Maritime Security Forum

CIL Senior Research Fellow Dr Hao Duy Phan was invited to speak at the 5th East Asia Maritime Security Forum on ‘Maritime Security and Cooperation: Opportunities and Challenges in Asia-Pacific and the Arctic’ on 26–27 October in Edmonton, Canada. Dr Hao Duy Phan delivered a presentation on ‘Addressing Maritime Security Challenges in the South China Sea: The Role of ASEAN’. The Forum was co-organized by the China National Institute for South China Sea Studies and the China Institute at the University of Alberta.

International Economic Law and Policy
26–28 October 2017: CIL Senior Research Fellow Dr Ayelet Berman Presents at the Research Forum of the American Society of International Law (ASIL)

The Research Forum of the American Society of International Law (ASIL) took place at Washington University School of Law, St Louis on 26–28 October 2017. Following an anonymous and selective review process, academics, practitioners and government officials presented their papers in various sub-fields of international law. Speaking on the ‘International Governance’ panel, Dr Ayelet Berman presented her paper on ‘Accordion Governance’, which examines the establishment of international organisations, their displacement in favour of club governance, and the recent reversion towards bigger clubs. Dr Berman was also the moderator of and discussant on the panel ‘Fragmentation and Harmonization in International Law’. Further, as a panellist on ‘The Path to Practice in International Law’ panel, she spoke to students and new professionals interested in pursuing a career in international law.

Director's Activities
25 October–2 November 2017: CIL Organises and Participates in the Singapore International Arbitration Academy

CIL Director Lucy Reed, Head of International Dispute Resolution (Practice Skills) J Christopher Thomas QC, Head of Investment Law and Policy Jansen Calamita, Practice Fellow Emily Choo, and Global Associates Mark Feldman and Tara Davenport were part of the faculty of the 2017 Singapore International Arbitration Academy, which was organised by the CIL on 25 October 2017–2 November 2017. Ms Emily Choo was also team coach to one of the teams that took part in the Academy’s arbitration moot.

CIL Research Associates Millicent McCreath, Robert Real and Zoe Scanlon attended the Academy as participants and took part in the arbitration moot. Ms Zoe Scanlon was awarded a prize for excellence in advocacy.

Professor Reed, Mr Thomas, Research Associate Professor (CIL) Calamita and Ms Choo were speakers and moderators in the panel sessions in the CIL International Conference on Global Currents in International Investment Law on 2 November 2017.

Director's Activities
23 October 2017: CIL Director Lucy Reed Delivers Seoul Arbitration Lecture 2017

On 23 October 2017, CIL Director Lucy Reed delivered the Seoul Arbitration Lecture 2017, sponsored by the Seoul International Dispute Resolution Centre. The lecture title was ‘Suite for ISDS: Mediation, Arbitration and Appellate Bodies’. She addressed the need for lawyers practising in the field of investment treaty arbitration to expand their repertoire or suite of skills to keep up with developments. On the one hand, it is important to be prepared for the new investment court system envisioned in the new EU-driven free trade agreements and, on the other hand, to play a more active role in furthering settlements of suitable disputes by mediated negotiations. The audience comprised over 100 Korean ministry representatives, practitioners and academics.

Ocean Law and Policy
20–22 October 2017: CIL Research Associate Zoe Scanlon Presents invited paper at CPG Annual Conference on ‘Global Commons and the Governance of Unappropriated Spaces’

From 20 to 22 October, CIL Research Associate Zoe Scanlon participated in the 8th annual conference on ‘Global Commons and the Governance of Unappropriated Spaces’ organised by the German-Southeast Asian Centre of Excellence for Public Policy and Good Governance in Bangkok. Ms Scanlon presented an invited paper on ‘Maritime Activities Beyond National Jurisdiction: Governance and Enforcement Challenges’ on a panel addressing issues of governance of global commons in oceans.

