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CIL-ICPC Workshop on the Protection of Submarine Cables – Presentations and Papers

Session 1: Background on Submarine Cables

1. Lionel CARTER, Marine Environmental Advisor, ICPC, Natural Causes of Cable Faults: Hazard Occurrence, Trends and Case Studies
2. Ian DOUGLAS, Managing Director, Telecoms, Global Marine Cable Systems Ltd. Submarine Cable Faults Caused by Maritime Activities
3. Douglas BURNETT, Legal Advisor, ICPC, The International Legal Regime Governing Submarine Cables: UNCLOS and the 1884 International Convention on the Protection of Submarine Cables

Session 2: Repairing Submarine Cables

1. Stephen DREW, Marine Liaison Manager, TE Subcom, Problems faced by Industry in Subsea Cable Repair
2. Associate Professor Robert BECKMAN, Director, CIL, Best National Practices for the Repair of Submarine Cables
3. Alasdair WILKIE, (Hibernia Atlantic) Chairman, UK Cable Protection Committee (UKCPC), Best Regional Practices: The United Kingdom Cable Protection Committee
4. Claus NIELSEN (TDC), Chairman, Danish Cable Protection Committee (DKCPC), Best Regional Practices: Submarine Cable Maintenance by the Danish Cable Protection Committee

Session 3: National Solutions for the Protection of Submarine Cables from Competing Activities

1. Dean VEVERKA (Southern Cross Cables Limited), Chairman, ICPC, Sharing the Seabed with Competing Activities
2. Michael JERKS, Assistant Secretary, Critical Infrastructure Protection Branch, Attorney-General’s Department and Adam CASON, A/g Senior Executive Lawyer, Infrastructure and Digital Economy Services, Department of Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy, Australia, The Australian Government’s Approach to Submarine Cable Security
3. Mike MCGRATH, Technology Operations Manager, Telecom New Zealand, Steps taken by the New Zealand Government and Industry to
Protect Submarine Cables

Session 4: Regional Co-operation for the Protection of Submarine Cables from Competing Activities

1. Robert WARGO, (AT&T), President of the North American Submarine Cable Association (NASCA), The Role of Regional Cable Protection
Committees in the Protection of Submarine Cables
2. ANG Joon Ping Joshua, Director (Submarine Cables) SingTel, A New Regional Cable Protection Committee
3. Adam CASON, Senior Executive Lawyer, Infrastructure and Digital Economy Services, Department of Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy, Australia, The Work of APEC TEL

Session 5: Global Action for the Protection of Submarine Cables from Competing Activities

1. Mick GREEN, (British Telecom) Vice-Chairman, ICPC, Using IMO Rules and Regulations to Protect Submarine Cables
2. Ahmad NORDIN Bin Ibrahim, Principal Assistant Director, Marine Department, Malaysia, The IMO and Anchor Damage in the Singapore Straits
3. James A. R. MCFARLANE, Head, Office of Resources and Environmental Monitoring, International Seabed Authority, The ISA, ICPC and Submarine Cables

Session 6: Global Action for the Protection of Submarine Cables from Terrorism and Piracy

1. Associate Professor Robert BECKMAN,  Director, CIL, Terrorism, Piracy and the Protection of Submarine Cables
2. Vipon KITITASNASORCHAI, Counter Terrorism Officer, UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) Regional Centre for East Asia and the
Pacific, International Law on Counter-Terrorism and the Protection of Submarine Cables
3. Serguei TARASSENKO, Director, UN Division for Ocean Affairs and Law of the Sea (UNDOALOS), Protection of Submarine Cables: The Role of the United Nations