Researchers' Activities
Ayelet Berman lectured on International Organizations and Future of Global Health Law
This lecture was part of the Jindal University’s Colloquium on ‘Challenges to Global Governance and Humanities in the 21st Century’.
Beyond UNEP’s 50th Anniversary
15 February 2022: CIL Director Dr Nilüfer Oral was Invited as a Panelist to Beyond UNEP’s 50th Anniversary: Attaining the SDGs A Symposium in Conjunction with the 5th UN Environment Assembly & UNEP@50 Honoring the Memory of Prof. Charles Okidi Odidi
14 – 18 February 2022: CIL Nuclear Team Participates in OECD NEA Fundamentals of International Nuclear Law 2022
Research Associates Manisha Regalla and Annabelle Teo participated in the 2022 session of the “Fundamentals of International Nuclear Law”, an online course developed by the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency (OECD NEA), which was held from 14 to 18 February 2022. Now in its second edition, this course is designed to provide a high-level, introductory review of the central aspects of international nuclear law in a condensed programme.
Over the week, participants from a diverse range of countries and backgrounds learnt about the international nuclear law framework and major issues affecting the peaceful uses of nuclear energy (spanning across nuclear safety, security, safeguards and civil liability for nuclear damage), through attending lectures delivered by leading experts from international organisations, governments and private industry and engaging in panel discussions.
Details of the event and lecturers are available in the OECD NEA’s press release and course programme.
Oxford Handbook on Women and International Law Symposium
10 February 2022: CIL Director Dr Nilüfer Oral was Invited as a Speaker to the Two-day Symposium for the Oxford Handbook on Women and International Law Hosted by the Max Planck Institute Luxembourg
N Jansen Calamita and Ayelet Berman on Investment Treaties and the Rule of Law Promise in Asia
This webinar was organised by the U.S.-Asia Law Institute
8 – 10 February 2022: Research Fellow Nivedita S Attends OSPAR’s Radioactive Substances Committee (RSC) Meeting
Research Fellow Nivedita S attended the annual meeting of the OSPAR’s Radioactive Substances Committee (RSC) held from 8 to 10 February 2022. She was part of the delegation of the Advisory Committee on Protection of the Sea (ACOPS), a non-governmental organisation with observer status with the OSPAR Commission. Held virtually, the main focus of this meeting was to finalise the fifth periodic evaluation (5PE) and the Radioactive Substances Thematic Assessment for the Quality Status Report 2023. The purpose of such evaluations is to analyse the progress made by Contracting Parties to the OSPAR Convention towards the strategic objective of the OSPAR Radioactive Substances Strategy, which aims to reduce discharges of radioactive substances to the North-East Atlantic either to background values or near zero. Strategic issues that the RSC monitors include floating nuclear power stations. The International Atomic Energy Agency and the World Nuclear Association also attended as observers. For more information on RSC, see
6-11 February 2022: CIL Research Associate Maria Pia Benosa at Basel Winter Arbitration School 2022 (Arbitration Lab)
CIL Research Associate Maria Pia Benosa recently completed the inaugural course of the Basel Winter Arbitration School 2022 (Arbitration Lab) at the Law Faculty of the University of Basel from 6-11 February 2022. Joined by both in-person and online participants from over 15 countries, Arbitration Lab featured lectures on key areas relevant to ocean law and policy such as dispute resolution under Annex VII of the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea and the Human Rights at Sea Arbitration Initiative. Basel Arbitration Lab, which aims to provide an overarching platform for a wide range of arbitration practice areas, is a pioneering initiative of Prof. Anna Petrig (University of Basel) and Prof. Yarik Kryvoi (British Institute of International and Comparative Law).
3 February 2022: CIL Nuclear Team Participates in IAEA Webinar on Safety, Security and Safeguards Interfaces and Challenges for Novel Advanced Reactors
Research Fellow Nivedita S and Research Associate Annabelle Teo participated in a webinar entitled “Safety, Security and Safeguards Interfaces and Challenges for Novel Advanced Reactors” organised by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) on 3 February 2022. This was the second webinar in a series of webinars on the safety of Novel Advanced Reactors (NARs) (which includes marine-based small modular reactors), following the completion of a high-level mapping of the applicability of the IAEA Safety Standards to NARs.
Having found during the mapping exercise that the implementation of the safety requirements for NARs at the design stage has interfaces with security and safeguards considerations, the aim of the webinar was to discuss the various interfaces, challenges, synergies and conflicts for the safety, security and safeguards (3Ss) of NARs, taking into account their unique characteristics such as new fuel concepts and transportability. This discussion was timely given that many NARs are still at a conceptual or early design stage, thus presenting a unique opportunity for interested stakeholders to promote and pursue a holistic approach that integrates all 3Ss to support the development and deployment of NARs. Additionally, the webinar also provided an overview of the IAEA’s upcoming activities in this area. Details of the event and speakers are available in the webinar programme.
LinCEJ Seminar Series – Lincoln University Law School (UK) Lecture
2 February 2022: CIL Director Dr Nilüfer Oral was Invited to Lecture at the LinCEJ Seminar Series of the Lincoln University Law School (UK) on Sea Level Rise and the Work of the International Law Commission
Successes and failures of UNCLOS
1 February 2022: CIL Director Dr Nilüfer Oral was Invited as a Panelist to Webinar on “Successes and Failures of UNCLOS” Hosted by Volterra Fietta Law Firm.
This was the inaugural seminar in Volterra Fietta’s seminar series to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (referred to as UNCLOS).