Ocean Law and Policy
5 October 2017: CIL Senior Research Fellow Youna Lyons Presents at the 4th ASEAN-EU High Level Dialogue on Maritime Security Cooperation

CIL Senior Research Fellow Ms Youna Lyons was invited as a resource speaker by the European Union to the 4th ASEAN-EU High Level Dialogue on Maritime Security, which was held in the Philippines on 5–6 October 2017. Her presentation, titled ‘Moving beyond competing narratives on the status of the marine environment in Southeast Asia through data’, is available here.

Ocean Law and Policy
28–29 September 2017: CIL Global Associate Tara Davenport and CIL Research Associate Zoe Scanlon Participate in Legal Working Group on Liability for Damage Caused by Deep Seabed Mining

On 28–29 September CIL Global Associate Tara Davenport and CIL Research Associate Zoe Scanlon participated in a Legal Working Group on liability for deep seabed mining activities in ‘the Area’. This was the first meeting of the Legal Working Group, formed to complete a project on liability for environmental harm from deep-sea mining activities in areas beyond national jurisdiction. This meeting, of an expert group of international lawyers specialising in oceans law, met in London to discuss key legal issues relating to seabed mining in international waters. The meeting was co-convened by the International Seabed Authority, the Centre of International Governance Innovation and the Commonwealth Secretariat. The work undertaken by this group will be directed to providing the International Seabed Authority Secretariat and the Legal and Technical Committee of the International Seabed Authority with a foundational understanding of the potential legal avenues for establishing a sector-specific liability regime for deep seabed mining.

Ocean Law and Policy
27 September 2017: CIL Research Fellow Dr Zhen Sun Delivers Guest Lecture at the World Maritime University

CIL Research Fellow Dr Zhen Sun was invited to deliver a guest lecture on ‘Regulation of Shipping in the Straits of Malacca and Singapore’ at the World Maritime University (WMU) in Malmö, Sweden, on 27 September 2017. The lecture was part of the module ‘Multilateral Diplomacy and Negotiation’, which is designed for students enrolled in the MSc in Maritime Affairs Programme on Ocean Sustainability, Governance and Management at WMU. In the lecture, Zhen unfolded the dynamic relationship among Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore to cooperate in maximising governance and management strategies for issues relating to the Straits of Malacca and Singapore. The presentation can be downloaded here.

Ocean Law and Policy
25 September 2017: CIL Research Associate Millicent McCreath Presents at International Conference Organised by the Max Planck Institute Luxembourg and the Vrije Universiteit Brussel

CIL Research Associate Ms Millicent McCreath presented a poster at the international conference organised by the Max Planck Institute Luxembourg and the Vrije Universiteit Brussel. The conference was held in Luxembourg on 25 and 26 September and was entitled ‘A Bridge Over Troubled Waters: Dispute Resolution in the Law of International Watercourses and the Law of the Sea’. Millicent’s poster was on ‘Standing and State Responsibility for Breaches of UNCLOS Environmental Obligations: Access to Compulsory Binding Procedures Marine Pollution from Land or International Watercourses’.

International Dispute Resolution
19 September 2017: CIL Research Assistant Rachel Tan Wins a Christopher Bathurst Prize

At a reception at the Asian Civilisations Museum on the evening of 19 September, Fountain Court Chambers announced the winners of the Christopher Bathurst Prize 2017. The prize is an annual writing competition, named in honour of the late Christopher Bathurst QC, who was a long-standing senior member of Fountain Court Chambers with strong ties to Singapore. The prize is open to full-time students enrolled at the National University of Singapore Faculty of Law or the Singapore Management University School of Law, and lawyers under 30 years old qualified under the Legal Profession Act. The prize is supported by the Singapore Academy of Law.

Ocean Law and Policy
18 September 2017: CIL Research Fellow Dr Zhen Sun Presents at the 2017 Arctic Energy Summit

CIL Research Fellow Dr Zhen Sun participated in the fourth biennial 2017 Arctic Energy Summit, ‘Bringing Together Arctic Energy Expertise, Innovation and Solutions’, in Helsinki, Finland, on 18–21 September 2017. The summit was organised by the Institute of the North and Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment of Finland as a project endorsed by the Sustainable Development Working Group of the Arctic Council. Zhen delivered a presentation on ‘Regulatory Gaps in Offshore Activities in the Arctic: Concerns and Lessons from Southeast Asia’ under the panel on ‘Sustainable Development and the Southeast Asian Experience’. The presentation can be downloaded here.

