Researchers' Activities


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ASEAN Law and Policy
Railla Puno at the Gonzaga University School of Law 2023 Human Rights Conference: Human Rights and Climate Change

Railla Puno delivered a presentation based on working paper “Rights-based Approaches for Carbon Dioxide Removal: Asia in Focus” at the 7th edition of the Gonzaga in Florence Human Rights Conference with this year’s theme of Climate Change and Human Rights. The Conference was held in Florence, Italy from 24-25 May 2023 and was hosted by the University of Gonzaga School of Law.

Public International Law
Danielle Yeow participated in an invitation only closed door roundtable on “Countermeasures in Cyberspace”

The  meeting discussed, among others, the status and content of the law of countermeasures as applied in cyberspace.

Ocean Law and Policy
Dita Liliansa spoke at RSIS-ANCORS Workshop on Military Access in Maritime Southeast Asia

The event was a side-line event of the 8th International Maritime Security Conference 2023, jointly organised by S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies (RSIS) and the Australia National Centre for Ocean Resources & Security (ANCORS) on 5 May 2023 in Singapore.

Director's Activities
ASIL ICTIG Event on the Topic: “The Role of International Courts and Tribunals Amidst the Conflict in Ukraine: Avenues for Justice and Peace?”

5 May 2023: CIL Director Dr Nilüfer Oral was Invited to Speak at the ASIL ICTIG Event on the Topic: “The Role of International Courts and Tribunals Amidst the Conflict in Ukraine: Avenues for Justice and Peace?”

Climate Change Law and Policy
Danielle Yeow attended a meeting of the UNFCCC RINGO Oceans Interest Group Quarterly Meeting on 4 May 2023

Danielle Yeow, Lead Climate Law and Policy, attended a meeting of the UNFCCC RINGO Oceans Interest Group Quarterly Meeting on 4 May 2023 to discuss developments relating to climate change and oceans and preparations for the 58th meeting of the Subsidiary Bodies to the UNFCCC and Paris Agreement.

Teaching and Researching International Law in Asia (TRILA)
Amiel Valdez served as a judge at the International Rounds of the 2023 White & Case Jessup International Law Moot Competition

Amiel Valdez joined the 209 lawyers from 59 countries who served as judges in the recently concluded International Rounds of the 2023 Philip C Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition, which was held in person in Washington, D.C., United States of America.

International Economic Law and Policy
N. Jansen Calamita – After the Treaty is Signed: Do States Internalise Investment Treaty Commitments in Their Decision Making?

N. Jansen Calamita – After the Treaty is Signed: Do States Internalise Investment Treaty Commitments in Their Decision Making?

Climate Change Law and Policy
2023 Regional Conference on Preserving Statehood and Protecting Persons: Legal Options and Institutional Responses to the Impacts of Sea-Level Rise, in the context of International Law From 27-30 March 2023

27 March 2023: CIL Director Dr Nilüfer Oral was Invited to Speak at the 2023 Regional Conference on Preserving Statehood and Protecting Persons: Legal Options and Institutional Responses to the Impacts of Sea-Level Rise, in the context of International Law organized by the Pacific Islands Forum which was held in Fiji from 27-30 March 2023.

Climate Change Law and Policy
Joint submission to the Global Stocktake (GST) 2023 process under the Paris Agreement

The Climate Change Law and Policy team, in collaboration with Durham University’s Centre for Sustainable Development Law and Policy and the International Cryosphere Climate Initiative, made a joint submission to the Global Stocktake (GST) 2023 process under the Paris Agreement. This GST is a process for taking stock of the implementation of the Paris Agreement with the aim of assessing the world’s collective progress towards achieving the purpose of the Paris Agreement and its long-term goals. The first stocktake got underway at the UN Climate Change Conference in Glasgow (COP26) and will conclude at COP28 in 2023.

