CIL Dialogues

An International Law Blog

CIL Dialogues is the re-imagination of the existing blog of the Centre for International Law (CIL) of the National University of Singapore (NUS). The editorial team’s approach to CIL Dialogues reflects two shared commitments. First, we share a generalist perspective of international law, viewed as raising shared foundational questions across specialised fields, institutions, regions, and inquiries. Secondly, we are appreciative that CIL Dialogues is not based in (the virtual space of), or associated with institutions in the ‘Western European and Others States Group’. The blog will therefore be interested in international law broadly conceived and seek to be attentive to regional perspectives to questions of universal and general relevance, particularly relating to Asia Pacific, as well as the views and voices that may have been traditionally excluded. More...

Featured Blogs

The 2023 IMO Assembly Resolution enables States to challenge the ‘Dark Fleet’ that threatens the marine environment

by Robert Beckman, Trung Nguyen and Joel Ong Jie Hao

At its thirty-third biennial meeting on 6 December 2023, the Assembly of the International Maritime Organization (‘IMO’) adopted Resolution A.1192(33) urging Member States and all relevant stakeholders to promote actions to prevent illegal operations in the maritime sector by the ‘dark fleet’ or ‘shadow fleet’ (‘the 2023 Resolution’). Read on ...

Artificial Intelligence And Article 33.4 VCLT

by Tarcisio Gazzini

Artificial intelligence (AI) is set to radically change legal education and the legal profession. Suffice it to mention the administration of justice through machines. This comment focuses on a much more specific issue, namely the interpretation of multilingual treaties. Article 33.4 of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, in particular, directs the interpreter in overcoming differences between equally authoritative texts. Read on ...

Does breaching UNCLOS invoke the right of self-defence?

by Shani Friedman

Since October 2023, as part of the Israeli-Hamas war following the October 7 massacre in Israel, the Houthis – an Iranian-backed Yemeni terrorist group – attacked commercial ships in the Gulf of Aden and the Red Sea in support of Hamas. The attacks range from non-violent boarding and rerouting of ships to using missiles and drones. Read on

China’s engagement with the ITLOS climate change advisory proceedings and its strategic formalism in international law

by Ryan Martínez Mitchell

Several months ago, Beijing decided to take a stand against the expansion of advisory opinion jurisdiction to the full International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (ITLOS), as well as the potential use of such jurisdiction to define climate change obligations under the law of the sea. Read on ...


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Results 1 to 54 of 84
Ocean Law and Policy

Each year, the International Cable Protection Committee (ICPC) and the Rhodes Academy of Oceans Law and Policy (Rhodes Academy) sponsor the Rhodes Academy-ICPC Submarine Cables Writing Award for a deserving paper addressing submarine cables and their relationship with the law of the sea. Applicants to, and graduates of, the Rhodes Academy are eligible to compete …

Rhodes Academy-ICPC Submarine Cables Writing Award for 2020 Awarded to Yang Wenlan for His Paper ‘Protecting Submarine Cables from Physical Damage Under Investment Law’ Read More »

Ocean Law and Policy

A reflection on shipping and pandemics: From 14th century quarantines to the 2005 International Health Regulations by Nilüfer Oral The globalization of trade is not a new phenomenon, with historic examples as the silk route between the 2nd and 14th centuries. It should not be surprising that global trade and increased human mobility also brought …

A reflection on shipping and pandemics: From 14th century quarantines to the 2005 International Health Regulations by Nilüfer Oral Read More »

Ocean Law and Policy
Ocean Law and Policy

Professor Tommy Koh, CIL Chairman and Rector of the Tembusu College, gave the opening speech at and moderated the Tembusu Forum ‘ASEAN at 50: Success or a disappointment?’, which was organised by the Tembusu College at NUS on 12 September 2017. Professor Tommy Koh said that one of the biggest successes achieved by the regional …

Professor Tommy Koh at Tembusu Forum on ASEAN at 50 Read More »

Ocean Law and Policy

CIL participated in the 6th Biennial Conference of the Asian Society of International Law (AsianSIL) on 25–26 August 2017 in Seoul, Korea. The conference was organised by the AsianSIL, the Korea Chapter of the AsianSIL, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea. The theme of the conference was ‘Asia and International …

CIL Participates in 6th Biennial AsianSIL Conference and Junior Scholars’ Workshop in Seoul, Korea, 24–26 August 2017 Read More »

Ocean Law and Policy

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Ocean Law and Policy

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Ocean Law and Policy
Ocean Law and Policy

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Ocean Law and Policy
Ocean Law and Policy
Ocean Law and Policy


Ocean Law and Policy

Assoc Prof Michael Ewing-Chow, Head of CIL’s Trade and Investment Programme was interviewed on Laos’ competitiveness in the global economy with Haslinda Amin on Bloomberg Television’s “On The Move Asia” on 8 February 2013.

Ocean Law and Policy

TV coverage: Singapore to develop arbitration sector by Channel NewsAsia, 11 June 2012 Singapore to host world-class International Arbitration Academy in Channel NewsAsia Online, 11 June 2012 Shanmugam: Singapore will continue to develop the arbitration sector and be pro-arbitration in 938LIVE Online, 11 June 2012 Singapore to continue developing arbitration sector in Global Times Online, …

Media Coverage of the Singapore International Arbitration Academy 2012 Read More »

Ocean Law and Policy

CIL Director Robert Beckman took part in the first edition of Channel NewsAsia’s Perspectives programme at 8.00 PM on 29 April 2012. Perspectives presents a panel of distinguished thinkers from Singapore’s top institutions and think tanks who are expected to gather every month to dissect current events with in-depth analyses. Hosted by Debra Soon, the Managing …

CIL Director Robert Beckman took part in the first edition of Channel NewsAsia’s Perspectives programme at 8.00 PM on 29 April 2012. Read More »