Director's Activities
12 September 2017: CIL Director Lucy Reed Delivers John E.C. Brierley Memorial Lecture at McGill

On 12 September 2017, CIL Director Professor Lucy Reed delivered the John E.C. Memorial Lecture at the McGill Faculty of Law in Montreal. The title of Lucy’s lecture was ‘International Dispute Resolution Courts: Retreat or Advance?’, and she focused on the recent progress of the Singapore International Commercial Court. Lucy was introduced by McGill Dean Robert Leckey and Mr Pierre-Olivier Savoie. Professor Fabien Gelinas and Mr Stephen Drymer of Woods led the discussion that followed the lecture.

Nuclear Law and Policy
12 September 2017: CIL Senior Research Fellow Anthony Wetherall Participates in Aviation and Nuclear Security Workshop and Roundtable

CIL Senior Research Fellow Mr Anthony Wetherall, participated in a one-day joint workshop organised by the World Institute for Nuclear Security (WINS) and the International Airport Review during the Airport 2017 Expo, hosted in Vienna, Austria, on 12–13 September 2017. The purpose of the event was to explore opportunities between the nuclear and aviation sectors in the field of nuclear security. On 13 September, he gave a presentation on the ‘International Legal Framework for Nuclear Security’, including a timeline of developments. He also participated in the WINS Roundtable on 14 September, which built on the key areas covered on the previous day.

ASEAN Law and Policy
12 September 2017: Assistant Professor Tan Hsien-Li Speaks at Tembusu Forum ‘ASEAN at 50’

Assistant Professor Tan Hsien-Li, Co-Director (Teaching) of the ASEAN Law and Policy Programme at CIL, was invited to speak on a panel at the Tembusu Forum ‘ASEAN at 50: Success or a disappointment?’, which was organised by the Tembusu College at NUS on 12 September 2017.

International Dispute Resolution
11 September 2017: CIL Practice Fellow Ms Emily Choo Participated in a Young Public International Law Group Debate

On 11 September 2017, CIL Practice Fellow Ms Emily Choo participated, upon invitation, in a Young Public International Law Group (YPILG) debate. The YPILG is a network of young public international law (PIL) practitioners from law firms, the bar, international organisations, governments and academic institutions around the world. The purpose of YPILG is to connect early to mid-career PIL practitioners to one another, to facilitate exchanges of ideas and knowledge sharing in the PIL field, and to promote the next generation of PIL professionals. This debate was the YPILG’s first event in Asia.

ASEAN Law and Policy
24 August 2017: CIL’s Participation in the 6th Biennial Conference of the Asian Society of International Law

CIL participated in the 6th Biennial Conference of the Asian Society of International Law (AsianSIL) on 25–26 August 2017 in Seoul, Korea. The conference was organised by the AsianSIL, the Korea Chapter of the AsianSIL, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea. The theme of the conference was ‘Asia and International Law in Times of Uncertainty’. CIL Director Professor Lucy Reed chaired the session on ‘New Proposals for Investment Dispute Resolution Mechanism’. Head of CIL’s Ocean Law and Policy Programme Associate Professor Robert Beckman chaired the session on ‘New Voices in International Law’, which featured presentations from two CIL Research Associates (see below). He also gave a presentation on the implications of the South China Sea arbitral award.

