Professor Tommy Koh, Chairman of CIL's International Advisory Panel, conferred the Adinanta Award.

Congratulations Prof Koh!
Click here for his Speech
CIL Participation in
27th Rhodes Academy
A new Era for IDR:
Breaking the Stronghold of Arbitration
Click Here
CIL welcomed members of the International Advisory Panel to CIL on 16 Jan 2024! On 26 Feb 2024, CIL had the previlege of hearing from Professor Can Yeginsu as he shared his experience and insights about arguing international law before domestic courts and in high-profile cases before international courts, as well as before arbitral tribunals. He also discussed his practice of advising States in contentious and non-contentious matters. Left to Right: Celine Lange, Professor Can Yeginsu and Dr Nilüfer Oral CIL Director Nilüfer Oral and CIL Snr Research Fellow Patrícia Galvão Teles as the Chairs of the International Law Commission together with ICJ President Joan Donoghue at the Sixth Committee meeting of the United Nations General Assembly. Click Here NUS and UiT The Arctic University of Norway sign MOU for further collaboration Read CIL Director Dr Nilüfer Oral,
presented at ITLOS on behalf of COSIS
View Presentation Here
Congratulations Dr Tan Hsien-Li! Recipient of the
National Day 2023 Commendation Award
CIL warmly congratulates
CIL Distinguished Global Fellow, Professor Dire Tladi, for his nomination to the International Court of Justice by South Africa.
CIL celebrates the election of its Director
Nilufer Oral and Adjunct Senior Lecturer, Patricia Galvao-Teles as Chairpersons to the 74th session of the International Law Commission. This marks an important milestone for the Commission as in 74 years this is only the second time a woman will be Chairperson. Nilufer Oral will chair the first part of the 74th session and Patricia Galvao Teles will chair the second part.

CIL also celebrates the election of Martins Paparinskis, the editor-in-chief of CIL Dialogues, as Chair of the ILC Drafting Committee.
Congratulations! Patricia Nilufer
Congratulations! CIL warmly and proudly congratulates Ambassador Rena Lee for her inspiring leadership in successfully navigating the complex negotiations of one of the most important international agreements to conserve biodiversity in areas beyond national jurisdiction.

“The ship has come to shore!"
Congratulations Sadhna! Minister of Education, Mr Chan Chun Sing,
presented the Singapore President's
Efficiency Award Medal to CIL's Sadhna Rai.
Lidija Vidas CIL is very pleased to welcome
Professor Davor Vidas
from Fridtjof Nansen Institute.
Dr Nilufer Oral
CIL Dialogues Editors, Martins, Massimo, Ntina,
Wui Ling and Yvette in CIL!
Welcome Professor Dire Tladi
CIL's Visiting Distinguished Global Scholar!
MOU for academic cooperation signed between the NUS Centre for International Law and the DU Centre for Sustainable Development Law and Policy Read on ... CIL Director Nilüfer Oral and Head of Ocean Law and Policy Professor Robert Beckman, had the pleasure of welcoming Ingvild Ulrikke Jakobsen, Leader of the Norwegian Centre for the Law of the Sea at UiT The Arctic University of Norway to CIL. We look forward to collaborating. The CIL is very pleased to welcome Professor Daniel M. Bodansky as a Visiting Distinguished Global Scholar. Professor Bodansky is a preeminent authority on global climate change whose teaching and research focus on international environmental law and public international law. Click Here Mr Henry Puna and Professor Tommy Koh Launch PIF Course on International Legal Issues CIL Celebrates! Congratulations Congratulations Gerry! In Remembrance of Judge James Crawford The late Prince Philip at NUS in 1972 The Meeting Congratulations Prof Jaya! Prof S Jayakumar appointed as NUS Pro-Chancellor Congratulations!

Upcoming Events

Oxford Intersections-page-001

‘Decentralized Autonomous Organization and AI Legal Personhood’


Literature-based database to inform policy making on marine plastic pollution in ASEAN+3

The International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships

The International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships


‘The Normative Porosity of the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea: From “Human Rights at Sea” to the “Ocean-Climate Nexus”’ (2025) 34 Minnesota Journal of International Law 87.

Report for CIL-NCLOS workshop for website with SMI logo-page-001

Report for CIL-NCLOS Dialogue Workshop on Protection of the Marine Environment and Shipping: Contemporary Challenges and New Approaches, November 2024