Climate Change Law and Policy
III World Meeting for Societies of International Law Organized by the Peruvian Society of International Law From 23-24 March 2023

24 March 2023:  CIL Director Dr Nilüfer Oral was Invited to Speak at the III World Meeting for Societies of International Law Organized by the Peruvian Society of International Law

Climate Change Law and Policy
Danielle was invited to deliver a seminar as part of the NUS Masters in Environmental Management programme on 17 Mar 2023. 

In her presentation “SHARM EL-SHEIKH TO DUBAI – HOW GOES “THE FIGHT OF OUR LIVES”?”, Danielle shared her views on the key outcomes from COP27 and the developments since Sharm El-Sheikh .  She discussed their implications for governments, industry and civil society and shared her assessment of the current state of affairs in the “fight of our lives” and the road ahead to Dubai.

Climate Change Law and Policy
GNLU-GMU Academy on Climate Change, Marine Biodiversity and Sustainable Shipping 2023 On 13 March 2023

13 March 2023: CIL Director Dr Nilüfer Oral was Invited to Speak at the GNLU-GMU Academy on Climate Change, Marine Biodiversity and Sustainable Shipping 2023

Director's Activities
Global Governance / Multilateralism Webinar on 7 March 2023

7 March 2023: CIL Director Dr Nilüfer Oral was Invited to Speak at the Global Governance / Multilateralism Webinar Organized by ADI-ILA

Teaching and Researching International Law in Asia (TRILA)
Amiel Valdez was invited to judge the oral rounds of Philip C Jessup International Law Moot Competition – Philippine National Rounds.

This is the third time that Amiel was invited to judge the Philippine qualifying rounds. Twelve (12) law schools participated in this year’s competition. The top three (3) winning teams – University of the Philippines (national champion), University of San Carlos (1st runner-up), and Ateneo de Manila University (2nd runner-up) will compete in the international rounds in Washington, DC, USA, this coming April 2023.

International Economic Law and Policy
Yawen Zheng at Sydney Centre for International Law Works-in-Progress Conference and the International Year in Review Conference

One necessary step to limit global warming is to phase out fossil fuel production, which can deprive the value of foreign investments and amount to breaches of investment treaties.

Ocean Law and Policy
Dita Liliansa as a Guest Lecturer at SMU Sustainable Ocean Law and Governance Course on 2 February 2023

The lecture was part of the course ‘Sustainable Ocean Law and Governance,’ taught by Associate Professor Nengye Liu.

Director's Activities
Anthropocene Webinar on 1 February 2023

1 February 2023: CIL Director Dr Nilüfer Oral was Invited to Speak at the Anthropocene Webinar Organized by ADI-ILA

Climate Change Law and Policy
Railla Puno at the Stetson International Environmental Moot Court Competition Southeast Asia Regional Round

The Stetson Moot, organised by the Institute of Biodiversity Law and Policy of Stetson University, is the world’s leading competition on global environmental law issues such as conservation and sustainability. This is the Stetson’s 27th year of hosting this competition.

International Economic Law and Policy
CIL at UNCITRAL Working Group III (Investor-State Dispute Settlement Reform), 44th session, Vienna

The mandate of Working Group III is to develop reforms to the existing regime of investor-state dispute settlement. CIL has been an official observer to Working Group III since 2017, when the Working Group’s mandate began.

Climate Change Law and Policy
Railla Puno at the Jindal International Conference on Business, Law, and Society

The purpose of this conference is to create a platform for scholars of law in Asia, particularly South and South-East Asia to showcase their research, engage with ideas and build professional networks. We believe that this will create opportunities for younger academics in Asia to further build their body of research by facilitating dialogue and research collaborations.

Nuclear Law and Policy
19 – 21 December 2022: Research Fellow Nivedita S and Research Associate Manisha Regalla participated in UNECE Working Group

They participated remotely in this three-day hybrid meeting which was held in Geneva, Switzerland from 19 to 21 December 2022.