Director's Activities
7 July 2017: CIL Director Lucy Reed Speaks at the Inaugural Colloquium on International Law of the Asian Academy of International Law in Hong Kong

CIL Director, Professor Lucy Reed, represented the Centre and spoke at the inaugural colloquium on International Law of the Asian Academy of International Law (AAIL) in Hong Kong on 7-8 July 2017. The theme of the colloquium was ‘Common Future in Asia’, with panels on ‘One Country Two Systems: Interaction with International Law’, ‘Investment Collaboration: Opportunities and Challenges for Asia’, and ‘Interpretation of Treaties and UNCLOS: The Regime of Islands, Rocks and Offshore Archipelagos’. The welcome and keynote speakers included the new Hong Kong Chief Executive Mrs Carrie Lam, GBM, GBS; Mr Rimsky Yuen, GBM, SC, JP, Secretary for Justice of Hong Kong; Professor Teresa Cheng SC, Chairman of the AAIL; Dr Li Shishi, President of the Chinese Society of International Law; Professor Zhang Yuejiao, Former WTO Appellate Body Member and Chair; Mr Liu Zhenmin, Vice Minister for Foreign Affairs of China (by video); and Mr Xie Zhenhua, Special Representative for Climate Change Affairs of China.

27 June 2017: CIL Senior Visiting Research Fellow Dr Lynn Kuok Participates in the World Economic Forum’s ‘Summer Davos’

CIL Senior Visiting Research Fellow Dr Lynn Kuok recently participated in the World Economic Forum’s Annual Meeting of the New Champions in Dalian, China, also known as the ‘Summer Davos’. it is the foremost global gathering on science, technology and innovation, and convenes the next generation of fast-growing enterprises shaping the future of business and society, and leaders from major multinationals, government, media, academia and civil society. In keeping with WEF founder Professor Klaus Schwab’s call for economics to be considered in its broader security context, Dr Kuok presented on a panel examining ‘A New Strategic Narrative for Asia’.

Ocean Law and Policy
22 June 2017

CIL Research Fellow Zhen Sun participated in the 6th World Congress for Korean Politics and Society 2017 organized by the Korean Political Science Association, Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries, Korea Foundation and Korea Maritime Institute. The conference was held in Yonsei University, Seoul on 22-24 June on ‘Rebuilding Trust in Peace and Democracy’. Zhen delivered a presentation on ‘Non-Traditional Maritime Security Cooperation in Southeast Asia‘ under the panel on ‘How to Promote Peaceful Uses of the Seas in Asia’.

Ocean Law and Policy
19 June 2017

CIL Senior Research Fellow Youna Lyons participated in the 2017 Global Ocean Regime Conference of the Korea Maritime Institute. The conference was held in Seoul on 19-21 June 2017 on the theme of the role of international law and its limits, in particular the maritime order in Asia after the South China Sea Arbitration. Youna presented on the ‘Protection of the Marine Environment after the SCS Arbitration Award‘.

ASEAN Law and Policy
16 June 2017

On 16–17 June 2017, CIL Head of Ocean Law and Policy Programme Assoc Prof Robert C Beckman and CIL Research Associate Hadyu Ikrami participated in the Asia-Pacific Ocean Law Institutions Alliance (APOLIA) Conference on ‘Maritime Law Enforcement: Asia-Pacific State Practice’ and the ‘South China Sea Workshop on South China Sea Arbitration and Incidental Maritime Issues’. The conference and workshop took place in Da Nang, Vietnam and were organised by the Diplomatic Academy of Vietnam and The Development of International Law in Asia-Korea (DILA-Korea).

Public International Law
15 June 2017

On 15 June 2017, CIL Director Professor Lucy Reed spoke at the public seminar programme on ‘Investor-State Mediation: Perspectives from States, Mediators & Practitioners’ sponsored by ICSID and the American University Washington College of Law Center on International Commercial Arbitration. Lucy again presented the results of the CIL Survey, in the broader context of legitimate versus perceived obstacles to State settlement of investor disputes. 

Public International Law
12 June 2017

On 12–14 June 2017, CIL Director Professor Lucy Reed and Research Assistant Seraphina Chew attended the inaugural Investor-State Mediator Training at World Bank Headquarters in Washington DC sponsored by the Bank’s International Centre for Investment Disputes (ICSID), the Centre for Effective Dispute Resolution (CEDR), the International Mediation Institute, and the International Energy Charter (ECT). This training initiative reflects the increasing interest in mediation and conciliation of investor-State disputes, either before or while the parties resort to international arbitration. Lucy and Seraphina presented the results of CIL’s survey on obstacles to settlement of investor-State disputes, as part of training the participants to identify the inherent impediments States face in voluntarily settling disputes with investors. Other speakers included Meg Kinnear, Secretary-General of ICSID; Karl Mackie, co-founder of CEDR; Anna-Joubin-Bret, a drafter of the IBA Rules on Rules for Investor-State Mediation; and Alejandro Carballo Leyda, General Counsel of the ECT.

Ocean Law and Policy
2 June 2017

CIL Senior Visiting Research Fellow Dr Lynn Kuok recently participated in the IISS-Shangri-La Dialogue, Asia’s premier defence summit of defence ministers and delegates from over 50 countries, as a Southeast Asian Young Leader. The Dialogue was held in Singapore from 2-4 June 2017. Dr Kuok contributed two opinion editorials on recent developments in the South China Sea to The Straits Times and the Wall Street Journal.

ASEAN Law and Policy
18 May 2017

CIL research associates (below) participated in the 14th Asian Law Institute Conference on “A Uniting Force? – ‘Asian Values’ and the Law” on 18–19 May 2017 in Manila, Philippines. The conference was organised by the Asian Law Institute of the National University of Singapore and College of Law at the University of the Philippines. The conference was attended by over 200 legal scholars and practitioners.

CIL Research Associate and Practice Fellow Elsa Sardinha and NUS Faculty of Law Assistant Professor Vincent-Joël Proulx presented a work-in-progress paper entitled ‘Requiem for a Deal, or the End of American Influence in the Investment Chapters of Asia-Relevant FTAs? Can Asian Trade and Investment “Values” Carry the RECP in the Wake of the TPP’s (Potential) Death?’

CIL Research Associate Millicent McCreath presented on ‘Burgeoning Practice of the Establishment of Marine Protected Areas in Southeast Asia to Target the Impacts of International Shipping’.

CIL Research Fellow Dr Zhen Sun presented on ‘ASEAN Framework to Enhance Maritime Security’.

CIL Research Associate Hadyu Ikrami presented on ‘Indonesia-Malaysia-Philippines Cooperation in Combating Maritime Crimes: Lessons from the Malacca Straits Patrol and the Role of ASEAN’. 

Director's Activities
12 April 2017: CIL Director Lucy Reed Represents Centre at Annual Meeting of the American Society of International Law in Washington DC

Professor Lucy Reed, CIL Director, represented the Centre at the 111th Annual Meeting of the American Society of International Law in Washington DC on 12–15 April 2017. Professor Reed was President of the American Society of International Law from 2008 to 2010. With the topical theme of ‘What International Law Values’, highlights of the meeting included: the Grotius Lecture by Harvard University Professor David Armitage entitled ‘Civil War Time: From Grotius to the Global War on Terror’; an interview by New York University Law School Professor Philip Alston of Hudson Medal Winner Professor Georges Abi-Saab; an Assembly address by Professor Philippe Sands on the origins of the ideas of ‘genocide’ and ‘crimes against humanity’ as illustrated in his new book East West Street; and a keynote address by the new General Counsel of the World Bank Group, Ms Sandie Okoro, on gender-based violence entitled ‘Seen and Not Heard’. NUS Law Faculty Dean and CIL Board Deputy Chairman, Professor Simon Chesterman, spoke on the panel on ‘Claims Against the United Nations: From Within and Without’. Ayelet Berman, soon to join CIL as a Senior Research Fellow, spoke on the panel on “The Rise of Multistakeholder Global Governance’. Professor Reed, Dean Chesterman and NUS Professor Tony Anghie attended the Colleague Societies Breakfast as representatives of the Asian Society of International Law. [Photos]

Public International Law
22 February 2017: Professor Lucy Reed Participates in Pepperdine University School of Law’s Events

On 22–23 February 2017, CIL Director Lucy Reed participated in several events at Pepperdine University School of Law in California, which is the home of the well-known Straus Institute for Dispute Resolution. Professor Reed was interviewed by Professor Tom Stipanowich, Dean of the Straus Institute, and Ms Maria Chedid, arbitration partner at Baker & McKenzie in San Francisco, in the inaugural international commercial arbitration ‘A Conversation With…’. Professor Reed spoke to Pepperdine/Straus law students and LLM candidates about the practice of international arbitration and, having judged the final Vis Moot rounds in both Vienna and Hong Kong, was warmly welcomed by the Vis team to sit a practice round. Professor Reed also had meetings on arbitration curricula, including with Professor Jack Coe, a leading international arbitration academic and rapporteur for the American Law Institute’s Restatement of the U.S. Law of International Commercial Arbitration.

International Dispute Resolution
16 February 2017

On 16 February 2017, CIL’s Christopher Thomas QC was a discussant at the symposium on “International Investment Arbitration Across Asia” organised by the Centre for Asian and Pacific Law at the University of Sydney (CAPLUS) and by the Sydney Centre for International Law (SCIL). The following day, he spoke at the “SCIL International Law Year in Review Conference” on the prospects for and challenges to plurilateral and multilateral treaties in the area of international investment protection.

Ocean Law and Policy
25 May 2017

CIL Research Fellow Dr Zhen Sun participated in a Conference on ‘The Russian Far East, Arctic, and China: Reshaping Northeast Asia in the 21st Century?’ on 25-26 May 2017 in Cambridge, the United Kingdom. The Conference was organised by the Center for Rising Powers and took place at the Scott Polar Research Institute at the University of Cambridge. Dr Sun delivered a presentation on “Navigation Rights under UNCLOS: Application in the Arctic Ocean” under the Panel on UNCLOS. To download her presentation slides, click here.

Ocean Law and Policy
27 March 2017

CIL Senior Research Fellow Youna Lyons participated in the Meeting of the Scientific Group of the London Convention and Protocol on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and Other Matter as an observer member of the delegation of the Advisory Committee on Protection of the Sea. The meeting was held at the International Maritime Organization in London on 27-31 March 2017.

Ocean Law and Policy
7 March 2017

Professor Robert Beckman (Head of CIL’s Ocean Law and Policy Programme), Dr Hao Duy Phan (CIL Senior Research Fellow) and Dr Lynn Kuok (CIL Senior Visiting Research Fellow) were invited to participate in the workshop on “Understanding Freedoms of Navigation-ASEAN Perspectives” on 7 March 2017 in Singapore. The workshop was organized by the Institute of Defence and Strategic Studies (IDSS) under the S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies. Professor Beckman presented an “Overview of the International Navigational Regimes”, and Dr Hao Duy Phan spoke about “Vietnam’s Regulations on Navigational Rights of User States in its Maritime Zones”. To see Professor Beckman’s PowerPoint presentation, click here.

Nuclear Law and Policy
7 March 2017

CIL Senior Research Fellows Mr Anthony Wetherall and Ms Denise Cheong and ESI Research Associate Mr Nur Azha Putra participated in the 8th annual Nuclear Power Asia Conference (NPA 2017) held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia from 7 to 8 March 2017. This year’s event was co-hosted by the Malaysian Nuclear Power Corporation (MNPC) and attended by over 200 international and regional stakeholders including representatives from industry, government and academia. Mr Wetherall was a panellist in the keynote panel discussion on ASEAN development, where he identified ways to strengthen ASEAN nuclear governance including the need for the region to establish an emergency preparedness and response (EPR) framework to deal with nuclear accidents. He was also a panellist in the discussion on the challenges in the construction of new nuclear power plants, where he spoke on the legal and policy challenges associated with a future deployment of small modular reactors (SMRs). He also chaired the session entitled “Advanced technology for safety & security”. The programme of the conference is available here. [View image from event]

International Economic Law and Policy
3 March 2017

On 3 March 2017, Research Associate Professor (CIL) N. Jansen Calamita, Head of CIL’s Investment Law and Policy Programme, was an invited speaker at a conference at Blackstone Chambers, London, titled ‘Current Issues in Rule of Law and International Trade and Development’. He spoke about investment treaties, foreign investment and the rule of law, addressing both whether investment treaties lead to higher levels of investment in the signatory states and whether investment treaties lead to improvements in the rule of law. His slides are available here.

International Economic Law and Policy
27 February 2017

On 27-28 February 2017, Research Associate Professor (CIL) N. Jansen Calamita, Head of CIL’s Investment Law and Policy Programme, gave lectures at University College London and the Lauterpacht Centre for International Law at the University of Cambridge. He spoke on the compatibility of the European Union’s new investment tribunal system with existing instruments of the investment treaty regime, such as the ICSID Convention and the New York Convention. A summary of his remarks was reported in Global Arbitration Review. His paper is presently in prepublication review.

Nuclear Law and Policy
27 February 2017

CIL Senior Research Fellows Ms Denise Cheong and Mr Anthony Wetherall, as well as ESI Research Associates Mr Nur Azha Putra and Ms Ira Martina Drupady, participated in the 6th meeting of the Nuclear Energy Experts Group held from 27 to 28 February 2017 in Singapore. This meeting was organised by the Council for Security Cooperation in the Asia Pacific (CSCAP) together with the S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies. Mr Wetherall presented a discussion paper on the potential future deployment to emerging countries of small modular reactors (SMRs), including transportable nuclear power plants (TNPPs). In this context, he proposed the development of a ‘package approach’ to the establishment and implementation of national nuclear legislative and regulatory frameworks. The researchers participated in a number of discussions, including on the prospects of nuclear power growth in the Asia Pacific region and the options for strengthening nuclear governance. Mr Wetherall’s discussion paper can be downloaded here.

11 February 2017

On 11-12 February 2017, CIL Research Associate Hadyu Ikrami judged four preliminary rounds and a semifinal round of the 2017 Indonesian National Rounds of the Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition, held at the University of Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Out of a field of 16 universities , the University of Indonesia and the University of Pelita Harapan were named the champion and runner-up respectively. Both teams will represent Indonesia in the Jessup International Rounds to be held in Washington D.C., USA in April 2017.

Ocean Law and Policy
8 February 2017

CIL Senior Research Fellow Youna Lyons was invited as a speaker to the 9th ASEAN Regional Forum Inter-sessional Meeting on Maritime Security (ARF ISM on MS), held in Tokyo on 8-9 February 2017. Her presentation was titled ‘Developing Cooperative Mechanisms for the Management of the Marine Environment in the South China Sea’ and can downloaded here.

Ocean Law and Policy
6 February 2017

CIL Senior Research Fellow Youna Lyons was invited as an expert speaker at the 3rd Meeting of the CSCAP Study Group on Marine Environmental Protection, held in Tokyo on 6-7 February 2017. Her presentation was titled ‘Establishing MPAs in the Region: Some Considerations’ and can be downloaded here.

Nuclear Law and Policy
24 January 2017

CIL Senior Research Fellow Mr Anthony Wetherall participated in the Legal Frameworks Workshop ‘Vigilant Marmot’ organised by the Global Initiative to Combat Nuclear Terrorism (GICNT) together with the governments of the USA, the Slovak Republic and Canada, and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC). Held in Bratislava, Slovakia, from 24 to 26 January 2017, the event was attended by over 100 participants from GICNT partner nations and representatives of organisations, including the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), UNODC, the International Criminal Police Organization (Interpol) and the United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI). The workshop was organized into a series of seminars, panel discussions and scenario-based dialogues to address challenges in adopting or updating national legal frameworks for nuclear security, highlight obligations under international legal instruments against radiological-nuclear terrorism, and consider practical models for implementing these obligations. The event focused on the criminalisation penalties in the Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material (CPPNM), the 2005 Amendment thereto and the International Convention for the Suppression of Acts of Nuclear Terrorism (ICSANT). Mr Wetherall participated in the panel discussion on the definitions in the aforementioned instruments. He also served as a roaming expert for five workshop sessions.